SV HS Announcements
Sausage, Egg and Cheese Muffin 9/24
9/25 Cinnamon Pizza or Cinnamon Bosco with a yogurt cup
9/26 Waffle Sticks or French Toast Sticks Sausage and Hash brown
Lunch Menu
Wednesday, September 24 th Chesaning
Wednesday, September 24 th Chesaning
Wednesday, September 24 th Chesaning
Tuesday, September 23 rd Hemlock
The Volleyball program needs volunteers to work tournaments on October 18th volunteers needed to help with concession, lines, score flipping, score book, and libero tracking. See Mrs. Palmer (room 200) if you are interested.
Volunteers are needed to work-one-one with elementary students helping them with reading skills on Wednesdays from 3:25 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. beginning in October and ending in April. High School students will receive Community Service for participating in this program. Stop in the office if you are interested.
Segment 2 for drivers training is October 13, 14 and p.m. in rm. 403 (Mr. Lange's room). Sign up sheet is in the office.
PICTURE RETAKES: Friday, October 3rd
High- 64 degrees Low- 46 degrees
High- 74 degrees Low- 51 degrees
High- 75 degrees Low- 49 degrees
High- 77 degrees Low- 52 degrees
High- 77 degrees Low- 53 degrees