Roman History Introduction
The Italian Land Central position in the Mediterranean Alps in the north Protected against barbarian invaders Fertile plains in the west extending to the sea Apennine mountains in the east Made eastern Italy largely inaccessible Created two groups: wealth plainsmen of the west and poor mountain tribes of the east Few good harbors, all existed in west of south Sicily provided stepping stone to Africa Wealth of natural resources: iron, copper, gold, tin, silver, stones, and timber Central position in the Mediterranean Alps in the north Protected against barbarian invaders Fertile plains in the west extending to the sea Apennine mountains in the east Made eastern Italy largely inaccessible Created two groups: wealth plainsmen of the west and poor mountain tribes of the east Few good harbors, all existed in west of south Sicily provided stepping stone to Africa Wealth of natural resources: iron, copper, gold, tin, silver, stones, and timber
Sources for Early Roman History Archaeology Written: Livy Vergil Archaeology Written: Livy Vergil
Early people of Rome Latin speaking tribes: Latins Sabines Samnites Ubrians Oscans Non-latin people in Italy: Etruscans Greeks Latin speaking tribes: Latins Sabines Samnites Ubrians Oscans Non-latin people in Italy: Etruscans Greeks
Regions of Italy Eturia Umbria Sabini Latium Samnium Campania Eturia Umbria Sabini Latium Samnium Campania Picenum Apulia Lucania Calabria Bruttia Picenum Apulia Lucania Calabria Bruttia ~ :Map-of-ancient-Italy---Engraved-to-
Early History Etruscan Dominated much of Italy beginning in the 7th century Ruled Rome for about 100 years Etruscan culture had second greatest impact on Roman culture Expanded south, came into direct contact with the Greeks and began to decline Rome rebelled and gained independence around 500 BC Etruscan Dominated much of Italy beginning in the 7th century Ruled Rome for about 100 years Etruscan culture had second greatest impact on Roman culture Expanded south, came into direct contact with the Greeks and began to decline Rome rebelled and gained independence around 500 BC
Foundation Myths Roman people descended from Aeneas of Troy Romulus and Remus Founded April 21, 753 BC 7 kings of Rome: Romulus Numa Pompilius Tullus Hostilius Ancus Martius Tarquinius Priscus Servius Tullius Tarquinius Superbus Roman people descended from Aeneas of Troy Romulus and Remus Founded April 21, 753 BC 7 kings of Rome: Romulus Numa Pompilius Tullus Hostilius Ancus Martius Tarquinius Priscus Servius Tullius Tarquinius Superbus