Indicator 13 File Review 1)Type your name and address (along with all team members participating with you) in the ‘Chat Box’ on the left. 2)CCTS will conduct sound checks between 2:30 and 3:00 to assist those logging on with microphones and/or telephones. 3)If you are having trouble using the voice system please use the ‘Chat Box’ to type in questions and/or responses; we’ll address these mid-way through the webinar and during the last ten minutes. 4)After the webinar, you will receive a follow-up requesting that you complete a quick survey. Thank you for joining us today!
Website: Phone: Center for Change In Transition Services Improving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington State Seattle University OSPI State Needs Project
Raise your hand and wait to be called-on by moderator You may ask questions by typing in the chat box or by raising your hand (if you have a microphone). If you have a microphone, please keep it turned off until called on.
Purpose of Indicator 13 Indicator 13 Overview Accessing the Online System Next Steps
Purpose of Indicator 13
IDEA Regulations §300.1(a) IDEA Purpose To ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living. 7
Purpose for Federal Collection & Reporting Requirements Increased emphasis on accountability in education requires states to report to the public and Office of Special Education Programs information on 20 Indicators. The Indicators are used to determine how well the state is meeting its responsibility under IDEA The Indicators are also to be used within the state for system improvement. 8
Tree of Influence Strategies & activities conducted that reach targeted populations Changes in Condition (e.g., graduation, social well-being, health, economic, civic) Resource invested that allow us to achieve the desired outputs 9
Critical Interrelationship Modified from NSTTAC Quality IEPs Staying in School Graduating Positive Post-school Outcomes (Indicator 13) (Indicator 2) (Indicator 1) (Indicator 14) 10
Indicator 13 Overview
Secondary transition with IEP Goals. Percent of youth ages 16+ with IEP with measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services. [20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B)] Indicator 13 Overview Indicator 13
Indicator 13 Overview
Accessing the Online System
Enter your and password. If you do not know your password or are having difficulty resetting it, contact CCTS.
If you do not see this green button, contact CCTS.
Note the text on the right side. Download the instructions on how to respond to the Online IEP Review for detailed information on each section.
Click here to add a new IEP Review
Enter the demographic information in the boxes provided The question mark graphics are interactive. Hover or click for detailed information on completing each section.
As you enter information, the system auto-saves it. Once you have entered information, you can come back to it at any time without completing the entire survey.
Clicking on the green bar will minimize or maximize each section. Use the text boxes to enter supporting information for each question.
Once you have completed all of the sections, click “Submit Review.” If you receive an error message, check to make sure you have answered all questions. Incomplete reviews will save automatically but cannot be submitted.
Once you submit the review successfully you will receive this message. Please note that once the review has been submitted you will not be able to make any changes. If you would like the survey to be unlocked, contact CCTS.
If you leave the system and need to get back in to complete a student review, you can do so by clicking the link next to the student whose review you want to edit.
Once you have completed the survey your progress will be reflected here.
Next Steps
What kinds of questions should I be asking about the Indicator 13 Review for youth in my district? 30 Next Steps
Transition-Related Program Improvement In what areas are the IEPs written well? What areas need improvement? What is the district doing well? What does the district need to improve? Next Steps
Is there evidence that all students have: Age-appropriate transition assessments? Measurable postsecondary goals? Transition services? Courses of study aligned with PS goals? Annual IEP goals aligned with above? Appropriate adult agencies listed? Next Steps
How do the IEPs differ by Disability categories? Ethnic groups? Building support? Age of student? Next Steps
Inclusion in General Education Career Awareness Community Experiences Exit Exam Requirements/ High School Diploma Status Interagency Collaboration Occupational Courses Paid Work Experience Parental Involvement Program of Study Self-Advocacy/Self- Determination Self-Care/ Independent Living Skills Social Skills Student Support Transition Program Vocational Education Work Study 16 Predictors of Post-School Success What Does the Research Say? NSTTAC, 2008 = Moderate Level of Evidence= Potential Level of Evidence
Programmatic Strengths Why does our district have well-written IEPs for some students and not others? What areas are we doing well in? Not as well? Is there evidence of the predictors on the IEP? What changes need to be made? Think about the 16 predictors of post-school success and our high school transition and academic programs:
Action Planning What are our next steps? What do we need to do to improve the positive outcomes for our youth with disabilities?
Tune in on Wednesdays from 3 to 4 pm. May 15 th The 2013 Post-School Survey It’s that time of year again—all 2012 Post-School leavers’ demographic data is due by June 1, Let us make the process easier for you! June 12 th How Did We Do? Evaluating Our Progress Our last webinar of the year will consist of reviewing our work as Special Education professionals for September 11 th Intro to the Webinar Series Join us for the first webinar of our webinar series! We will begin with an overview of CCTS and the resources we provide, including some exciting improvements we are making to our services.
1) Using the Chat Box, type in at least one tool or support CCTS provided that you found helpful and would like to use again. 2) Let us know at least one way CCTS can better support your team this year. 3) After the webinar, please respond to the quick survey sent to your . Thank you for joining us today!
Phone: (206)