Ministry Of Electricity General Electric company of Libya The impact of Energy Pricing on Renewable Energy in Deployment Country Study : Libya Prepared by: Dr. Khairy Agha Mr. Milad Abdallah Zaed
Gecol Information
Chairman Procurement & Warehousing Internal Audit Distribution Generation & Desalination Transmission & Control Customer Service Operations Corporate Planning, Finance & Projects Contracts & Development Accounts Generation & Transmission Projects Distribution Projects Distribution Projects Support Services General Services Accounting Information Technology Information Technology Human Resources Corporate Planning Legal Affairs Communication & External Cooperation Corporate Finance GECOL is a state-owned vertically structured power utility responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of electric power throughout Libya. General DepartmentVice Chairman
Key Figures 2010&2012: Item Change (%) Max. Load (MW)5,7595, Min. Load (MW)2,1032, Total Energy Production- Gwh32,55833, Energy Imported- Gwh Energy Exported- Gwh Customers1,198,1761,223, Energy Sold Mwh20,602,21712,993, Number of Employee37,58640, Consumption Per Capita(K.w.h)4,6514, Energy Produced )MWH Per Employee) Customers Per Employee
Key Figures 2010&2012: Item Change (%) Transmission Lines (KM) 400 KV2, KV13, KV14, KV11, Sub-Stations Installed Capacity (MVA) 400 KV9, KV15,45819, KV4, KV13,88413,
Country Historical Data Population GDp 10^6 Us$ Total Capacity Gw Total Generation Gwh Technical Losses Gwh Total Consumptio n Gwh 20065,913,23056,4795,43822,5521,75220, ,049,90071,6876,61225,4181,78422, ,189,04089,9096,19628,6664,01322, ,332,63360,3516,76630,3734,25924, ,478,91776,5578,34932,5584,48325, ,628,58033,5268,34926,3494,06419, ,781,70090,5198,34933,9605,35625,607 Libya Historical System and Social-economic data
Balancing demand with available capacity of existing generation projects and new production Year The maximum load expected (MW ) 6,4956,9317,3817,8468,3018,7669,2229,62810,04210,45310,87111,28511,66812,05212,44012,83213,23013,63614,04914,47014,900 Loads development projects (MW ) ,0971,9823,4973,9304,211 Total maximum load (MW ) 6,6327,4808,4789,82811,79812,69613,43313,83914,25314,66415,08215,49615,87916,26316,65117,04317,44117,84718,26018,68119,111 Power required (MWH ) 38,826,99043,575,41649,181,58756,996,05868,026,24073,025,61377,088,60679,482,92881,369,31383,474,37485,621,15887,998,65989,702,32594,395,03096,643,26199,203,442101,232,174103,584,957103,794,966103,987,001104,173,941 TypeStation Installe d Power Unit s Available capacity (MW ) Existing steam west of Tripoli4354ST120 Komes4804ST400 Drna1302ST80 40 Tobruk1302ST80 40 Misrata iron5076ST Ghazi south of Tripoli 5005GT400 Azwaitina2004GT160 Komes6004GT480 Western Mountain 9366GT750 Srear8203GT690 Small Gaz *GTs Compien Cycle Zwia 14856GT810 3ST405 North Benghazi GT495 2ST245 Misurata GT460 1ST230 North Benghazi GT460 1ST230 Azwaitina GT460 1ST 230 Under constructio n And contracted Steam Gulf14004ST 7001,0501,400 west of Tripoli ST 7001,0501,400 GazUbari6244GT proposal steam east of Tripoli14004ST 7001,400 Bembh Golf10503ST ,050 West of Benghazi 14004ST 7001,0501,400 Abu Kemash14004ST ,0501,400 Komas ST 7001,0501,400 Drna10502ST ,050 Abuturabh7002ST Gaz Sabha8553GT South of Tripoli GT Compien Cycle steel Misurata 750 2GT 400 1ST 200 Mellita1640 4GT 920 2ST 460 Azwaitina GT ST 230 Tobruk820 2 GT ST 230 Total available capacity (MW)7,2358,3689,97111,75114,22115,18116,11116,69117,04117,64117,96118,31118,66119,02119,72120,071 20,42121,00121,46121,811 Deficit "-" or surplus "+" (MW ) ,4931,9232,4232,4852,6782,8522,7882,9772,8792,8152,7822,7573,0703,0282,6292,5742,7412,7802,699 Reserve9.1%11.9%17.6%19.6%20.5%19.6%19.9%20.6%19.6%20.3%19.1%18.2%17.5%17.0%18.4%17.8%15.1%14.4%15.0%14.9%14.1%
