Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 1 Professional Services Partner Enablement November 2013 Greg Richey Director Professional Services
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 2 Agenda ■ Ingram Micro Services Overview ■ Why IM Professional Services ■ What is IM Professional Services ■ Solutions ■ Reward Program ■ Next Steps ■ Q&A
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 3 Services Lifecycle – Managed & Cloud – Professional Services – Training & Education Ingram Micro Services Division
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 4 Ingram Micro is dedicated to uncovering and investing in ways to help our partners extend and develop their IT services businesses safely, with minimal investment & business risk. IM Professional Services End Customer Reseller ( Trusted Advisor) Ingram Micro ( Trusted Provider) ■ ■ Leverage partners’ trust in Ingram Micro to enable them to take advantage of prime, high-value opportunities that may demand more expertise than they have in-house ■ ■ Move product faster to market, extend and support greater product sales ■ ■ Support emerging technologies
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 5 ■ Survey of > 8000 Partners ■ If Ingram Micro were to have a staff of highly skilled engineers and system architects to deliver professional services, would you consider using these services? Do Our Partners Want IM Professional Services
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 6 Branding and Preferred Payment Method ns >= 264
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 7 IM Professional Services VAR Resellers MSP Vendors service providers IM Reseller Partner Network IM Vendors Partner Network Staffing Partners IM Certified IM Professional Services customers services Plan Implement Manage Support Benchmarking Assessment Planning Strategy Design Certification Pre-Sales Tech Support Benchmarking Installation Configuration Tuning Testing System Integration H/W-S/W Upgrades Application Development S/W Customization Migration Benchmarking Administration Asset Management Systems Management Performance Tuning Production Control Back-up and Archiving Replication Help Desk Remote Infrastructure Management Relocation Benchmarking Warranty Asset Disposition Break-Fix Hardware Support Software Support Business Recovery Training/Certification Recycling- Remarketing
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 8 ■ IM is a Trusted Source with proven capability to deliver with consistency, predictability and quality ■ Access to a comprehensive portfolio of tools, products and services for a complete solution ■ Pre Sales Technical Support ■ Subject matter experts in a variety of vertical markets and technologies that can be used to augment and extend internal resources ■ Ability exploit new or expanded service and product revenue streams ■ Sales, Customer Support, Finance, Integration Services and Logistics Support for your business Advantages for our Solution Providers
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 9 Sample Service Offerings NetworkNetwork StorageStorage ServersServers Supports Mobility and Cloud transitions and solutions Delivered through Solution Providers Combination of onsite and offsite services
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 10 ■ Introductory Call and Pre-Sales Consultation – Examine the business need, current wireless infrastructure, compliance or mandate issues and short and long term requirements – Business analysis – Scope of Work (SOW) document ■ Site Survey – Performed on-site by an Ingram Micro certified professional using industry standard practices and the latest tools, the survey will provide a blueprint for the physical design including: A complete analysis of the end user location including a site map with AP mounting locations, areas of wireless coverage, network connectivity and configuration information A Bill of Materials and compliance analysis may also be provided ■ Prepare and present the assessment report of recommendations and findings to the reseller – Hold an interactive workshop with reseller and end user to facilitate knowledge transfer on best practices – Provide a hard and soft copy of the report – Follow up
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 11 ■ A wireless network is no longer a “nice to have” add on to the wired network ■ Higher client density and wireless as the primary connection demand a reliable, robust wireless network ■ Wireless VoIP requires a well thought out wireless network to maintain voice quality ■ Just hanging access points will not get the job done Why conduct a Wireless Assessment? BENEFITS TO END USERS ■ ■ Identify access-point performance, transmission rates, throughput and utilization ■ ■ Increase network resiliency and reliability ■ ■ Optimize performance ■ ■ Improve your security posture ■ ■ Detection of signal bleed outside premise ■ ■ Identify devices accessing the network, RF interference and EMI ■ ■ Lower cost of ownership ■ ■ Mitigate risks leveraging experienced and certified professionals
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 12 ■ Identify business & functional requirements, needs, and issues ■ Review architecture and compared with best practices ■ Review operations to understand – Server Administration, Performance Monitoring – Storage, Network, Security – Load Sizing, Load Balancing, Capacity Planning – Contention Mitigation, Virtual Machine Provisioning – Data Protection and High Availability ■ Hold interactive workshop to facilitate knowledge transfer ■ Present assessment report of findings, recommendations, and solutions roadmap NetworkNetwork StorageStorage ServersServers
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 13 ■ Virtualization is likely a mission critical aspect of a business that touches all aspects of a computing environment ■ Build and maintain an infrastructure to meet SLA, business needs, and future growth ■ Get the most out of a capital investment ■ Validate that the environment is optimized for performance ■ Mitigate risks and improve security compliance through proven best practice ■ Gain the knowledge, technologies, best practices through interactive workshops Why a Virtualization Health Check? BENEFITS TO END USERS ■ ■ Maximize resources through industry best practices ■ ■ Consolidate more applications and heavier workloads ■ ■ Increase agility and reliability ■ ■ Reclaim IT staff time ■ ■ Optimize performance ■ ■ Improve your security posture ■ ■ Lower cost of ownership ■ ■ Mitigate risks leveraging experienced and certified professionals
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 14 Reseller Partner Early Adopter Incentive ■ $500 credit for any IM product or service to Resellers who purchase services ■ Credit good for 60 days from time of order ■ Ends 10/31/13 Partner “Reward” Program
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 15 ■ Information: – ■ SOW/RFP submittals: – Website
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 16 Sales and Support Assistance: | (800) x67247 | x66686 | x66492 To become an Service Provider or Order Professional Services: | (800) Follow us: Ingram Micro Professional Getting Linked Up with IM Professional Services
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 17 Questions
Confidential and proprietary information of Ingram Micro Inc. — Do not distribute or duplicate without Ingram Micro's express written permission _ 18