How were the policies and measures quantified? Action by an actor depends on: -availability of measures -information for actors -incentives (regulation, financial, etc) -possible barriers Simulation models of behaviour of actors -actors as economic agents -include “soft” elements -include interaction between policy instruments -calibrated with analysis of historic trends
Steps in analysis of policy instruments Differs somewhat depending on the kind of policy instrument -regulation -tax -subsidy/fiscal -information -tariff structure -removal of barriers
Steps in the analysis of policy instruments (1) 1) Analyse (the text of) the policy instrument (PI) -sanctions? -support from actors / commitment 2) At what measure(s) does the PI aim? 3) What other policies aim at this measure? 4) What is the market share of the measure and how much has it changed recently? 5) At what is the PI aiming? Availability, information, incentives, removal of barriers? 6) What barriers remain in place?
Steps in the analysis of policy instruments (2) 7) What is the IRR for the measure and how much does it change through the PI? 8) What indirect effect will the PI have (e.g. rebound effect, effect on other measures)? 9) What is the most appropriate reference to calculate the CO 2 reduction effect ? 10) Calculate the CO 2 reduction impact
Example: P&Ms in household sector Minimum efficiency standards new dwellings Regulating energy tax Energy labels in combination with subsidies Subsidies for solar boilers, solar PV, etc Existing dwellings: energy advisors