The Three Estates First Estate Clergy Collect taxes, operated schools and hospitals Less than one percent of population Owned 10 percent of land Second Estate Nobility Born into rights and privileges Tax exempt Less than two percent of population Owned 20-25 percent of land Both hated enlightenment ideas Do you have population percentages for these? This is important. Move 3rd estate to own slide?
Third Estate Rest of society Mostly peasants Paid ALL taxes 97 percent of population Bourgeoisie Owned means of production Lawyers, doctors, etc. Exploited by clergy and nobility
Life of a peasant No food Starvation Few privileges Servants = skilled and unskilled Laborers Responsible for taxes Wars, palaces, used to support wealthy Bourgeoisie included doctors, lawyers, etc. This slide would be better organized by saying who they are first, then about taxes, then about their problems.
Louis XVI and Marie antoinette King and Queen of France 1774-1792 Supported American Revolution, 1776 Represented absolute monarchy Inherited debt Bad spending habits Palace of Versailles You might want to remind the students about the spending habits of Louis XIV and his son (palace of Versailles) Also this would be a good time to tell some details about these two. Don’t need to put them on the slide. Executed in 1793
Long term Causes Corrupt & inconsistent leadership Massive debt Absolute monarch Resentment of 3rd Estate privileges Paid largest sum of taxes No voice in government First and Second Estate would overrule Third Estate Each estate had one vote Enlightenment Philosophy “Freedom of the Individual” Voltaire, Diderot, Turgot Saw effects of American Revolution Sounds like the 3rd estate had the privileges. = equality, people are equal
Short Term Causes Government debt Did not tax upper class War debt, tax evasion Poor harvest Bad weather in 1780s led to crop failure Increase in the price of bread Rejection of financial reforms Attempted to force nobles to pay taxes, failed Visual won’t be readable—make it one entire slide.
Estates general One vote per estate Clergy and nobility joined to outvote Third Estate Versailles May 1789 First meeting since 1614 Third Estate formed National Assembly Sign of revolution
National assembly Third Estate established own government 1789 Inspired by Abbe Sieyes French Roman Catholic
“the third estate awakens”
Confrontation with king Louis XVI locked Third Estate out of National Assembly’s meeting hall Moved to nearby tennis courts for meetings Tennis Court Oath Vowed not to leave King reversed position Ordered first two estates to join National Assembly Called French troops to Paris
Storming of the Bastille Rioting in Paris, early July Louis fired Necker Lowered Third Estate taxes Paris mobs seized weapons from armory Attacked Bastille Prison and armory: symbol of oppression Soldiers refused to stop attack Bastille destroyed Doesn’t need to be on slide, but need to explain who Necker is. Jacques Necker – Swiss, finance minister of Louis XVI until 1789, controlled all of wealth, “cooked the books”
Declaration of the rights of man and citizen Adopted by National Assembly, 1789 Enlightenment ideas Outlined basic freedoms held by all Asserted sovereignty of the people “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité”