IPY core project #63: “Heliosphere impact on geospace” Kirsti Kauristie, FMI +IHY and ICESTAR Teams +27 other reseach projects.


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Presentation transcript:

IPY core project #63: “Heliosphere impact on geospace” Kirsti Kauristie, FMI +IHY and ICESTAR Teams +27 other reseach projects

Contents Background Brief intro of the other 27 consortia Examples of science topics Goals of this meeting Review of the available instrumentation Data sharing issues Virtual observatories IPY4 versus IGY Encouragements and acknowledgements

International Polar Year (IPY, Mar 2007 – Mar 2009) March 2007 – March 2009, Project Office in BAS (UK) Launched by ICSU and WMO Eight science themes (e.g. Ocean, Ice, Atmosphere, Space) Expressions of Interests (>1000) and core projects (>400) EoIs submitted in January 2005, final endorsements in November 2005 IPY provides support for networking, core funding comes from national sources.

Heliosphere impact on geospace IPY core project (#63) conducted by ICESTAR, IHY (International Heliophysical Year) and 27 other consortia with scientists from 22 countries. Science about coupling phenomena affected by solar activity and cosmic background radiation Between the different atmospheric layers Between the magnetosphere and ionosphere Between the different hemispheres In addition Development of Virtual Observatories New instrumentation and technology

The IPY planning chart

IPY project 63: Who are the others? Instrument networks (monitoring): EISCAT, SuperDARN, Auroral Optical Network, Riometers, Ionospheric tomography chains, GPS-receivers Groups who want to run multi-instrumental campaigns and desing or test new technology (e.g. long duration balloon flights, new radars) Groups who want to utilize the unique measurement conditions in the Antarctica Groups who want to test ”grazy” ideas Lead contacts: UK 6; US, Russia, Japan 4; Italy 3

SH NH GOMOS polar (60º-90º) NO2 [ppbv] More about this topic: Esa Turunen SGO, later today Annika Seppälä FMI, Tuesday before lunch Pekka Verronen FMI, Tuesday after lunch

Interhemispheric asymmetries in auroras Satellite images: Statistical models underestimate IMF By penetration Ground-based cameras: conjugacy point can move hundreds of km in longitude More about this topic: Nikolai Ostgaard Univ. Bergen, Tuesday afternoon Akira Kadokura, NIPR Japan, Wednesday morning

TIMIS: Powerful weatherfronts and ionospheric magnetic variations More about this topic: V. Papitashvili, Wed Afternoon

Goals for this meeting Identify the grand unified science goals Identify our resources: people, instrumentation, models and data analysis tools Set up routines for monitoring the outcome Boost up the usage of Virtual Observatories Discuss opportunities to get more money Get to know each other

IPY-IHY-ICESTAR networking Persons contacted: IHY CIP proposers ICESTAR Topical Action Group leaders IPY Expression of Interest Lead contacts The process will be continued..

Optical Networks: Auroral precipitation, conductances Magnetically conjugate regions

SuperDARN Radars: Plasma convection Maps of the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) arrays over the Northern (left) and Southern (right) polar regions. The Antarctic map shows fields-of-view for existing (yellow) and planned (orange) radars.

Riometers: Energetic precipitation Coordinates: Data base of the Lancaster University

Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Radars  Current Antarctic MLT Sites South Pole, Scott Base, Davis, Syowa & Rothera  Current Arctic MLT Sites Esrange, Andennes, Tromso, Svalbard, Dixon Island, Resolute Bay, Yellowknife, Barrow

IPY Data Policy ”Data should be carefully collected, freely accessible, adequately preserved, and timely distributed” ”Data should be accompanied by a full set of metadata that completely describes the measurements” ”A legacy of versatile data systems” Solution: Virtual Observatories, one shopping site for observations from distributed sources Difference from Word Data Centers: VOs transfer data only upon user’s request. ICESTAR: GAIA and VGMO; Madrigal and SuperDARN, GPS and ionospheric tomography chains

How to get data providers motivated? VO’s could apply for Digital Object Identification code, c.f. AGU journals doi: /XXX Suggestion: DOI prefix: IPY, DOI suffix: VO Improvement to URLs: URLs change, DOIs persist Improvement to publications: Information behind DOIs can be updated easily Scientists using your data could easily refer to your DOI->User statistics for funding parties The drawback: Getting a DOI costs some real money… (member fee and annual fee)

IPY-4 versus IGY Improvements since the IGY days: Long time series available Combined analysis of different data sets (ground-based and space-based) Data mining with machine vision methods Theoretical models help interpretation Advancements in the instrumentation From qualitative to quantitative descriptions Akasofu, 1969 Palmroth et al. 2006

Recent Nature/Physics papers: ”magnetosphere” Cluster Pinatubo effects in the magnetosphere Saturn’s magnetosphere Halloween storm and radiation belts Planetary auroral storms from Sun to Saturn ”sprites” Images of high-speed cameras Similar discharges in Venus ”auroras” Auroral flares at Jupiter Artificial auroras at Caribbean ”stratosphere Observations during Huygens probe descent El nino effects in stratosphere ( ) “Exceptional astronomical seeing conditions above Dome C in Antarctica” “Arctic rockets give glimpse of the atmosphere's top layers”

Acknowledgements Nice to see you all here! Scientific Council of Antarctic Research (SCAR), The Foundation of Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä, and Finnish Meteorological Institute have supported this meeting.