Historical Data Total M3 Heavy Fuel oil M3 Light Fuel oil M3 Natural Gas M ,326,552,378 1,802,8463,363,6043,323,188, ,090,197,861 2,034,8863,862,7353,084,300, ,799,202,552 1,812,9304,205,1113,793,184, ,269,391,873 1,074,3812,478,0404,265,839, ,455,054,744 1,420,7132,577,3297,451,056,702 Libya Fuel Consumption in Electrical Sectors(M3)
Historical Data Total Thousand toe Heavy Fuel oil Thousand toe Light Fuel oil Thousand toe Natural Gas Thousand toe ,1351,8142,6132, ,1481,4182,6473, ,5831,6363,0022, ,0261,8463,4472, ,7591,6453,7533, ,9690,9742,2133, ,1971,2892,3026,606 Libya Fuel Consumption in Electrical Sectors(000 toe)
Gecol Of Calculation Emissions Factor EF grid,OMsimple,y = Operation Margin ( ) EF grid,BM,y = Build Margin (2011) EF grid,CM,y = Combined Margin (2011) (a) Weighted average (OM x x BM)
Impacts Change Local Fuel Prices for year 2012 Type of Fuel YEARS (L.D/M 3 ) HFO LFO GAS Type of Fuel Qua. (M3) year HFO 1,420, LFO 2,577, GAS 7,451,056, M.LD ) ) Total % -28%65%83%119%253% Difference
Gecol Balance sheet for year
Gecol Income statement by L.D for year
Ability to break even, make a net profit or cover its operating costs by L.D for year 2012
Cost with Local Fuel Prices
Impacts with Local Fuel Prices for year 2012 Type of Fuel Qua. (M3) year 2012 PriceLocal Fuel invoice Subsides (%) (L.D/M3) (M.LD) HFO1,420, % LFO2,577, % GAS7,451,056, % Fuel Invoice % Transportation Expenses22.1 Total522.4
Detailed breakdown of expenses 2012 With Local Fuel Price (%)(M.LD)DESCREPTION 33%522.4OPERATING MATERIAL (Fuel) 47%758.6Salaries & Allowances 7%125.1 Overheads& Maintenance Expenses 1%11.6 FINANCIAL COSTS & Services Expenses 12%185.0DEPRECIATION 100%1,602.7Total EXPENSES
Discription for Energy flow through libyan grid 2012 Losses [MWh] Energy Generated From GECOL's P/S Including Steel Complex P/S 33,967,420 Energy Consumed From GECOL's P/S 1.70%577,039 Energy consumed by Steel Complex P/S 2,426,542 Total Energy Transmitted to 400/220 kv grid 30,963,839 Losses in 400/220 kv grid 2.00%619,277 Net Energy Transmitted to 30/66 kv grid 30,344,563 Losses in 30/66 grid 4.90%1,517,228 Energy sold in 30/66 kv grid 2,809,320 Net Energy Transmitted to 11/0.4 kv grid 26,018,015 Losses in 11/0.4 kv grid 10.40%3,220,239 Energy sold in 11/0.4 kv grid 10,184,355 Commercial Losses 15.0%4,644,576 Technical Losses 17.30% 5,356,744 Commercial and Technical Losses reference to year % 10,001,320 Energy sould be sold in grid 67.70% 20,962,519 Energy sold in grid (bild) 41.96% 12,993,675
Category Total Energy Sales 2012 [MWh] Unit Cost by Type of Customer with Local fuel price VL0 (0,4 kV)VL1 (11kV)VL2 (30/66 kV)Total Dirham /Kwh Cent us$ /Kwh Domestic 7,441, %977.4 Small Agriculture 1,039, ,039,526 5%836.4 Large Agriculture 626, , ,192 1,393,150 7%493.8 Light Industrial 673, ,881 72, ,450 4%705.4 Heavy Industrial - 9, , ,274 4%473.6 Commercial 2,306, ,286 2,507,157 12%806.2 State Offices 3,178, , ,829 3,695,736 18%645.0 Street Lighting 3,075, %594.6 Total 18,341, ,824 1,783,414 20,962, %765.9
PROFIT AND LOSSES ACCOUNT FOR YEAR 2012 with Local fuel price Category Total Energy Sales ExpensesUnit CostUnit PriceRevenue Different (subsides) M.W.H(M.LD) (Dirham\KWh)(M.LD) Domestic 7,441, Small Agriculture 1,039, Large Agriculture 1,393, Light Industrial 910, Heavy Industrial 900, Commercial 2,507, State Offices 3,695, Street Lighting 3,075, Total 20,962,5191, Different -42%
Total expenses by type of activities with Local fuel price [MLD]-2012 Type of expenseGenerationTransmission Distribution & Customer service Total Fuel Salaries Depreciations Other expenses Total ,599.4 Percentage 47.1%9. 8%43.1%100.0%
Unit Cost by type of activities with Local fuel price [Dirham / kwh]-2012 System LevelGenerationTransmission Distribution & Customer service Total Fuel Salaries Depreciations Other expenses Total [Dirham/kWh] Total [Cent us$/kWh]
