Parenting Changing roles within the relationship –Polarizing Gender ID –Expectations vs. Reality Story of Jani Drawing a Family- Artistic Ability Not Assumed
Beginnings Began with Erikson (1963)- Looked at two dimensions of parental behavior Affection (Warm/Responsive vs Cold/Hostile) –Amount of positive emotion displayed toward children –Responsiveness toward child behavior Control (permissive vs restrictive) –Amount of autonomy parent allows the child –Degree to which parent monitors the child behavior
Affection Control Low High Low High 2 Dimensions
Parent Behaviors Developed four types of parenting behaviors based on these two dimensions –Affectionate (accepting, warm and responsive) parents Smile, praise, encourage children more likely to use positive reinforcement and encouragement Limit criticism, punishment, and disapproval Attentive to child’s behavior –Unresponsive (rejecting, cold and hostile) parents Critical, belittle, punish, ignore children quick to criticize, punish put downs ignore child Which is Better?
Parent Behaviors Controlling (restrictive) parents –Set limits on child’s behavior –impose many demands and has high standards –high levels of monitoring to make sure rules are followed –May ease up, less restrictive as child gets older Uncontrolling (permissive) parents –Make few demands –Set few limits on child’s behavior –Allow child to make choices independently –Allow child to express emotions (positive and negative) –Don’t monitor their child’s activities Which is Better?
Baumrind’s Parenting Styles Took Erikson’s Dimensions and put them together (created 4 quadrants)
Affection Control Low- Unresponsive/ Cold High- Controlling/Restrictive Low- Uncontrolling/Permissive High – Affectionate/ Accepting
Baumrind’s Parenting Styles Four Distinct Parenting Styles Authoritarian (Controlling and low acceptance/low responsiveness) –Very restrictive pattern –High levels of punishment to enforce rules –Not sensitive to opposing viewpoints –High levels of rules (often w/o explanation- “b/c I said so”)
Baumrind’s Parenting Styles Authoritative (controlling and responsive/ accepting) –Flexible style of parenting –More freedom for child –Rules, but provide rationales for the limits they set –Monitor to ensure the child follows rules –Accepting of and responsive to children’s views
Baumrind’s Parenting Styles Permissive (uncontrolling/uninvolved and warm/responsive) –Lax pattern of parenting –Few demands –Child allowed to freely express views –Little to no monitoring of child activities
Baumrind’s Parenting Styles Uninvolved- (uncontrolling & unresponsive/ unaccepting) –Lax pattern of parenting –Makes few demands –Rejecting of the child –Detached parenting –Neglectful
Affection Control Low- Unresponsive/ Cold High- Controlling/Restrictive Low- Uncontrolling/Permissive High – Affectionate/ Accepting Authoritative Uninvolved Authoritarian Permissive
Which style would be associated with the best child outcomes? Authoritative –Early Increased cognitive skills increased social skills –Adolescence Increased academic achievement Increased Prosocial behaviors Increased high self esteem Authoritarian –Early Average to low cognitive skills Average to low social skills –Adolescence Average to low academic achievement Average to low peer relationships- though more conforming
Outcomes Permissive –Early Decreased cognitive skills Decreased social skills- impulsive –Adolescence Decreased academic achievement Increased drug use Poor self-control Uninvolved (research done by others later) –Early Attachment problems Increased aggression Decreased emotional control, low self-esteem –Adolescence Increased aggression Decreased academic achievement Increased delinquency, drug use, sexual misconduct
Other Populations Military & Factory worker households –Authoritarian parenting Ethnic minorities (Af. Am, Nat Am, Latino) –Permissive until school age –Then authoritative or authoritarian Asian cultures (especially Chinese)- more authoritarian positive results