Generally accepting and liking oneself and adapting to and coping with emotions Feel good about self Feel comfortable with others Meet the demands of life
Messages from others that tell you how they feel about you Your feelings is the confidence and worth that you feel about yourself.
Accept yourself Admit mistakes Be responsible for your actions Feel competent in areas Willing to learn and try new things See mistakes as part of learning Use abilities and talents in activities Believe you are worthwhile You have healthful habits Seek respect for all people Reach out to help people
Let others influence you in negative ways Engage in approval-seeking behaviors Worry about what others think of them Engage in unhealthy behaviors to gain recognition Avoid new challenges Put down others to feel better Have few good relationships
Primitive Peer Pressure
Skills for improving Self Esteem: Assist others when appropriate Find something you enjoy doing and make time to do it Stop making life a contest; there will always be people more and less able than you in all areas of life Aim for improvement Build a network of supporting relationships Surround yourself with people who respect, approve, and accept you as an individual
Accept mistakes as a learning tool Reject any negative feedback from others Practice basic health habits Improve your mind: read a book, write a story Make a list of your qualities, skills, and talents, READ THEM OFTEN Do something nice for someone else. Do something nice for yourself Set some realistic, achievable goals and work for them