Unit Cost by type of activities with Local fuel price [% / kwh]-2012 System LevelGenerationTransmission Distribution & Customer service Total Fuel 68%0%1%33% Salaries 12%51%74%43% Depreciations 10%34%8%12% Other expenses 9%15%16%13% Total 100%
Cost with International Fuel Prices
Impacts International Fuel Prices for year 2012 Type of Fuel Qua. (M3) year 2012 Price International Fuel invoice Subsides (%) (L.D/M3) (M.LD) HFO1,420, , % LFO2,577,3291,0652, % GAS7,451,056, , % Fuel Invoice7, % Transportation Expenses22.1 Total7,236.5
Detailed breakdown of expenses 2012 With International Fuel Price (%)(M.LD)DESCREPTION 87%7,236.4OPERATING MATERIAL (Fuel) 9%758.6Salaries & Allowances 1.3%125.1 Overheads& Maintenance Expenses 0.7%11.6 FINANCIAL COSTS & Services Expenses 2%185.0DEPRECIATION 100%8,316.7Total EXPENSES
Category Total Energy Sales 2012 [MWh] Unit Cost by Type of Customer with International fuel price VL0 (0,4 kV)VL1 (11kV)VL2 (30/66 kV)Total Dirham /Kwh Cent us$ /Kwh Domestic 7,441, % Small Agriculture 1,039, ,039,5265% Large Agriculture 626, , ,192 1,393,1507% Light Industrial 673, ,881 72, ,4504% Heavy Industrial - 9, , ,2744% Commercial 2,306, ,286 2,507,15712% State Offices 3,178, , ,829 3,695,73618% Street Lighting 3,075, % Total 18,341, ,824 1,783,414 20,962,519100%
PROFIT AND LOSSES ACCOUNT FOR YEAR 2012 with International fuel price Category Total Energy Sales ExpensesUnit CostUnit PriceRevenue Different (subsides) M.W.H(M.LD) (Dirham\KWh)(M.LD) Domestic 7,441,0773, ,327.5 Small Agriculture 1,039, Large Agriculture 1,393, Light Industrial 910, Heavy Industrial 900, Commercial 2,507,1571, State Offices 3,695,7361, ,115.8 Street Lighting 3,075, Total 20,962,5198, ,395.1 Different -89%
Total expenses by type of activities with International fuel price [MLD]-2012 Type of expenseGenerationTransmission Distribution & Customer service Total Fuel 7, ,236.3 Salaries Depreciations Other expenses Total 7, ,313.4 Percentage89.8%1.9%8.3%100.0%
Unit Cost by type of activities with International fuel price [Dirham / kwh]-2012 System LevelGenerationTransmission Distribution & Customer service Total Fuel Salaries Depreciations Other expenses Total [Dirham/kWh] Total [Cent us$/kWh]
Unit Cost by type of activities with International fuel price [% / kwh]-2012 Unit Cost by type of activities with International fuel price [% / kwh]-2012 System LevelGenerationTransmission Distribution & Customer service Total Fuel 97%0%1%87% Salaries 1%51%74%8% Depreciations 1%34%8%2% Other expenses 1%15%16%2% Total 100%
Compared to the tariff rates and energy consumption Between some Arab countries Between some Arab countries Compared to the tariff rates and energy consumption Between some Arab countries Between some Arab countries
Electricity consumption (kWh/capita) Average electricity tariff Country Cents/kwh Us 4,8503.3Libya 8,3113.3Saudi Arabia 2,1697.1Jordan 1,2529.5Tunisia 1,0504.7Algeria Morocco 1,4392.5Egypt All definitions of electric power consumption in the Arab countries supported but varying degrees
Compared to the tariff for some segments of the electrical consumption between some Arab countries (cents US$/kWh. And. Q)
Average per capita consumption and Libyan families and subsides the value of the expected International fuel price for the year 2012 Average per capita consumption and Libyan families and subsides the value of the expected International fuel price for the year 2012 Average household consumption for the individual and the Libyan families: the amount of household consumption (7,441,077 M.w.h) This support covers only the value of household consumption of all Libyan families. value of the subsidy in the electricity bill for home consumption (M.L.D= 3,327.5) at an average cost of support around 447 Dirham / k. W. h - This support covers the value of domestic consumption only.
