Why Study? The French Revolution. Reason #1 “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,”The Enlightenment ideals expressed in the slogan of the French Revolution,


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Presentation transcript:

Why Study? The French Revolution

Reason #1 “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,”The Enlightenment ideals expressed in the slogan of the French Revolution, “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” continue to shape aspirations of people today…

Reason #2 Declaration of the Rights of Man and CitizenThe Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen still inspires people to work for human rights.

Reason #3 Reign of TerrorThe Reign of Terror in 1793 and 1794 has become a warning to democratic societies of the dangers or resorting to violence to enforce values…

Reason #4 BastilleThe storming of the Bastille is a symbol of popular resistance to oppression…

Reason #5 democracynationalismThe French Revolution spread the ideas of democracy and nationalism around the globe…

Reason #6 Guerrilla warfareGuerrilla warfare, which has become common around the world, received its name from the resistance efforts by the Spanish against the French invaders…

Reason #7 Napoleonic CodeThe set of laws known as the Napoleonic Code shaped the legal systems of most of Europe and Latin America…

Reason #8 Louisiana TerritoryNapoleon’s decision to sell the Louisiana Territory resulted in a major expansion of the United States…