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Presentation transcript:


Overview of the Presentation: Why GEF funding is important for Ukraine GEF funded projects and National Strategic Priorities in Ukraine GEF country level coordination and cooperation with the Agencies Biodiversity and international waters GEF portfolio for Ukraine: challenges and observations from GEF OFP Obstacles to successful projects’ implementation Lessons learned

Ukraine is the world’s most energy intensive country Ukraine sixth worlds largest emitters of greenhouse gasses with per capita emissions of CO2 around 4.75 tons of carbon per year Ukraine has a rich biota, which comprises more than 25,000 species of plants and fungi and 45,000 species of animals, many of which are endemic Ukraine is the only one country who preserves the virgin European steppe Protected areas form only 4% of Ukrainian territory (minimum international standards – 10%)

Strategic environmental priorities for Ukraine: National Environmental Strategy till 2020: Climate change issues Wastes Biodiversity protection Land use and protection Integrated water resource management GEF funded projects are very important tool to integrate into global environmental measures and strategies.

GEF FUNDED – UNDP EXECUTION Environmental policy setting at the national level 1.National Capacity Needs Self-Assessment for Global Environmental Management ($200,000) accomplished 2.Establishment of Joint Implementation Secretariat in Ukraine (Kyoto Protocol) ($100,000) accomplished 3.National Energy Security Policy accomplished Climate Change, Energy and Energy Efficiency 1.Climate Change Mitigation through “Energy Efficiency in Municipal District Heating” ($3,500,000) on-going 2.Sustainable Development Programme of Lugansk Oblast (coal and landfill methane, transport) ($10 mln) on-going 3.Energy Efficient Lightning in Residential and Public Buildings ($6.5 mln) ongoing – just started 4.Wind and Mini-Hydro Power Development in Ukraine ($5,000,000) terminated by GEF Sec 5.Energy Efficiency in Ukrainian Educational Sector ($300,000) accomplished Natural resource management and conservation of biodiversity 1.Strengthening Governance and Sustainability of the National Protected Area System ($2.000,000) on-going 2.Conserving biodiversity and reducing environmental risk in Carpathian and Crimean region (forestry and land management) ($2,000,000) PDF A closed by GEF Sec Sustainable Development Practices 1.Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme ($5,000,000) on-going – transferred to Local Development Cluster 2.UNDP/Coca-Cola “Every drop matters” project ($260,000) - on-going jointly with Local Development Cluster Regional Projects (Trounsboundary Waters) 1.Priority Interventions of the Dnipro Basin Strategic Action Program: Chemical Industrial Pollution Reduction and The Development of Joint Institutional Arrangements ($7,700,000 for Belorus, Russia and Ukraine) accomplished 2.Implementation of the Dnipro Basin Strategic Action Program for the reduction of persistent toxics pollution ($2,035,000 for Ukraine and Belorus) – just started 3.Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin ($ 12,240,000) on-going 4.Control of eutrophication, hazardous substances and related measures for rehabilitating the Black Sea ecosystem: Phase 2 ($6,000,000) on-going Pipe-Line Projects 1.GEF Small Grants Programme (just started) 2.Development and Commercialization of Bioenergy Technologies in Ukraine ($4,5 mln) 3.Initial Implementation of Accelerated HCFC Phase Out in the CEIT Region ($ 1 mln) - regional

GEF Projects coordination: -Donor - government working group; -Regular cooperation of the GEF Political and Operational Focal Points for Ukraine with implementing agencies, Projects, NGOs, other stakeholders; -Participating in the in country monitoring of Projects and Programmes; -Close cooperation with the GEF Secretariat and Council, evaluation office.

Natural resource management and conservation of biodiversity Strengthening Governance and Sustainability of the National Protected Area System ($2.000,000) on-going Conserving biodiversity and reducing environmental risk in Carpathian and Crimean region (forestry and land management) ($2,000,000) PDF A (closed by GEF Secretariat)

Regional Projects (Trounsboundary Waters) Priority Interventions of the Dnipro Basin Strategic Action Program: Chemical Industrial Pollution Reduction and The Development of Joint Institutional Arrangements ($7,700,000 for Belorus, Russia and Ukraine) accomplished Implementation of the Dnipro Basin Strategic Action Program for the reduction of persistent toxics pollution ($2,035,000 for Ukraine and Belorus) – just started Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin ($ 12,240,000) on- going Control of eutrophication, hazardous substances and related measures for rehabilitating the Black Sea ecosystem: Phase 2 ($6,000,000) on-going The Dnipro Basin Environment Programme – a GEF co-sponsored initiative of the governments of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine – was created to develop a programme of measures and implementation mechanisms to protect the transboundary Dnipro river thereby contributing to the protection of the Black Sea and global international waters. The Black Sea is now widely recognized as one of the regional seas most damaged by human activity and the environmental problems of the Black Sea reflect the environmental problems of the river systems that flow into it.

Strengthening Governance and Sustainability of the National Protected Area System Project Ukrainian Association of Protected Areas that unites today 35 out of 47 Ukrainian national parks (74.5%) 2 draft laws “National strategy for financial sustainability of the natural reserve fund territories” and “On nature reserve fund” All-Ukrainian consultative meeting on natural reserves development headed by the President of Ukraine Victor Yuschenko “Clean Country” Initiative has been organized together with second largest Ukrainian TV channel “1+1”, hundreds of volunteers took part in cleaning up the most popular recreational areas in 4 Ukrainian national parks The Tournament on Hand Hay-Mowing “Ukrainska Kosovitca – 2009” Transboundary Ukrainian and Belorussian Ramsar territory

UNDP/GEF DNIPRO BASIN ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME 2 nd Phase - Project: “Implementation of the Dnipro Basin Strategic Action Program for the reduction of persistent toxics pollution”  The objective of the project is to begin implementation of the approved Strategic Action Programme via governance reforms and demonstration projects aimed at reducing transboundary persistent toxic substances by small/medium size industries discharging through municipal waste systems in the Dnipro basin. The Project addresses it’s objective through the implementation of four major components: Conducting a series of Pilot Projects to introduce cleaner production methods to several medium sized industries discharging through municipal wastewater systems, including the development of sustainable financing mechanisms and local regulation and monitoring procedures; Developing a comprehensive Transboundary Monitoring and Indicators Program which will provide information on the status and progress of the SAP implementation program to Dnipro Basin management bodies; Facilitating the introduction of harmonized environmental legislation which will improve monitoring procedures, strengthen regulatory and legal frameworks including, inter alia, those governing cleaner technologies; Establishing key institutional and management structures within the wider SAP management bodies.

UNDP/GEF DNIPRO BASIN ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME 2 nd Phase - Project: “Implementation of the Dnipro Basin Strategic Action Program for the reduction of persistent toxics pollution” Progress and activities of the Project – 5 months Inception Workshop of UNDP-GEF Project was held in Kyiv, Ukraine on 5-6 November, UNDP – GEF Programme has strong cooperation with UNIDO Cleaner Production (CP) Programme and Project on CP methods of Norwegian Association of Certified Technicians and Scientists in Ukraine for common implementation of CP Training Courses and other objectives. Programme is updating list of industries for implementation of CP Training Courses and low-cost CP improvements in Ukraine and Belarus Republic. Memorandum of understanding between the UNIDO and UNDP – GEF Programme was signed for common implementation of CP methods. According to joint implementation plan with Norwegian Institute for Water Research, UNDP – GEF Programme and Project “WATMAN Phase II: Water Framework Directive – organization and training” have united efforts in order to realize common objectives in the sphere of implementation of Protocol on Water and Health and principles of Water Framework Directive. On 26 of February, 2010 Reference Group Meeting of the Project on PWH and WFD was held in Kyiv, Ukraine. Demonstrative project on WFD was launched in Rivne oblast. On 8-9 April, 2010 Reference Group and Working Group Meetings – Workshop of the Ikva team on the Characterization of Ikva River was carried out in Rivne, Ukraine. Programme is working at organization of Dnipro Transboundary Monitoring Expedition to be held in the middle of May on Belarusian and Ukrainian territory

Small Grants Programme (just started) Covering selected regions of Ukraine; Working closely with the local communities, NGOs, other stakeholders; Decentralized programming and implementation; Implemented by the UNDP.

Ways for improvements: To enhance country coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the GEF funded Projects; To promote closer cooperation with the implementing agencies; The work of the GEF Council member and Alternate should be regular with wide dissemination of information; To involve GEF Focal Points to the programming of Projects at all stages.