PANKAJ KUMAR MBA (AGRI-BUSINESS) Faculty of Management Studies Banaras Hindu University Varanasi
Background of Project Objective of Study Research Methodology Findings Conclusion Recommendation Flow of presentation
Price risk of agriculture. It has been realized by policy maker that introduction and proliferation of futures trading will benefit Indian agriculture. NABARD trying to pass on the benefits of futures commodity market to Indian farmers. Background of Project
1. To study the existing marketing channel of wheat in Uttar Pradesh. 2. To study the relationship between the spot and future prices of wheat. 3. To study the futures price dissemination through different sources. Objective of the Study
Nature of Research Exploratory and quantitative Data Collection Research Design Nature of DataWheat PriceSourceDuration Primary SpotShahjahanpur Mandi (UP) 34 Months Secondary Futureswww.ncdex.com34 Months
Questionnaire Used Structured, open ended and non disguised. Sampling Technique Judgmental and Snowball Sampling
☺ Study Area Shahjahanpur, Bareilly, Hapur, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut ☺ Statistical Tools Correlation, Standard Deviation, Weighted Average, Mean, Line Graph, Bar Graph ☺ Limitations of Study The accuracy of the findings mostly depends on willingness of the respondents. Econometric analysis futures and spot prices are not conducted. Only five districts of Uttar Pradesh have been selected for the study
Marketing Channels of wheat
Variable Duration (Months) r IndependentDependent Spot PriceFutures Price Correlation (r) Analysis
Quarterly ‘r’ Analysis of Spot & Futures Prices
Price Fluctuation Trend
Analysis of Standard Deviation
Spot Price Information
Access to futures Price Sources
Price Dissemination
Conclusion 1. Farmers are at the mercy of adathiyas of Mandi. 2. Futures and spot market are highly correlated. 3. Spot and futures price showing similar fluctuation trend it means that both the markets are interrelated.
Cont… Study don’t find any type of speculative activity in relation to wheat price. 5. Different sources having futures price information is not accessible by the farmer.
1. There is need to reform the marketing channel so that farmers will get fair price of their wheat produce. 2. As farmers are more dependent on adathiyas from sowing to selling, there is need to break this relationship by providing special loan to interested farmers. 3. Strengthening of warehouse receipt finance so that it helps the farmers to become more responsive to market opportunities. Recommendations
4. Involvement of private players as an aggregator who can do the futures trading of wheat on behalf of farmers. 5. An efficient futures market can ensure better return to farmers, reducing the need for government intervention through price support & subsidies so, it must be encouraged. Cont…
7. There is need to create awareness among the farmers about the benefits of futures commodity market. 8. Easy availability of futures price movement of agri commodities for farmers, this information helps the farmers in making decision about which crop to grow. Cont….
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