Regions of Europe
History Mediterranean Europe was home to two great civilizations: 1.Greece Athens developed the first democracy (rule by the people) Athenian males served in the law-making assembly Science, philosophy, drama and art shaped modern U.S. culture Conquered by Alexander the Great of Macedonia
History 2. Rome Republic (a government in which citizens elect representatives to rule in their name) Christianity spread across the world from Palestine - one of Rome’s territories. Map showing the Greatest Extent of the Roman Empire
History Geographic advantages: 1. Mild climate made survival easier 2. Nearby Mediterranean Sea encouraged overseas trade
Modern Times Crusades (A.D. 1096): a series of wars to take Palestine from the Muslims Renaissance (14 th – 16 th centuries): time of renewed interest in learning and the arts Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain to the Americas spreading Catholicism and the Spanish language.
Culture Languages spoken in Mediterranean Europe Greek Portuguese Spanish Italian Christianity is the most popular religion
Culture Art Parthenon Aqueducts Mosques
Economics Tourism Fishing and agriculture Olives, grapes, citrus and wheat Industry is on the rise Portugal – clothing (textiles) Spain – autos Italy – clothing and shoes
City Growth People have moved from rural areas to urban areas as economies have transitioned from agriculture to manufacturing to service. Problems with city growth: Housing shortages Pollution Traffic jams
Black Death/Bubonic Plague Worst disaster ever suffered in Europe Killed about 25 million Europeans Approximately 1/4 to 1/3 of the population Began in Sicily in 1347 from Asian traders
History Many languages spoken throughout German French Flemish Luxembourgian English Italian Dutch
History Reformation People began to question the Catholic Church Many Christians broke away from the Catholic Church and became Protestant These two groups have existed in conflict and in peace Martin Luther
Conflicts Nationalism – people should be loyal to their country – caused people to want their own country French Revolution Citizens fought against the selfish French kings Wars have broken out between France and Austria or France and Germany
Modern Wars WWI: Allies vs. Central Powers WWII: Allies vs. Axis Powers How do you win a war? World War II Deaths Country MilitaryCivilianTotal Soviet Union8,668,00016,900,00025,568,000 France340,000470,000810,000 Japan (Axis)1,506,000300,0001,806,000 USA295,000 Great Britain326,00062,000388,000 Germany (Axis)3,250,0003,810,0007,060,000 Holocaust photo story
Modern Wars Result of WWII Germany was split into two separate countries: West and East Germany Berlin, the capitol, was split as well by the Berlin Wall The Soviets built the wall to keep East Berliners from fleeing to West Berlin Berlin wall photo story
Economics Very strong economy due to inclusion of agriculture, manufacturing and service industries Major agricultural products Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland: dairy farming and livestock raising Rich in coal and iron ore (used to make steel) Aerospace, chemicals, electronics, engineering, optics, research and development, shipbuilding, textiles, vehicle assembly and vineyards Swiss banking is popular because they refuse to fight in wars
Economics Tourism Exporter of luxury goods Volkswagen - Germany Holland tulips Swiss watch
Culture Music Johann Sebastian Bach Beethoven Mozart Painters Rembrandt Monet Cézanne
Modern Life Europeans live in smaller homes than Americans Receive more paid vacation time Immigration has been a source of conflict in Germany and Austria