How to use the Travel Claim Form. When you open the Travel Claim Form you will need to Enable the Content for the form to work correctly. If you receive.


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Presentation transcript:

How to use the Travel Claim Form

When you open the Travel Claim Form you will need to Enable the Content for the form to work correctly. If you receive a Security Warning Pop-Up Box to make the File a Trusted Document Click YES. Getting Started Security Warnings – Enable Macros and Trust Document

The Top of the spreadsheet is where you enter your personal information (lines 3 through 12). This area is not included on the finished travel form, ALL data entered here will appear in the Middle Section.

You will need to enter your name, address, and select your Program. Next you will need to enter your Official work station, select your Position and the enter the number of miles between your home and workstation.

The next section of the spreadsheet (lines 15 through lines 26) is the actual top of your travel document. The only entry you will make here is your signature (after you complete the entire document). The rest of the information will update from entries you make elsewhere. Notice on the left side of the image below that the personal information entered in the top of the spreadsheet, Program; Official Work Station; Position; & Commute Miles (# of miles from home to official workstation), has been automatically added.

The payment period will automatically update from the earliest and latest dates you enter for your travel in the next section. The Program Code and amounts for each will also update as travel is added to your spreadsheet.

Remember to come back to this section and Sign your Travel once you have completed entering all of your Travel for the period.

The last section is where you enter the dates and locations you travelled between for the period. You will also need to include the time left and time arrived, travel type, and reason or purpose of your travel. If you had a trip with an overnight stay you will need to include the Meals and incidentals rate for the city you stayed (as listed on the website) and any out of pocket parking costs.

If you use all of the lines provided click the Add Page 2 button. You can add up to 10 pages. If you add to many pages just click the Close Empty Pages button and all pages after your last mileage entry will close.

If you are travelling between your Program’s Centers you can use the drop down to enter locations. Locations available in the Drop Down will be determined by the Program Selected by the user.

If you travel from one Center to another Center and use the drop down list on both the Place Left and Place Arrived the Miles will automatically be entered. (See line 30 in image below).

You can find the mileage Between locations by Searching MapQuest. Remember to select Shortest distance in the Options link.

Once you have entered Mileage or other costs to be reimbursed you will need to select the Travel type from the drop down found on the Top line of the Reason or Purpose of your Travel. Each Program will have a unique list to select From. CSBG, for example, has Regular CSBG Travel, varying types of Voucher Travel, Commodity Travel, Training, Etc. The selection you make will determine the coding for total of the entries (mileage and other reimbursements) for that line.

If the location travelled to and the travel type selected from the drop down list does Not Clearly explain your travel then add more details in the cell Below the drop down list box. In the example above it is not clear as to why there was travel to Boones Creek Head Start. Including “Drop off classroom supplies” clarifies the reason for the travel. Not all travel will require additional clarification. The location travelled and the travel type tells us this travel was related to one of our client’s voucher for glasses.

Now that some travel data has been entered the Payment Period has populated the earliest date and the latest date. Also, the coding and the dollar amount for the different types of travel are listed as well as the Total Due Claimant.

When you finish entering in all of your travel you will need to Sign the Form. Go back to where the Signature Lines are located (if you are several pages down just use one of the links to return you to the top of the page) and press the Click to Sign Button.

Once You click to Sign, You will receive a confirmation Box for you to confirm you have Reviewed your travel For Accuracy and Correctness. If you have - click Yes, if you have not - Go back and review the travel form. The next confirmation Box is where you confirm the travel you listed is true & correct and is in accordance With the Agency’s policies.

Now you can Sign your Travel. Just type your name into the Box and press Ok. Your Signature now appears On your travel Claim Form. Also, the date you signed is entered.

Now we need to get your travel claim form to your supervisor. -Click the File Tab at the Top Left Hand Corner.

Next Click Save & Send. Then click Send as PDF.

Outlook will Open with your Travel Claim form. You need to enter your supervisor’s into the To: field. Add a message and click the send button. We will take care of it from here.

One last thing, Don’t forget to save your spreadsheet!!!!!!!!! If there is a problem you can edit your spreadsheet and resend it. Click File, Save As, then enter the name you want it saved as.