Our school is Mark Hall. Our school is Mark Hall. b One day you might come to this school.
Our school is Mark Hall. b We are some of the pupils in the school who use wheelchairs or walking frames, and some of us need help to get around the building. b Some of us have medical conditions that other pupils don’t know about.
We thought that you might like to know something about what it is like here. b Before we started at the school we all thought that it would be quite frightening. I was scared that I wouldn’t find my way around and that I would get lost.
b To make us feel better about the school we were able to come and look around. b When we came we were met by people who had visited us in our Primary School and who already understood our needs. b We were all made to feel very welcome.
We still felt quite nervous. I was looking forward to starting Mark Hall school but I was worried that I might get bullied because no-one would like me. I was pleased that no-one said anything about my disability and I was treated like one of them. Also I knew another boy who started with me and he had the same sort of problem.
I was still worried…... I was worried that I might get squashed in the corridors at breaktime, but it didin’t happen. I didn’t want to try my electric wheelchair at first but I love it now.
b We all settled into the school very quickly and we will tell you about the things that have helped us most to enjoy school.
b We can all use the lifts. b There is special equipment in the Food Technology room for us to use if we need to. b There are activities we enjoy in PE. b We can go to Activity Clubs at lunchtime and after school. b We can have a locker. b People in the school are encouraged to help each other. b We all enjoy the dinners. We can talk to the cook if we need something different.
b We have had support from an adult. b We have been given extra time to finish work. b We have had extra time to do homework. b We have been able to sit in the most convenient place in the class. b We have had extra help from the teachers. b We have been able to work with a friend.
We have always been able to get help from……. b The teachers. b The Learning Support Assistants. b People on duty at Breaktime. b Dinner Ladies. b People in the Office. b Caretakers. b FRIENDS.
The other pupils seemed to have noticed that….. Whenever I see a person in Mark hall using a wheelchair or walking frame or who are special in some other way, they always have a group of friends around them supporting them.
We have talked about the things to make our school even better…... b Specialised sports equipment and ways to use it. b Being able to have the opportunity to get changed for PE with my friends. b Even more practical work. b Adjustable height furniture. b A safe out door play area.