Advertising campaigns Using SOAPSTONE, EPL, and style, you will be tasked with coming up with an advertising campaign.


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Presentation transcript:

Advertising campaigns Using SOAPSTONE, EPL, and style, you will be tasked with coming up with an advertising campaign

What is a campaign? A series of advertisement messages Share a single idea and theme Appears in different media across a specific time frame Examples of media are: ◦Print (newspaper, magazine, flyers) ◦Radio ◦Television commercial ◦Press release ◦Billboard/bus

Critical! Part of making an advertising campaign is determining the THEME!!! ◦It sets the tone for individual ads ◦It connects the central message ◦Usually developed with the intention of being used for a substantial period ◦Should reflect the goal of the product being marketed

Lets take a look We’re going to look at an ad campaign for the latest iPhone While we see their campaign, make note of the different mediums that they advertise and see if you can spot the theme and what connects them all.

First, the launch

Press Release Look at the handout provided. Look for: ◦Repeating words ◦Organization ◦Message ◦Theme ◦Diction ◦Information given


Bus stop

Commercials (double click black box)



Old internet ad

On-line marketing

Connect them all Using your Rhetorical web map, connect all the ads and determine what the theme is. How do you know? Determine whether or not you feel the ad is successful with their purpose. ◦250 words minimum. ◦Due Tuesday