Go to (County’s website address) and from the top menu put your cursor on Business Resources. Click on Government Procurement from the drop down menu.
Click on BuyNet eProcurement under Government Procurement Links..
You should now see the home page of BuyNet II on your computer screen. Click on “Register”. (Note - if you only login as a Guest, you cannot access the individual solicitation documents in Buynet)
You should now have this screen. Create your User ID & Password as instructed and complete the rest of the page (at a minimum – complete those items that are bolded)
When you are done with your registration information... click on “Register” at the bottom of the screen
You should now see this screen. (If you do not, go back and check your entries to ensure they were all completed correctly and press Register again at bottom of page.) Next, you want to register for your commodities or services for notification. Click on the button at the bottom to register for those commodities or services.
You should now see this screen: County solicitations are coded to the lowest possible level. You may register at Family (highest) Class, or Commodity (lowest) level only. When you register for a UNSPSC code, you will be notified of ALL posted solicitation lines that match that level and higher. We recommend that you register at the highest applicable level. (Note – SD County BuyNet does not use the business type).
For demonstration purposes only, to see if any codes exist for Social Services, type the word “Social” into the Search box at the right to search. Since you are browsing by Title, change the Browse Segment level to Title. (left corner). Check to see if the “search for” was by title as well. Then, click “GO”
To browse the hierarchal list, look to the right of the number and see at what level each of the definitions are given for Social. You can decide at this point at what levels you wish to register. You can now see the hierarchy of either the Family, Class or Commodity.
If you click on the Magnifying Glass next to the number, you will get the informational screen showing hierarchy of that code (see next slide to show detail).
This shows you the Detail. If it is correct, then close the Commodity Detail window, and click on the Floppy Disk next to the code for which you want to register. You have successfully registered for that Commodity code and the upper portion of the Buynet screen should now show you what codes you are registered for.
To update or remove Commodity Codes from your profile, log onto Buynet and choose “My Profile” from the top menu
Click on the word “Commodities” at the top of the screen to change commodities within your profile
BuyNet will show what commodity code(s) are in your profile in the upper portion of the screen. You may register for as many codes as you wish, and can update your profile at any time. If you want to remove any codes from your profile at a future date, simply select the corresponding box to the right of the selected code you wish to remove and click on the Red X to remove. That commodity code will no longer be in your profile for notifications.