“The film is inspired by the story of Noah. While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values, and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Noah can be found in the book of Genesis.”
Water Rich Gem ‘Ringwoodite’ Offers Clues to Vast Oceans Beneath the Earth’s Mantle “A sample of a rare water-rich gem called 'ringwoodite' offers new clues about the presence of a large volume of water beneath the Earth's mantle... “'This sample really provides extremely strong confirmation that there are local wet spots deep in the Earth in this area. That particular zone in the Earth, the transition zone, might have as much water as all the world's oceans put together,' said Graham Pearson, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Arctic Resources at the U of A, who discovered the mineral.”
Genesis 7:11“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.” Genesis 8:1 “The fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were also stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained.” Psalm 33:7 “He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deep in storehouses.”
Music I.References II.Technical Development A. Musicology B. Beauty C. Physiology of Music III.Biblical Development A. Directive/Descriptive/Principle B. Textual Exposition IV.Sacred Music—Hymnology A. Standards B. History V.FAQs VI.Summary/Conclusion
Biblical Examination of Music I.Those Who Sing II.Foundational Text A. Qualifications of Those Who Sing B. Purposes of Music C. Qualities of Music III.Sing a “New” Song VI.Summary/Conclusion
Why Do We Sing? It's Commanded Exalt God Edify/Educate in Truth Emotional Encouragement and Comfort/ Spiritual Refreshment Evangelize Sanctify the Emotions
Why Do We Sing? It's Commanded Exalt God Edify/Educate in Truth Emotional Encouragement and Comfort/ Spiritual Refreshment Evangelize Sanctify the Emotions
Why Do We Sing? It's Commanded Exalt God Edify/Educate in Truth Emotional Encouragement and Comfort/ Spiritual Refreshment Evangelize Sanctify the Emotions
Why Do We Sing? It's Commanded Exalt God Edify/Educate in Truth Emotional Encouragement and Comfort/ Spiritual Refreshment Evangelize Sanctify the Emotions
Why Do We Sing? It's Commanded Exalt God Edify/Educate in Truth Emotional Encouragement and Comfort/ Spiritual Refreshment Evangelize Sanctify the Emotions
Worship in SongScott Aniol “Christians should be concerned to sanctify not only their minds and wills but also their emotions. Thus humans need music, and perhaps this is one of the reasons the Bible stresses the importance of music for believers. This need is further illustrated in the writing of music education specialist Bennett Reimer. He explains that our ability to articulate how we feel is limited when we use only words to describe our emotions... “The answer, according to Reimer, is that music is able to bring our feelings to 'the level of awareness' by which we may '[know] through experiencing what ordinary language cannot express... “In other words, music's ability to express emotion through use of symbols allows man to know experientially what is normally frustratingly elusive and to make value judgments about his feelings based on something external to himself. Thus man's emotions can be educated or, in religious terms, sanctified.” pg. 126
Biblical Examination of Music I.Those Who Sing II.Foundational Text A. Qualifications of Those Who Sing B. Purposes of Music C. Qualities of Music III.Sing a “New” Song VI.Summary/Conclusion
Psalms ya,lmoj (psalmos) Hymns u[mnoj (humnos) Spiritual Songs pneumatiko,j wvdh, (pneumatikos ōdē)
LXX Greek Strong's Number LXX meaningKJVNKJVNIV/RSV Word count Psalm in which title is found (in the Septuagint) 5568psalmos/psalmpsalm , 11-15, 19-25, 29-31, 38-41, 43-44, 46-51, 62-68, 73, 75-77, 79-85, 87-88, 92, 94, , , , 143 4907 understanding or wisdom maschil a contemplation maskil13 32, 42, 44-45, 52-55, 74, 78, , 142 5215eumnos/hymnneginoth with stringed instruments 66, 54-55, 61, 67, 76 5603ode/songsong 36 4, 18, 30, 39, 45, 48, 65-68, 75-76, 83, 87-88, 91-93, , 108, the HEIDELBLOG September 14, 2012 At the top of the Psalms in the LXX were titles or superscriptions. Those superscriptions described each Psalm, they categorized the psalms in 4 classes or groups:
Psalms ya,lmoj (psalmos) Luke 20:42, 24:44; Acts 1:20, 13:33; 1 Cor 14:26 Hymns u[mnoj (humnos) no other references Songs wvdh, (ōdē) Rev 5:9, 14:3, 15:3