1 EasyWay The EasyWay framework Ulrich Just, Ministry for the Environment, Construction, Transport and Europe of the State of Bremen/Germany Leader of EasyWay VIKING Activity 1 ” European-wide Traveller Information Services” Working with multi-modal travel planners – an information exchange workshop October 2008
2 Overview Information about EasyWay Co-modality in EasyWay VIKING’s common projects from the TEMPO programme and their continuation in EasyWay EasyWay
3 Background EasyWay follows on from the success of the TEMPO programme (MIP I), which started in 2001 and concluded in This programme provided many achievements and convincing results. To continue the success of TEMPO, within 2006 the scope of the EasyWay project was developed by the members of the Euro-Regional projects in order to continue the successful collaborative work undertaken as part of the TEMPO programme. EasyWay incorporates eight Euro-Regions (CENTRICO, STREETWISE, ITHACA, SERTI, ARTS, CORVETTE, CONNECT, VIKING) facilitating the integration of all new Member States. The eight Euro Regions will retain their established management structure for EasyWay. EasyWay
4 What is EasyWay? A project for Europe-wide ITS deployment on main TERN corridors. More than 20 member states involved. Driven by national road authorities and operators with associated partners including the automotive industry, telecom operators and public transport stakeholders. It sets clear targets, identifies the set of necessary ITS European services to deploy. An efficient platform that allows the European mobility stakeholders to achieve a coordinated and combined deployment of these pan-European services. Retains the successful management structure from MIP I. EasyWay
5 Which 21 Member States are involved? Austria Belgium Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Lithuania Netherlands Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom EasyWay
6 What is the EasyWay geographic area? EasyWay
7 EasyWay's Objectives EasyWay has four main objectives. These are to: improve safety, reduce congestion, reduce environmental impacts, and to promote continuity of services at regional and European level, using coordinated deployment of real-time information and management systems and services in Europe. The EasyWay projects overarching objectives which are expected to be achieved by 2020 are as follows: o 25% improvement in road safety o 25% decrease in congestion, facilitate travel and mobility of people and goods o 10% reduction in the impact on the Environment It is recognised that the achievements of these targets could be affected by other external factors outside the control of the EasyWay project. EasyWay
8 How is EasyWay organised? The EASYWAY Steering Committee: o Consists of the eight Euro-Regions chairmen o It is in charge of making decisions, managing the programme and ensuring the interface with the EC o A rotating chairmanship (UK in 2008 and France 2009) The EASYWAY Secretariat: o It is in charge of the operational management (cost and time schedule) The Euro-Regions Steering Committees: o In charge of deployment activities o ER SC is the institutional intermediary between the EW SC and the partners o Managing and evaluating deployments, and nominate representatives for the Expert Groups EasyWay
9 EasyWay Deployment Activities EasyWay is structured in six deployment activities, which are linked together. Which is illustrated in the below diagram: EasyWay
10 EasyWay Deployment Activities A1 – A4 A1 - A4 Deployment Activities Are the main element of the EasyWay Project. Regional work plans are developed to carry out these activities, which focus on the needs of the specific regions and cross-border corridors in relation to the goals set out in the EasyWay Programme. These activities are: o A1- European-wide Traveller Information Services o A2- Traffic Management Services o A3- Freight and Logistic Services and o A4- Connected ICT Infrastructure EasyWay
11 How is EasyWay organised? A 5 European Studies EasyWay has launched dedicated European Studies (ES) for the period These will support pilots, develop frameworks and deployment guidelines to improve the availability of accurate, relevant and timely data/information for the support policy decisions and will be a platform for future projects. All member states have been invited to participate in the European Studies: platform for common discussions and initiatives with the private sector and other organisations. Six European Studies have been determined. These are: o ES 1 Europe-wide Traveller Information continuity and co-modality o ES 2 Europe-wide Traffic and Network management and co-modality o ES 3 Freight and Logistics services o ES 4 VMS Harmonisation o ES 5 DATEX II o ES 6 European ITS Deployment Road Map EasyWay
12 How is EasyWay organised? Expert Groups The Expert Groups (EGs) main activity is the dissemination of the knowledge about the ongoing studies and implementations among all the EasyWay partners. The Experts are highlighting important or critical situations, suggesting choices and preparing decisions. In addition, the EGs are defining European Studies and validate and assess their results. Five Expert groups have been determined. These are: o ICT infrastructures o Traveller Information Services o Traffic Management o Freight and logistics o Evaluation EasyWay
13 What’s next for EasyWay? EasyWay is one of the most important programmes for the European Commission / Directorate-General for Transport and Energy on Intelligent Transport Systems. EasyWay is a collaboration of more than 20 member states, with a budget of 500 m€ and funding of 100 m€ has been secured for EasyWay has three stages to secure funding from the European Commission / Directorate-General for Transport and Energy. These are: , and Within 2009 EasyWay will start to develop the proposal to secure the next stage of the programme: 2010 – EasyWay
14 Co-modality in EasyWay Co-modality means the efficient use of different modes on their own and in combination, with the result of an optimal and sustainable utilisation of resources. The concept of co-modality is promoted and demanded by the EC. The EasyWay euro-regions have to respond to this demand with their common work and projects. EasyWay
15 VIKING’s common projects Common work that is related to Activity A1 “Europe-wide traveller information services” within VIKING currently focuses on 3 areas: 1.The Ferry Data Pool Project, that fills in a gap of international, cross-border, co-modal traveller information services by providing the content for international passenger ferries in the Baltic and parts of the North Sea and offering a combined car and ferry route planer that shows the benefits of such services to ferry companies, service providers and end users. It is planned to extend the project in the European Study “ES 1 Europe-wide Traveller Information continuity and co-modality” and to extend” to the North and Mediterranean Sea. 2.TTIS, an international, cross-border Internet portal for travel and transport information in the VIKING countries. It is planned to study further in ES 1 how national Internet portals can embed information from adjacent areas or neighboring countries. EasyWay
16 VIKING’s common projects 3.Exchange of experiences and best-practises between the EasyWay-VIKING countries in workshops of special interest (this year: Workshop on multi-modal travel planners in Copenhagen). The purpose of the workshop is to bring together experts and people with great interest in working with multi-modal travel planners, and give them a chance of exchanging information and experiences. The workshop results can also be of value for the European Studies and their work on deployment guidelines for “Co- modal traveller Information Services” (kick-off-meeting in London). EasyWay