Questions, Comments, Concerns…
Activity: The Human Expert What did you learn yesterday??
What are the two fundamental goals of any adolescent?
Two Fundamental Adolescent Tasks Determining their identity Developing a sense of competence These two dilemmas are the driving force of social and emotional adolescent changes.
Developing Identity Central theme in of adolescence Searching for a unique sense of self, different from family
Developing Competence Teachers can provide opportunities to Problem solve Complete tasks Set goals Reach goals If students do not fulfill their desire for competence at school, they WILL find it elsewhere.
Characteristics of At-Risk Learners Academic & achievement problems Inattentive Easily distracted Short attention span Low self-esteem Lack social skills Narrow range of interest Fear of failure Lack structure & organization Avoids responsibility & independence
School Characteristics That Meet Needs of At-Risk Students Focus is on kids Challenges the regularities Collaborates with parents Avoids reforms that intensify impediments Promotes success Reduces negative effects of large school size Values differences in students Minimizes mistakes and failures Adopts a “whatever it takes” attitude
Characteristics of a Gifted/Talented Student Avid reader Outstanding in academics Wide range of interests Anxious to try new things Alert & gives rapid answers Self-motivated Dominate peers Has self-confidence Sensitive to other & situations Can solve problems ingeniously Creative thoughts, ideas & innovations Desire to excel Verbally expressive
Gifted/Talented Characteristics Imaginative stories Mature sense of humor Inquisitive Show relationships between things that instantly seem unrelated Tends to lose an awareness of time Likes to work alone Exhibits expressive body/facial gestures Eager to share discoveries
Characteristics of Underachievers Feel inferiority & like a failure Feel rejected by family Take little responsibility for actions Hostile to authority Resist adult influences Negative about school Appear rebellious Lack academic motivation Poor study habits Less popular Withdraw from classroom challenges
Underachievers… Poor adjustment & transition actions Little interest in outside hobbies, sports, or other activities Test-phobic Lack academic or vocational goals Lower leadership status than peers
What SPECIFIC strategies can we use for… At-risk students Gifted and talented students Underachieving students
Traits of Adolescents to Keep in Mind When Planning Lessons 1. They need opportunities to express their creativity. 2. They need opportunities to form positive peer relationships. 3. Provide them with real-life problems. 4. They need different situations to explore and extend knowledge. 5. Give them various activities and time to be themselves.
Traits to Keep in Mind When Lesson Planning 6. They need opportunities to feel success and recognized. 7. They need caring adult role models and advisors who like and respect them. 8. They need consistency & direction. 9. They need hands-on cooperative learning activities. 10. They need situations to share thoughts, feelings, & attitudes.
Learning Styles: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic Research has shown that students score significantly higher on tests when learning in the way that fits their preferred style. Easiest way to reach learners is to provide choice and variety
Characteristics of Young Adolescents HANDOUT: Page 43 – 51 from This We Believe
Learning Styles: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic Research has shown that students score significantly higher on tests when learning in the way that fits their preferred learning style Provide students CHOICE and allow them to be CREATIVE
Multiple Intelligences Logical-Mathematical Interpersonal Spatial Musical-Rhythmic Intrapersonal Bodily-Kinesthetic Verbal-Linguistic Naturalist HANDOUT: Multiple Intelligence Inventory
Select a topic/ subject area… Develop at least one (try for more than 1) activity for each MI- create a graphic organizer on poster paper to display. You might want to think about incorporating these activities into your unit.
Activity People Search Meet Me Personality Bingo
COMPUTER LAB! Classroom management Transition Motivating students Bullying in the middle school Student-led conferences Portfolios Integrated curriculum James Beane Negotiated curriculum Reading Strategies Reading in the content area Transition Social and Emotional issues Also look for resources: Lesson Plans Templates (calendars, seating charts, lesson plans) MS Office Rubistar Jeopardy review games Wiki Glogster 5 websites with a short description to share on our class wiki
TEXT TALK Book 1: Becoming a Middle Level Leader read pages 20 – 37 Puberty Book 2: Becoming a Middle Level Leader read chapter 4- An Environment to Support Achievement Book 3: The Young Adolescent and the MS read chapter 6- Gifted Learners in the Middle Grades Book 4: Coming of Age read chapter 5 – Emotional Development
Text Talk Book 5: Essential Questions with Answers read chapters- 7, 9, & 10 Developmentally responsive practices, Book 6: How to Talk so Students Can Listen read chapter 2- Seven Skills that Invite Kids to Cooperate
TEXT TALK Summarize your chapter for the class. How can this information be applied in the classroom?