European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept “Combating extreme poverty: policies and instruments at local level” Good Practices at Local Level. The case of the The case of the Municipality of AMFIKLIA, Greece Ioannis Tsitsipis and Ioannis Goulatis Amfiklia, Greece
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Contents Short profile of the Municipality of Amfiklia Short profile of the Municipality of Amfiklia Social cohesion and prevention of social exclusion in AMFIKLIA Social cohesion and prevention of social exclusion in AMFIKLIA Good practices and experience on anti- poverty and social inclusion actions and supporting tools Good practices and experience on anti- poverty and social inclusion actions and supporting tools SWOT analysis SWOT analysis Proposals Proposals
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept The Municipality of AMFIKLIA, Central Greece THE ROAD MAP
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Municipality of AMFIKLIA Short profile : Est.: 1915, Official Journal 213/1915 Location: Region (NUTS II): Central Greece, NE slopes of Mt. Parnassos Distance from Athens: 164 Km Distance from Parnassos Ski resort : 17 Km Population: (2001) Territory: 230 Km 2 Communities (Municipal districts): 6 Infrastructure: more than m 2, incl. teleconference auditorium, multicultural centre (2.000m 2 ), Public Library, Museums Health Centre, Environmental Centre, Primary & Secondary Public Schools, Athletic Centre Development Company, Municipal Cultural Organization Public services, banks, railroad station, tourism facilities
Municipality of AMFIKLIA Local economy: Agriculture (cereal grains, cotton, tobacco, olive oil) Tourism (eco-tourism, winter sports, agro- tourism, alternative forms of sports & tourism) Services & equipment production using environmental friendly technologies Policy to promote resort housing (proximity to Athens, mass transfer facilities, cultural and touristic sites, beautiful natural environment) European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept. 2010
photos from Amfiklia - 1 photos from Amfiklia - 1
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept photos from Amfiklia -2 photos from Amfiklia -2
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept photos from Amfiklia - 3 photos from Amfiklia - 3
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Social cohesion and preventing social exclusion in AMFIKLIA A. From the long –term tasks of the Operational Plan of The Municipality of AMFIKLIA: Strengthening of Socioeconomic and cultural development of the area on the basis of sustainable development. Improvement of services offered (with the use of new technology, i.e. telemedicine)
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Special social tasks: Special aim 10: “Improvement of social cohesion and facing the problems of the exclusion of socially sensitive groups”. This can be attained by the reduction of unemployment and social exclusion, the improvement of access to the work market, and the support of weaker groups of the population. Special aim 11: ”Upgrading and improvement of the city public services to the citizens”
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Good practices and the experience of the Municipality of AMFIKLIA regarding anti-poverty and social inclusion actions and supporting tools Inter-municipal Organization for Culture, Tourism and Development (Offers social & health services to elderly to all Local communities of our municipality and to neighboring Municipalities of Tithorea and Parnassos, covering an area of about 470 Km 2 and a pop. of more than inhabitants)
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Services offered: Visits at home once per week Sociologist: Psychological, socioeconomical support. Nurse: Health care (blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol measurements), accompanying sick to the hospital. Family Assistant: House cleaning, cooking, Washing of disabled, company to lone persons, shopping (food, drugs, paying bills). Persons profiting: (AMFIKLIA-PARNASSOS-TITHOREA) : 201 CITY OF AMFIKLIA AND 5 VILLAGES : 100
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Foundation "Loukas Mermigas” (NGO) Scholarships to poor university students (One in 2009) Financial aid (5, € to 9 poor families from Amfiklia per annum )
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Municipality of AMFIKLIA Funds from the city budget for poor citizens Economical assistance to poor families equal to 20, € in total for 2010 Criteria used: Annual income Family status (number of members, age) Unemployment Health condition
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Municipality of AMFIKLIA Interventions at the local level: 1.CENTER FOR OPEN PROTECTION OF AGED PERSONS Meeting place, lectures, physical fitness programs, trips, social and cultural events with the assistance of the municipal cultural and educational organizations 2. EU and Ministry of Agriculture programs regarding food distribution to poor families “Food for poor” program (E.U. 2010) Persons entitled to profit : Annual family or personal income < 15, € Food offered: spaghetti, rice and feta cheese Families benefited in 2008 in Amfiklia and five villages: 98
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Municipality of AMFIKLIA Interventions at the local level: 1.BLOOD BANK of the Municipality Established 2007 Blood donors: 132 Blood Donation sessions: 7 Citizens profited: 49 Blood units offered: 100 Blood units available: 72
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Strengths Infrastructure History (cultural, economical and educational center in the area for more than 100 years) social solidarity and close social ties in a small size settlement, where citizen interact directly on a daily basis Administration facilities & Management competence (Program Management Organizations) Networking and wide use of new technology
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Weaknesses Institutional framework (lack of coordinating center for all interventions of a social character at the local level) Financial sustainability (strong dependence on European or national programs) Human resources (Quality, quantity) Particularities at the local level (age of citizens, migrants, declining economical sectors-change in occupations, unemployment - mainly young people and women, limited market of specialists, geographical characteristics) Major change in the city management (Adaptation to the new Local Goverment framework regarding the new - extended Municipalities-unification of three Municipalities- with differences in financial status, local development priorities, institutions & social inclusion activities)
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept The map of the NEW MUNICIPALITY AGGLOMERATION of AMFIKLIA – ELATEIA (3 municipalities, 16 villages with an area of about 535 km 2 and a total pop people)
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Opportunities The municipality’s Operational Program EU and National funding (as sources of financial support) in feasible social protection projects Local development programs with social inclusion aspects Coordination at local level and better distribution of funding
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept Threats political & institutional measures (reduced central government for social activities) unforeseen institutional & managerial challenges (due to the new “Local Government – decentralization program “– Law 3825/10) geographical isolation increases due to larger administration size Increase in number of elderly
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept PROPOSALS Study of increased social needs (at the extended municipality level) Coordination of Municipalities’ social services of social character. Using the European network experience on anti-poverty, social protection and regional development to promote common activities (Telemedicine) Focusing actions on sensitive / vulnerable social groups (Health care / Social care) Improvement / development of specific programs with National Support (particularly for elderly, young unemployed people, migrants, etc. vulnerable groups) Dissemination of information & public awareness (for active participation / networking)
European project “Cities and Regions for a Social Europe”. Europe for citizens programme, measure 1.2 networks of twined towns. First meeting programme – Olmedo, Sardinia – ITALY, 2-6 Sept THANK YOU!