Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung


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Presentation transcript:

Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung The Google File System Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung Proceedings of the nineteenth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles, October 19-22, 2003, Bolton Landing, NY, USA Sanjay Ghemawat: working at Google since late 1999 on distributed systems, performance tools, indexing systems, compression schemes, memory management, data representation languages, RPC systems, and other systems infrastructure projects. I graduated with a Ph.D. in Computer Science from MIT Howard Gobioff: Carnegie Mellon University‘s School of Computer Science in late 1999 with his PhD in Computer Science. advertising system, the core crawling system, the indexing system, and lead the Google Filesystem effort for several years. Focused on large scale distributed systems, operating systems, and security. Shun-Tak Leung: Before that, he graduated with a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Washington. He has worked on distributed systems, data storage, performance profiling, compiler optimizations, and parallel computing

Introduction and Motivation

Introduction and Motivation Background: Goals of distributed file system: Performance, scalability, reliability, and availability. Motivation: Departure from some earlier file system design assumptions based on Google’s application workloads and technological environment. Point out in next few pages.

Different point(1/3) Component failures are the norm rather than the exception. The file system consists of hundreds or even thousands of storage machines built from inexpensive commodity parts. Things to do: Constant monitoring Error detection Fault tolerance Automatic recovery

Different point(2/3) Files are huge by traditional standards(Multi-GB files are common): Each file typically contains many application objects such as web documents. We are regularly working with fast growing data sets of many TBs comprising billions of objects. It is unwieldy to manage billions of traditionally KB-sized files. Things to do: Redesign I/O operation and block sizes.

Different point(3/3) Most files are mutated by appending new data rather than overwriting existing data. Random writes within a file are practically non-existent. Once written, the files are only read, and often only sequentially. E.g. data streams continuously generated by running applications E.g. intermediate results produced on one machine and processed on another


Six Design Assumption The system is built from many inexpensive commodity components that often fail. The system stores a number of large files. Small files must be supported, but we need not optimize for them. The workloads primarily consist of two kinds of reads: Large streaming reads and small random reads. Performance-conscious applications often batch and sort their small reads.

Six Design Assumption(con’t) The workloads also have many large, sequential writes that append data to files. Once written, files are seldom modified again. The system must efficiently implement well-defined semantics for multiple clients that concurrently append to the same file. High sustained bandwidth is more important than low latency. Most of our target applications place a premium on processing data in bulk at a high rate.

GFS Architecture

GFS Architecture Roles: Files are divided into fixed-sized chunks. A GFS cluster consists of a single master and multiple chunk servers and is accessed by multiple clients. Files are divided into fixed-sized chunks. Each chunk is identified by a globally unique 64 bit chunk handle. Assigned by the master at the time of chunk creation. Underlined roles are commodity Linux machine running a user-level server process

Overview 1 2 3

Illustration of files and chunks User’s File(Large) Size: 64MB ID: 64bit chunk handle Chunk #1 Chunk #2 Chunk #3 Empty User’s File(Small) Size: 64MB ID: 64bit chunk handle Chunk #1 Empty Each chunk is hosted by 3(default) different chunk server. User needs to do: Translate file name and offset to file name and chunk index. Exchange file name and chunk index for chunk handle and chunk location from master Get File from chunk server with chunk handle and byte range

Single Master Advantage: Possible drawback: Solution: Global knowledge to decide the location of chunks. Possible drawback: Bottleneck. Solution: Cache(chunk location and chunk handle) on client. Larger chunk size. A chunk may cover more region of a file.

Chunk Size Larger size: Benefits: 64MB(much larger than typical file system block sizes). Chunk is store in chunk server as a plain Linux file. Benefits: Reduce masters overhead when clients read or write. It reduces the size of the metadata stored on the master. Metadata(keeps in master server’s memory): The file and chunk namespaces(describe later) The mapping from files to chunks Version of chunk

HeartBeat message and Operation Log HeartBeat messages(periodically) Let master controls all chunk placement and monitors chunk server status. Operation Log: Contains a historical record of critical metadata changes. Serves as a logical time line that defines the order of concurrent operations. Failover: Checkpoint: replicate the whole metadata in memory to hard disk Store checkpoint data and log both locally and remotely. If fail: Replay the operation log from checkpoint

System Interaction

Lease and mutation order A mutation is an operation that changes the contents or metadata of a chunk. E.g. a write or an append operation. In normal case, each mutation is performed at all the chunk’s replica. Lease: Maintain a consistent mutation order across replicas. The master grants a chunk lease to one of the replicas, which we call the primary.

Lease and mutation order(con’t) Lease(con’t): The primary picks a serial order for all mutations to the chunk. All replicas follow this order when applying mutations. Minimize management overhead at the master Timeout and extension: A lease has an initial timeout of 60 seconds. If a chunk is being mutated, the primary can request extension. Piggybacked on the HeartBeat messages.

