The MMU Biology Final CHALLENGE! Round 1
EvolutionHuman Genome DNA Technology Genetics Basics Classification
Categories 5 kingdoms of organisms Classification 100 Points
Categories Classification 100 Points Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia
Categories Classification 200 Points The difference between eubacteria and archaebacteria.
Categories What is archaebacteria are “earliest life” bacteria that live in extreme environments, while eubacteria are commonly known as “germs” and can inhabit a variety of different environments? Classification 200 Points
Categories Classification 300 Points A microscopic unicellular organism is observed to have the following characteristics: a food gullet, a flagellum, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and a nucleus. This organism belongs to which kingdom?
Categories Classification 300 Points What is Protista?
Categories Linnaeus defined the biological classification system that we still use today. It is a hierarchical system that starts with a few categories at the highest level, and further subdivides them at each lower level. List the hierarchy: Classification 400 Points
Categories Classification 400 Points Kingdom Phylum / Division Class Order Family Genus Species
Categories Three methods of classification. Classification 500 Points
Categories What is: Traditional/orthodox- stresses both common ancestry and the amount of divergence among groups Phentic- is a process by which taxa are clustered together based on the number of their similarities. Cladistics- groups organisms based on shared derived characters, not the overall similarity of potential group members. Classification 500 Points
Categories The physical characteristics of an organism. Basic Genetics 100 Points
Categories Basic Genetics 100 Points What is the phenotype?
Categories Basic Genetics 200 Points Having a pair of identical alleles for a characterisitc.
Categories What is homozygous? Basic Genetics 200 Points
Categories Basic Genetics 300 Points A situation in which a gene has more than two alleles (ex. blood type).
Categories Basic Genetics 300 Points What is multiple alleles?
Categories An F 1 rabbit that is homozygous for whiteness is crossed with a heterozygous black rabbit. The probability of having a white bunny. Basic Genetics 400 Points
Categories What is 50 %? Basic Genetics 400 Points b b B Bb- black b bb- white
Categories How polygenic traits and pleiotropy are opposites. Basic Genetics 500 Points
Categories pleiotropy is when you have one gene that affects more than one trait (ex. cystic fibrosis) polygenic traits are when you have multiple genes coding for one trait (ex. hair or eye color) Basic Genetics 500 Points
Categories Using an electric voltage to separate DNA fragments placed in a porous gel by their sizes. Genetic Engineering 100 Points
Categories Genetic Engineering 100 Points What is gel electrophoresis?
Categories Genetic Engineering 200 Points An organism that contains genes from another organism.
Categories What is a transgenic organism? Genetic Engineering 200 Points
Categories Genetic Engineering 300 Points DNA can be cut into shorter sequences by this.
Categories Genetic Engineering 300 Points What is a restriction enzyme?
Categories What is needed to make recombinant DNA. Genetic Engineering 400 Points
Categories What is a restriction enzyme, a bacterium plasmid, and donor DNA, and ligase? Genetic Engineering 400 Points
Categories How a PCR is made. Genetic Engineering 500 Points
Categories DNA is heated to separate the strands DNA is cooled so that synthetic primers anneal to target section DNA is warmed for elongation of strand DNA polymerase makes copies of the region between the primers Genetic Engineering 500 Points
Categories A condition where an individual receives three copies of one chromosome. The Human Genome 100 Points
Categories The Human Genome 100 Points What is a trisomy?
Categories The Human Genome 200 Points An image of all chromosomes lined up by size.
Categories What is a karyotype? The Human Genome 200 Points
Categories The Human Genome 300 Points This determines whether a person is male or female.
Categories The Human Genome 300 Points What is the x and y sex chromosomes (number 23)?
Categories Two examples of human sex-linked disorders. The Human Genome 400 Points
Categories What is color blindness, hemophilia, and muscular dystrophy? The Human Genome 400 Points
Categories This describes the process of DNA fingerprinting. The Human Genome 500 Points
Categories a small sample of DNA is cut with restriction enzymes. The fragments are separated by using electrophoresis fragments containing highly variable regions of DNA are detected with a DNA probe? The Human Genome 500 Points
Categories Definition of a species. Evolution 100 Points
Categories Evolution 100 Points What is a taxonomic group whose members can interbreed and produce fertile offspring?
Categories Evolution 200 Points The guy who thought that organisms acquired traits by using their bodies in new ways and then passing those traits on to their offspring
Categories Who is Jean-Baptiste Lamarck? Evolution 200 Points
Categories Evolution 300 Points Selection where the extreme phenotypes are eliminated.
Categories Evolution 300 Points What is stabilizing selection?
Categories Two types of evidence that Darwin used to support his theory of change over time. Evolution 400 Points
Categories The fossil record Geographic distribution Homologous structures Embyonic development Evolution 400 Points
Categories Conditions that are required to maintain genetic equilibrium Evolution 500 Points
Categories random mating Large population size No immigration or emigration No mutations No natural selection Evolution 500 Points
Categories It is time for round two!
Categories The Daily Double