NANN Chapter Idea Exchange Share successful conference planning strategies –Facility and food – most important –Interesting sites in the surrounding area –Hotel location –Look at old evaluations –Networking time –Rotate hospitals to keep costs down –Plan well in advance –Be good to your vendors – get cards, say thanks –Door prizes – vendors to be included to give them a chance too –Let vendors eat first as a thank you –Exceptional AV support –All inclusive handout binder/conference syllabus –Mail out early in year to announce conference – post card –Vendors bring brochures to hospitals
Offer suggestions for recruiting and motivating chapter leaders –Don’t nominate people when not there –Don’t necessarily get newest, most gullable people to run for office –Personally invite people to consider position –Bring in more people to be involved – increase membership numbers –Start smaller first – little tasks first –Tell people what the job is and what is expected within the position; templates/binder from officer to officer –Move elections up this year – new officers come to NLI and pay expenses –Follow through with promises to follow through with officers – support is there
What recent committee activities have been most successful? –MTANN – several committees; membership drive committee – volunteers made personal phone call to remind people to upcoming meeting; conference planning committee – planned conference for this year; fundraising committee – project collected tabs for Ronald McDonald House –PNANN – every year there is a conference; reasonably priced; CEU’s; newsletter
Community Service Projects –Teddy Bear factory – SCANN T-shirts –Sponsor members for Walk-a-Thons – ICANN –Local shelter support – domestic violence support; can goods, Christmas tree; $ to organization after – nursery school in Battery Park –Sponsoring a guide dog – to go to a preemie child with ROP –2 scholarships – one to undergrad and grad student going into nursing KANN –CAAN – cooks at Ronald McDonald House –PNANN – half day conference – students can come to any educational offering for free x 1; other times for food cost only
Offer suggestions on obtaining corporate sponsorship –Educational grants to help offset costs of CEU’s –Presence at conferences; tie it to education and research –Use local reps to help find the money for you –Establish base relationship first –Vendors are given one evening for vendor presentations – in front of whole group –Let them eat first at conferences –Chapter with multiple hospitals represented; use relationships from different hospitals differently; use connections within chapter membership –Art of schmoozing –Think outside the box – think about all the different products you use –Managers night – corporate sponsors have undivided attention –Acknowledge in newsletter and website
Present three membership recruitment drive efforts –Start with national organization and bring down to local level to aim at all levels of nurseries –List of local chapters along with membership card; renewal too –Relocating nurses and ability to access the local chapter –New person that starts in hospital is invited to join the local chapter free of charge for one year –Get list from NANN of local nurses and give free membership for one year –NANN to send list of new or renewing members to chapter leaders quarterly –Social activities – discount to members of local chapter –NTANN (Dallas) – go into NANN data base membership directory; can choose hospital or field specific and get names; use membership directory for information –Conference fees can be used towards membership for next year –NANN membership is a tax-deduction –Put membership in a local/national organization on your clinical ladder system within your hospital