CHRISTMAS IN POLAND Christmas (Boże Narodzenie) we celebrate from 24th to 26 th of December.
Christmas tree We decorate our Christmas tree a few days before Christmas.
Christmas cards We send Christmas cards to friends and family.
Christmas Eve We have supper on Christmas Eve and start it when the first star appears in the sky. Before the supper we read fragment of Holy Bible and share a wafer with the whole family. Then we sit at a table and eat carp, poppy seed cake, boiled dough pocked filled with mushroom and cabbage and other special Christmas food.
Father Christmas & Christmas carols After Christmas we sing Christmas carols and open presents from Father Christmas. On Christmas Day we have a big family dinner After Christmas we sing Christmas carols and open presents from Father Christmas. On Christmas Day we have a big family dinner.
Christmas midnight mass We traditionally celebrate in the churchies a midnight Mass at midnight on Christmas Eve.
SCHOOL TRADITIONS In our school we decorate Christmas tree with angels, balls, stars, chains and lights. We have got one big Christmas tree in school hall and small trees in each classroom. We have many Christmas competitions- e.g. making the prettiest Christmas card, Christmas decoration, and Christmas crib.
CHRISTMAS CRIBS This year over 30 students made beautiful and interesting Christmas cribs.
NATIVITY PLAY December 22nd was the last school day before Christmas and pupils had “classroom Christmas Eve”. All children share a wafer with each other and with teacher and some of students prepare nativity play.
POLISH CAROL Dzisiaj w Betlejem Dzisiaj w Betlejem, dzisiaj w Betlejem wesoła nowina, że Panna czysta, że Panna czysta porodziła Syna. Chrystus się rodzi, nas oswobodzi, Anieli grają, króle witają, pasterze śpiewają, bydlęta klękają, cuda, cuda ogłaszają.