Sentence fluency p. 129-136 Fahrenheit 451 Barry 2010
Sentence fluency involves using a variety of sentence beginnings sentence fluency: the quality of writing in which sentence structures enhance meaning and readability Sentence fluency involves creating a variety of sentence rhythms and lengths Sentence fluency involves using a variety of sentence beginnings Adapted from the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
What is Sentence structure? Here is an example of how to play with sentence structure: The night was rainy. The air was cold. The old man shuddered as he walked home. Rainy and cold, the night air made the man shudder as he walked home. The night was rainy and cold. Shuddering, the old man walked home.
Sentence structure Often, there is not a right or wrong answer to sentence structure. However, some sentence structures are awkward and confusing. Strong writers consciously use sentence structure to achieve the effect that they want.
Strong Sentence fluency Writing with great sentence fluency has an easy flow, rhythm, and cadence that makes the writing pleasant to hear read aloud. Sentences are well built, with strong and varied structure that enhances meaning and readability. Adapted from the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
Strong Sentence fluency Writing with strong sentence fluency: 1. has sentence structures that enhance the meaning of writing 2. has sentences with a variety of lengths and structures 3. has purposeful and varied sentence beginnings 4. has effective connectives/transitions between sentences and ideas Adapted from the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
1. Sentence structure Sometimes sentence structures can be awkward enough to cause confusion. Strong writers use clear sentences structures that enhance the meaning the writer wishes to convey.
Strong writers use a variety of sentence structures and lengths. 2. structure and length Writing with sentences of the same structures and lengths becomes repetitive and boring. Strong writers use a variety of sentence structures and lengths.
3. Sentence beginnings Writing with sentences that begin with the same words and structures becomes boring. Strong writers use a variety of sentence beginnings to enliven writing.
4. Strong connectives/transitions Writing that lacks connectives and transitions between ideas and sentences is difficult to understand. Strong writers connect ideas effectively so the reader can understand the writing.
grade the Passage Give each passage a score out of 5 for sentence fluency. We will discuss scores as a class.
grade the Passage 1. The Winslow family visited Canada and Alaska last summer to find some native American art, such as soapstone carvings and wall hangings. Anchorage stores had many soapstone items available. Still, they were disappointed to learn that wall hangings, which they had especially wanted, were difficult to find. Sadly, they left empty-handed. Example from the OWL Writing Lab at Purdue University
grade the Passage 2. Many really good blues guitarists have all had the last name King. They have been named Freddie King and Albert King and B.B. King. The name King must make a bluesman a really good bluesman. The bluesmen named King have all been very talented and good guitar players. The claim that a name can make a guitarist good may not be that far fetched. Example from the OWL Writing Lab at Purdue University
grade the Passage 3. The bass creates the foundation for the jazz band’s sound. The bass often sounds like someone is walking up and down stairs. The saxophone creates texture in the sound. The saxophone is like the filling between layers of cake, gluing the sound together. The trombone provides extra stability to the deep tones in the sound. The trombone can sound mellow or brassy. The trumpet is the frosting on top of the cake. The trumpet is bold, bright, and in your face.
grade the Passage Take a moment to watch Mrs. Barry revise passage 3 to have better sentence fluency. Remember, good writers are constantly revising!
4. The house was silent. grade the Passage Montag approached from the rear, creeping through a thick night-moistened scent of daffodils and roses and wet grass. He touched the screen door in back, found it open, slipped in, moved across the porch, listening. Mrs. Black, are you asleep in there? he thought. This isn’t good, but your husband did it to others and never asked an dnever wondered and never worried. And now since you’re a fireman’s wife, it’s your house and your turn, for all the houses your husband burnt and the people he hurt without thinking. The house did not reply.