Local Action to Protect the Climate U.S. Conference of Mayors Environment Committee Charlotte NC Mayor Patrick McCrory, Chair Washington D.C. January 22, 2003
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) Worldwide environmental association of local governments 550+ local governments working to achieve tangible global and local environmental and sustainability improvements through local action Seven offices worldwide Water, Local Agenda 21, CCP
Cities for Climate Protection Campaign (CCP) 140 U.S. Cities & Counties Created by Elected Officials Climate change is affecting communities NOW Local governments bear burden of social & financial impacts Cumulative local action has impact on global climate
Cities for Climate Protection Campaign (CCP) Last Ice Age Previous Warm Era Temp rise more in next 100 years than last 10,000 Human activities accelerate climate change Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide
Cities for Climate Protection Campaign (CCP) US Global Change Research Team: Impacts of climate change will be significant for Americans and disruptions are likely Not political or partisan Only debate - how fast
What Can Cities Do to Stop Global Warming? Transportation and Planning Energy Use Local government affects all major sources of global warming pollution Solid Waste
CCP Methodology Five milestones: Conduct emissions inventory Set emissions reduction target Develop Local Action Plan to meet local target Implement Action Plan Strategies Monitor & report on progress
140 U.S. Cities & Counties CCP Participants Represent 44+ million people 16 % of U.S. GHG Emissions 72 Greenhouse Gas emissions inventories 31 Local Action Plans to reduce GHG emissions
Software Training sessions Technical assistance Professional network Interactive website Publications What ICLEI Provides
Multiple Benefits of Climate Protection Improve air quality Improve public health Reduce municipal operating costs Reduce traffic congestion Develop local economy Improve quality of urban life
LED Traffic Signals Philadelphia, PA Comprehensive LED traffic signals Annual carbon dioxide reduction: 41,490 tons Annual savings: $800,000
Cool Roofs Tucson, AZ Municipal service center Cool roof coating Annual Btu savings: 400 million Annual eCo2 reductions: 114 tons Annual energy savings: $4,000 6 year payback Fixed existing leaks
District Heating & Cooling Saint Paul, MN Downtown buildings share a central heating and cooling plant Far greater efficiency: CO2, SO2, and NOx emissions reduced by over 75% Reduces capital, maintenance, and energy expense for downtown tenants
Cops on Bikes Los Angeles, CA 250 bike officers eliminate 1,500 tons of CO2 per year 15% productivity increase for traffic officers Improves morale and community relations 15 bikes for traffic officers will save $350,000 in vehicle costs over 5 years
Integrated Waste Management Alachua Co., FL Annual per capita waste down from.92 tons of waste in 1990 to.65 tons in ,300 tons of waste per year diverted from landfill 91,930 tons of eCO 2 per year reduced
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) “Sustainable development should be in the hands of local government, because we do it every day. We’re all in this together. We need to put our arms around the earth.” Mayor James Garner, Hempstead, NY "The announcement of joining Cities for Climate Protection is another step on our path to a better environment." Mayor Gary Doty, Duluth, MN "The ICLEI program is the greatest piece of practical environmentalism I've seen." City Councilmember Jane Bender, Santa Rosa, CA
Contact Information Susan Ode Outreach Director ICLEI Cities for Climate Protection-US Phone:(510) x 311 Website: