DUSEL S-1 Themes Evolution of the Biosphere Resources: Origin, Discovery and Exploitation Humans and the Environment Problems Questions?
A resource is a naturally occurring solid, liquid or gas that occurs in a form and amount such that economic extraction of a commodity is currently or potentially feasible (Craig, Vaughn & Skinner). Gold, silver, copper, diamonds, sand, gravel, water, air (nitrogen), petroleum, natural gas, coal, cotton, corn are all considered resources according to CVS Money, plastic, paper are not resources. Iron is a resource, steel is not!
Resources: Origin, Discovery and Exploitation Simulation of ore-forming processes Question: What role do temperature, pressure, fluid composition, fluid mixing, boiling, pH, f O2, lithology, biology, fracture density, fracture aperture play in metal transport and deposition in Mississippi Valley Type deposits?
Methodology Isolate volume of rock ( m 3 ) Characterize rock mass (composition, fractures, etc.) Introduce fluids of different T, X, along different flow paths (acid metal chloride, hydrocarbon, sulfate-bearing, etc.) Collect fluids to monitor global changes Instrument the rock mass (T, P, strain, etc.) Continuous geophysical monitoring At completion of experiment mine-back the rock mass to examine the ore deposit
Disciplines/techniques Mining engineering Rock mechanics Geochemistry Hydrogeology Geophysics Structural geology Geobiology Others?