FEDERALISTS IN CHARGE.  1796 - Two terms in office  Served a symbol of national unity  Critics started to attack his foreign policy  Washington warned.


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Presentation transcript:


 Two terms in office  Served a symbol of national unity  Critics started to attack his foreign policy  Washington warned that differences could weaken nation  Foreign Policy – remain neutral!

 Americans deeply divided on how country should be run – economic policy!  JEFFERSON & MADISON – support French Revolution  HAMILTON – strong central government & favored British trade

 DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICAN PARTY – Jefferson & Madison – farmers & workers support  FEDERALIST PARTY – Hamilton & Adams – merchants & manufacturers support

 1796 – 1 st US election for US President  Federalists’ ran John Adams  Democratic-Republicans ran Jefferson  Electoral College votes – 71 to 68  Runner up is VP  Adams president – his rival Jefferson is VP

 Britain & France at war  French seizing and looting US ships (300)  Federalists call for war with France  Adams sent Pinckney, Gerry & Marshall to Paris to discuss  Ignored for weeks – then 3 French agents – referred to as X,Y,Z – demanded a bribe ▪ XYZ AFFAIR

 Congress angered at the treatment!  1798 Congress cancelled treaties with France  Allowed US ships to seize French vessels  Congress provide $$ to expand military

 Adams was popular with Federalists for response to French  But Democratic-Republican newspapers and new immigrants (aliens if not yet citizens) were sympathetic to French and critical of Adams

 Alien & Sedition Acts passed by Congress in 1798–  increased waiting period from 5 to 14 years  Power to arrest/deport suspicious aliens  Outlawed sedition – stirring up rebellion against government, especially in wartime  Freedom of speech & press denied

 State’s Rights – states have certain rights the federal government can’t overrule  Set a precedent for future conflict between state & national government  NULLIFICATION – state can cancel any Congress act considered UNConstitutional!  Jefferson – Kentucky Resolution  Madison – Virginia Resolution

 The Acts not overturned during Adam’s presidency  BUT  When Democratic-Republicans gained control of Congress in next election they reversed acts/let expire  The Acts posed danger to CHECKS & BALANCES guaranteed by Constitution!

 Convention of 1800 SIGNED – agreement to stop all naval attacks!  Adams lost the next election to Jefferson  Washington – 2 terms  Adams – 1 term  Jefferson – 2 terms