Student Activity Search Engine and Data Base comparison 1. Select a class topic. Have small groups use a search engine or data base and list on poster paper the first five resources found. 2. Post these next to each other on a wall and compare and contrast. GoogleELibrarySirs DiscovererEdublog
Student Activity Deconstruct a research question to find search terms. Give the students a research question typed in a large font and centered on a sheet of paper. As an individual, then in partners, then as a whole group have them write synonyms or related ideas to key words. Example: Are media conglomerates a threat to democracy?
Student Activity Comparing Search Techniques Pre select a topic for the activity. As a group, discuss possible search terms Divide students into groups of two or three Give each group a source to search and two different search terms. Have the students list three sources they find for each search term. Post these for the class to see, and compare and contrast the results.
Model search techniques refining the term each time censorship censorship and textbooks censorship and music censorship and school libraries
Google Search Stories Example Google Search Stories Parisian Love: Google Search Stories Parisian Love Google Search Stories Playlist Google Search Stories Playlist Google Search Education: