6-1 Communication Chapter 6
6-2 Communication Process Sender Credibility Boomerang effect Important if issue is about objective facts Attractiveness Physical, similar, high-status Important if issue is about subjective values or preference
6-3 Communication Process Receiver Personality characteristics Intelligence influences wording Those with low self esteem are easier convinced Jargon and miscommunication Relationship to messages Range of acceptability
6-4 Communication Process Message Vary in sophistication, emotion, aesthetics Avoid jargon and one-sided messages Rational arguments better with educated audience Emotion and fear arousing messages are persuasive
6-5 Communication Process Communication Within Teams Too brief of messages Poor perspective taking Positively distorted messages Lack of full explanations Clear communication in military Performance monitoring, feedback, closed-loop communication, and backing-up behaviors
6-6 Flow of a Team’s Communications Communication Climates Supportive Climate Open, inclusive, rewarding Messages are facts/opinions Focus on problem solving Negative Climate Defensive behaviors Closed, alienating, blaming, discouraging, punishing Climates develop in cycles
6-7 Flow of a Team’s Communications Psychological Safety Environment where people feel free to express their thoughts and feelings Interpersonal trust, mutual respect Important when giving feedback Leaders promote safety
6-8 Flow of a Team’s Communications Processing Information Within the Team Failure to combine unique knowledge Biases hinder decision making Solution: Leader should focus the team’s attention Problem solving approach Analyze alternatives Build trust
6-9 Building Trust Evolves from shared values, attitudes, and emotions Based on social relationships Requires being trusting and trustworthy Impacts on interpersonal communication, cooperation, and teamwork Techniques to rebuild trust:
Emotional Intelligence Four Components Self-awareness Empathy Emotional regulation Relationship management Team emotional intelligence Enhances trust, cohesion, ability to work under stressful situations High EI teams have fewer and less intense conflicts 6-10
Components of Team Emotional Intelligence Insert Figure 6.1 (p. 109) 6-11
Emotional Intelligence Improving Team Emotional Intelligence Team leaders model appropriate behavior Teams can develop behavioral norms Use experiential group activities 6-12
Facilitating Team Meetings 5 main communication activities of the facilitator: Maintain an open and collaborative climate Manage disruptive behaviors Manage differences Summarize important decisions Evaluate the group process
6-14 Communication Skills for Team Meetings 1. Ask Questions Open ended and follow up 2. Listen Actively Paraphrasing 3. Give Constructive Feedback Focus on future, specific behaviors, learning and problem solving 4. Manage Feelings Stay neutral Understand feelings rather than evaluating them Process feelings in the group
6-17 Activity Continued