by Savannah McGinnis ED 417 Holidays
Holidays 2ND Grade Lesson
Objectives Students will learn about some major U.S. holidays.
Objectives Continued: Students will learn about some holidays from other cultures.
For Example: Halloween Christmas Kwanzaa Hanukkah Holidays
Activity 1 Materials Needed: The book The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams Computer(s) Paper Pencils
Activity 1 Have a class discussion about Halloween. What are some of the traditions associated with it? Read The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams. Go to the Second and Third Grade Holiday Activity Page “Pumpkin Memory Game” “The Scary Skeleton” Have children reflect on what they know about Halloween through writing.
Activity 2 Materials Needed: Paper Pencils Crayons, Colored Pencils, Markers, etc. Author’s Chair
Activity 2 Have students brainstorm their ideas about how they celebrate the holiday season through webbing. (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.) Have students write their ideas into sentences. Let students draw/color picture(s) to go along with their written words. Draw names out of a cup to determine who will share their ideas and pictures with the rest of their class. (Use the Author’s Chair.) Discuss there are no “right” and “wrong” traditions-just different.
Activity 2 continued Create a graphic organizer template. Go to Eduplace www/ “T Chart” “Cluster/Word Web 3” Make a graphic organizer displaying characteristics of holidays celebrated by children in the class. (Venn diagram, chart, etc.) Make a bar graph of holidays the class celebrated. Allow students to do the work; you’re just the facilitator. (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.)
Activity 3 Materials Needed: Computer(s) Pencils Paper Crayons, Colored Pencils, Markers, etc. Poster boards
Activity 3 Find out if any of the students celebrate Kwanzaa. Ask the students if any of them know what Kwanzaa is. Divide children into groups of 3-4 Direct them to Kaboose “About Kwanzaa” “Printable Activities/Beginner Crossword” Students will write a report on what they learned about Kwanzaa (in groups). Students will design a poster that goes along with their report. (in groups)
Activity 4 Materials Needed: Paper Pencils Crayons, Colored Pencils, Markers, etc. Colored Construction Paper Access to internet, books about holidays Stapler My favorite holiday is...
Activity 4 My favorite holiday is... Students will select their favorite holiday. Students will make a “My Favorite Holiday” book. Books must contain a page for” Front cover/title page Why this is my favorite holiday? Family traditions for this holiday Facts about my holiday History behind my holiday (help as needed) Creative pictures throughout book Note: to be done over time, not just in a day.
Activity 5 Materials Needed: The book Holidays Around the World by Joan O’Brien
Activity 5 Students will read Holidays Around the World by Joan O’Brien Students will reflect on the book through class conversation, writing, etc.
Activity 6 At the end of this unit, have a class party celebrating holidays around the world. Every student brings in a treat or an idea for a game or craft. (Can be from any culture discussed.) Student should have adult supervision while researching the internet. Student can go to
Activity 6 Continued Go to
Books that can be used: Seven Days of Kwanzaa by Melrose Cooper My First Kwanzaa Book by Deborah Chocolate and Cal Massey Seven Spools of Thread: A Kwanzaa Story by Angela Shelf Medearis and Daniel Minter Kwanzaa Fun: Great Things to Make and Do by Linda Robertson
Books that can be used continued: The Sweet Smell of Christmas by Patricia M. Scarry and J. P. Miller A Wish to be a Christmas Tree by Colleen Monroe Olivia Helps With Christmas by Ian Falconer Christmas Around the World by Chuck Fischer
Books that can be used continued: Nate the Great and the Halloween Hunt by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat and Marc Simont Scary, Scary Halloween by Eve Bunting and Jan Brett Who Stole Halloween? by Martha Freeman One Halloween Night by Mark Teague
Books that can be used continued: Hanukkah Moon by Deborah De Costa and Gosia Mosz Festival of Lights: The Story of Hanukkah by Maida Silverman and Carolyn Ewing Holidays Around the World: Celebrate Hanukkah: With Lights, Latkes, and Dreidels by Deborah Heiligman Mrs. Greenburg’s Messy Hanukkah by Linda Glaser and Nancy Cote
The End