Write control and data flow Each secondary replica applies mutations in the same serial number order and then replies success message. Step 6 The primary replies to the client(including error or success). Step 7 The primary decide the mutation order and forwards the write request to all secondary replicas. Step 5 The client pushes the data to all the replicas in any order. Data will be temporally stored in an internal buffer in chunk server. Step 3 Asks the master which chunk server holds the current lease for the chunk and the locations of the other replicas. Step 1 Replies the identity of the primary and the locations of the other (secondary) replicas. (Client will cache this data) Step 2 The client sends a write request which identifies the data push earlier to the primary. Step 4

Data flow We decouple the flow of data from the flow of control to use the network efficiently. Control flows: from the client to the primary and then to all secondaries. Data flow: is pushed linearly along a carefully picked chain of chunk servers in a pipelined fashion. Forwards the data to the “closest” machine in the network topology that has not received it. Ideal time for transferring B bytes to R replicas: 𝐵 𝑇 +𝑅𝐿 T is the network throughput and L is latency to transfer bytes between two machine

Record Appends In order to support concurrent writes from multiple clients. The client specifies only the data.(no offset) GFS appends it to the file at least once atomically (i.e., as one continuous sequence of bytes) at an offset of GFS’s choosing and returns that offset to the client. The primary appends the data to its replica Tells the secondaries to write the data at the exact offset where it has. Replies success and offset to the client.

Record Appends(con’t) At least once concept: If a record append fails at any replica, the client retries the operation. Replicas of the same chunk may contain different data possibly including duplicates and record fragment. Clients can use checksum containing in each record to filter record fragment. Checksum and record functionality are in library code shared by Google applications

Master operation

Namespace Management and Locking We allow multiple operations to be active in master by using locking to ensure proper serialization. Recall that GFS does not have a per-directory data structure. It only store file and chunks mapping. So, GFS logically represents its namespace as a lookup table mapping full pathnames to metadata. By using read/write lock on namespace tree to ensure serialization.

Replica Placement The chunk replica placement policy serves two purposes: Maximize data reliability and availability Maximize network bandwidth utilization The policy: It is not enough to spread replicas across machines. Did not consider network bandwidth utilization. We must also spread chunk replicas across racks.

Creation, Re-replication, Rebalancing Creation Policy: Place new replicas on chunk servers with below-average disk space utilization. For load balancing Limit the number of “recent” creations on each chunk server. A creation may imply imminent heavy traffic. Re-replication Policy: Re-replication if the number of available replicas falls below a user-specified goal. Extend creation policy. Bandwidth threshold To keep cloning traffic from overwhelming client traffic.

Creation, Re-replication, Rebalancing(con’t) The master rebalances replicas periodically: Examines the current replica distribution. Moves replicas for better disk space and load balancing. Note: through this process, the master gradually fills up a new chunk server rather than instantly swamps it with new chunks.

Garbage collection Garbage source: Garbage collection mechanism After a file is deleted, GFS does not immediately reclaim the available physical storage. Master only log the deletion operation. Chunk creation may succeed on some chunk servers but not others. Garbage collection mechanism Periodically executed. Merged with regular scans of namespaces and handshakes with chunk servers. Any such replica not known to the master is “garbage.” Including wrong version of files.

Master Availability The master state is replicated for reliability. Operation log and checkpoints are replicated on multiple machines. Moreover, “shadow” masters provide read-only access to the file system. They may lag the primary slightly.(Not mirror) It polls chunk servers at startup (and infrequently thereafter).

Data Integrity A chunk is broken up into 64 KB blocks and each has a corresponding 32 bit checksum. This checksum is stored in chunk server’s memory. For reads, the chunk server verifies the checksum of data blocks that overlap the read range before returning any data. Low overhead: Checksum calculation can often be overlapped with I/Os During idle periods, chunk servers can scan and verify the contents of inactive chunks


Clusters and measurement Cluster A is used regularly for research and development by over a hundred engineers. Cluster B is primarily used for production data processing

Read and Write Rate The total workload consists of more reads than writes as we have assumed.

Fast Recovery Experiment 1: Experiment 2: Killed a single chunk server in cluster B. Containing: 15,000 chunks containing 600 GB of data. All chunks were restored in 23.2 minutes, at an effective replication rate of 440 MB/s. Experiment 2: Killed two chunk servers in cluster A Each with roughly 16,000 chunks and 660 GB of data. This double failure reduced 266 chunks to having a single replica. All restored to at least 2x replication within 2 minutes

Workload Breakdown -Chunk Server Load

Conclusion GFS demonstrates the qualities essential for supporting large-scale data processing workloads on commodity hardware. We treat component failures as the norm rather than the exception. Optimize for huge files that are mostly appended to (perhaps concurrently). Our system provides fault tolerance by Constant monitoring, replicating crucial data, and fast and automatic recovery. High aggregate throughput to many concurrent readers and writers performing a variety of tasks.

Comment The design of master and chunk server can be used in cloud storage service. Maybe can host database but may have some technical issue. Some designs are depends on workload type such as large file read/write. It may not fit general case in cloud. If we host file system in better hardware, can how we improve the performance by modify the design?