Terror TheNo one!
France before Napoleon What Napoleon offered France
Security Insecure France before Napoleon France under Napoleon
Slogan of the French Revolution Note – this is not a phrase each symbol represents a word
Political Power Before/After Rev Bourgeoisie (Middle Class) before Rev Bourgeoisie (Middle Class) after Rev Peasants BeforeAfter
Napoleon gave France stability and security. Moreover he restored France’s pride and made France the strongest nation on the continent (if not the world). Additionally, although Napoleon himself ruled as an totalitarian (or autocratic) ruler he did spread the seeds of democracy in France and all the conquered territories.
Congress of Vienna Napoleon’s Reforms Attempted to restore across Europe
French Rev review French Rev inspired by what earlier revolution and what group of thinkers – Class that gained the most, as a result of the revolution - Slogan of the Rev - Recipe for Rev - Napoleon inspired a great deal of nationalism in France and in conquered countries (nationalism to rid their country of French control Main factors in Napoleon’s defeat (Russia) – Why did the Congress of Vienna wipe out Napoleon’s reforms -