Welcome to Back to School Night! Jenn Rangnow, Social Studies Teacher
Keep in Touch Email- jrangnow@mtsd.k12.nj.us Phone- (609) 466-7604 Send a note with your child
Topics of Study Ancient Civilizations Prehistory Mesopotamia Egypt India Greece Rome Prehistory Current Events- Pertinent as they relate to topics in class
The Cultural Museum Experience (“C.M.E.”) Culminating Activity for Social Studies Create an object in the art room, inspired by Ancient Civilizations June 3 and 4, 2015 at 6:00pm
The Interactive Notebook Used as an organizational tool Left Side- Thoughts, Ideas, Feelings Right Side- Book Notes, Class Information Study Guide for Tests
Interactive Notebook-Supplies to Have at Home Pencils Pens Glue Tape Markers Crayons Colored Pencils Scissors
How is my child doing in Social Studies class? Check out the “Parent Resources” section to see assignments and grades. Encourage your child to use Parent Connect to track subject progress! The “Parent Resources” Link can be found at www.mtsd.k12.nj.us
Is there any homework tonight? Remember, homework is your CHILD’S responsibility…but you can check out Parent Resources, just to be sure. You can find the link to Parent Resources at www.mtsd.k12.nj.us
After-School Help Day Tuesday 2:55pm to 3:55pm You need to pick up your child at 3:55pm They do not need to sign up with me in advance