TMT M1CS Actuator Pre-ship Meeting Avasarala Technologies Limited Bangalore, India September 13 th, 2013
Pre-Ship Meeting 2 Objectives –Review status of contract deliverables Assembled and tested actuators –Review inspection reports Manufacturing report –Requirements for production ready drawings and documentation Production cost estimate –Discuss TMT’s supplier qualification process –Concerns with ATL’s performance
Review status of contract deliverables 3 Agenda –Contract Deliverables Review piece part fabrication inspection reports and assembly process –Comparison between ATL and third party inspections (TMT Leads) ATL’s manufacturing report (ATL Leads) ATL’s production cost estimate (ATL Leads)
Pre-Ship Meeting Agenda –Supplier Qualification Summarize TMT supplier qualification process (TMT Leads) Concerns with ATL’s performance (TMT Leads) –Raw material procurement, certification and substitutions –Casting –Workmanship –Assembly –Manufacturing statistics, for example the number of re-works and re-makes,etc (ATL Leads) –Final Test –Schedule –Miscellaneous 4
Pre-Ship Meeting Agenda –Next Steps – Any other business 5
Contract Deliverables 6
Contract Deliverables 1 Comparison between ATL and third party inspections Actuator Dimension Deviation List ATL_TUV.xls prod_proto_parts_inventory_comments (1).xlsx 7
Contract Deliverables 2 The threaded end of the part Flexure Rod SSA Connect was not manufactured properly. This is easily detected visually and yet it passed two inspections. Please make the remaining 8 pieces available for inspection today. 8
Contract Deliverables 3 ATL’s manufacturing report (ATL Leads) –Production Schedule? Manufacturing Report for actuator from ATL 9
Contract Deliverables 3 ATL’s production cost estimate (ATL Leads) 10
Supplier Qualification 11
Supplier Qualification 1 Summarize TMT supplier qualification process (TMT Leads) –TMT.PMO.MGT DRF02.pdfTMT.PMO.MGT DRF02.pdf 12
Supplier Qualification 2 Raw material procurement, certification and substitutions –Deviations of P-III actuator occurred during manufacturing.xlsDeviations of P-III actuator occurred during manufacturing.xls 13
Supplier Qualification 3 Casting – T slot found to be difficult to cast. Taper in the T section, because of draft provided to remove the core after pouring the material. Suggestion by ATL: Large taper to release the core after pouring. Rectangular or circular shape will be more easier than "T " slot for production. – Surface texture is.poor. See following pictures. – Secondary treatment (Chromate conversion) is of poor quality – Manufacturing error: Extra hole found near hole of Ø The extra hole measures Ø 5.39 and is deep up to T-Slot in # – Re-use of serial numbers is a poor practice. Duplication of number in
Supplier Qualification 4 Casting – Sand casting according to drawing-Gravity die casting suggested by ATL and accepted by TMT. Is there any other casting technique which will improve surface texture? – Material A356 T6 according to drawing. ATL used A356 T61. This was informed to ITCC/TMT post facto and TMT accepted the change. 15
Supplier Qualification 5
Supplier Qualification 6
Supplier Qualification 7
Supplier Qualification 8
Supplier Qualification 9 20
Supplier Qualification 10 Workmanship and handling. –Often poor resulting in dings, divots and scratches. See following pictures. 21
Supplier Qualification 11 22
Supplier Qualification 12 23
Supplier Qualification 13 24
Supplier Qualification 14 Assembly Errors –First two assembled actuators (Refer to following photos) The offloader arms were installed upside down Both offload flexures were installed in an inconsistent orientation Do not place a fastener in the end of the upper arm. The insert at the top of the Upper Connect Block must be flush or below the machined surface. –Most fasteners were not adequately tightened, and in particular, the 4-bar linkage could move laterally –C flexures were not always properly installed and aligned. –Encoder scale was improperly handled (fingerprints). –Voice coil magnet and coil not always properly aligned. 25
Supplier Qualification 15 Assembly Errors –When tightening the fastener into the output shaft of the Ultramotion actuators, react the torque using a wrench on the flat at the actuator output shaft as note in the plan to prevent damage to the internal anti- rotation mechanism. The Ultramotion actuators seem to have a lot of rotary play. This may have damaged the linear actuator on actuator no. 5. –Wrong fastener used in attachment of linear actuator to end block.. M6 used instead of TMT traced error to ATL assembly procedure. (see page 3 and page 32). This error damaged one of the first two delivered actuators to the point that the re-tapping will be necessary. –TMT never received an assembly procedure checklist and inspection report. Indicates poor QA during the assembly procedure. –TMT suggests that QA is involved throughout the assembly process and through pack and ship. –Photographs should be taken after inspection of each piece part and assembly and delivered as part of the inspection documentation. 26
Supplier Qualification 16 27
Supplier Qualification 17 28
Supplier Qualification 18 Manufacturing statistics –TMT would like ATL to provide manufacturing statistics on pieces that required re-work and those that required to be re- made. 29
Supplier Qualification 19 Final Testing –TMT took responsibility for acceptance testing of the actuators for this round of prototypes. During production TMT requires the supplier to take responsibility for acceptance testing. Does ATL have any concerns or issues with this approach? 30
Supplier Qualification 20 Schedule Schedule of activities conducted by ATL for PIII actuators.xls 31
Supplier Qualification 21 Miscellaneous –Manufacturing report is deficient in a number of areas. Primary weakness is the lack of proposed manufacturing and assembly techniques for the production actuators based on the experience gained building the prototypes. –Manufacturing report does not include a listing of the fabrication process and machines used for each piece part. –Material substitution were made without requesting prior approval from TMT. –Manufacturing report did not include a schedule for production. 32
Next Steps Actuator production timeline. Next Steps –TMT will provide ATL a summary performance report with a request for a response from ATL. –Future TMT qualification survey at ATL. Any other business 33