Average per capita consumption and Libyan families and subsides the value of the expected International fuel price for the year 2012 Average per capita consumption and Libyan families and subsides the value of the expected International fuel price for the year 2012 This support covers all sectors average consumption for all segments of consumption for the individual and the Libyan families: The amount of consumption for all sectors (20,962,519 M.w.h) value of the subsidy in the electricity bill for all segments of consumption (= 7,395.1M.L.D) at an average cost of support around 353 Dirham / k. w. h - This support covers the value of household consumption and consumption of all other sectors.
الآلية المقترحة لسداد الدعم النقدي والية دفع مقابل الخدمات من المستهلك. نقترح أن تكون آلية إدارة وسداد الدعم النقدي من خلال وجود كيان أو جهاز(شباك موحد) يتولى فتح حساب لكل الأسر الليبية (حسب المقترح المرفق) مرتبط بمنظومة صرف (2000 دينار) مع بطاقة الرقم الوطني يتم فيه إيداع الدعم النقدي مباشرة لحساب رب الأسرة الليبية ويتم الصرف منه بطريقة تضمن قيام المواطن بدفع ماعليه من التزامات مقابل الخدمات التى تقدم له من الدولة بأحدى الطرق التالية: يتم إحالة فواتير الخدمات لكل رب اسرة من الجهات العامة مباشرة كشركة الكهرباء إلى الشباك الموحد ليتولى خصمها وتسديدها مباشرة للشركة، لضمان سداد حقوق الشركة، بما يمكنها من تحسين نسبة الجباية وتحسين خدماتها. أحالة قيمة الدعم في الكهرباء سنوياً الى القطاع ويتم إصدار فاتورة للمستهلك بالفارق بين مبلغ الدعم وبين فاتورة استهلاكه في حالة الاستهلاك أكبر من المخصص له، لضمان تحصيل مقابل استهلاكه. أو يتم صرف قيمة الدعم النقدي للأسر الليبية وإلزام رب الأسرة بسداد ما عليـه من التزامات للجهات العامة وفي حالة عدم التزامه يتم تجميد حسابه إلى حين إحضار ما يفيد تسوية أموره الإدارية والمالية مع شركة الكهرباء.
توصيات عامة: 1. ارتفاع نصيب الفرد من استهلاك الكهرباء تعتبر علامة واضحة على انخفاض الكفاءة وسوء استخدام الطاقة الكهربائية، ويمكن إرجاع تدنى الكفاءة الى سببين رئيسين هما: التعريفة المنخفضة لاستهلاك الكهرباء. انخفاض كفاءة الأجهزة والمعدات التى تستخدم فـي السوق الليبي بسبب عدم تطبيق المعايير والمواصفات في توريد هذه الأجهزة الكهربائية. وضع سياسات للتصدى لظاهرة الفاقد التجارى في الطاقة والعمل علــــــــــى تحسين الفاقد الفني في الشبكة العامة، بما ينعكس ايجابياً على المداخيل المالية للشركة. 2. الاستثمار في المشروعات الكهربائية يشكل عنصراً هاماً بالنسبة للتنمية ولكن ضمان قدرة الدولة على الاستمرار في تحمل تكاليف هذه الاستثمارات يواجه مخاطر بسبب تذبذب اسعار النفط المصدر الوحيد للدخل، حيث لاحظنا أن الدولة تنفق على كافة استثمارات قطاع الكهرباء وتمول نفقات العمرات الجسيمة لمحطات الإنتاج، وتغطي الفرو قات المالية بين اسعار بيع وحدة الطاقة والتكلفة الفعلية لها، عليه ينبغي وضع سياسات لتخفيض الأعباء المالية على المالية العامة للدولة. 3. استمرار تزويد الشركة بالوقود والغاز الطبيعي بأسعار دون الأسعار الدولية تؤدي الى تخصيص غير كفؤ للموارد في الصناعة ولا تشجع علـــــــــــــــــــــــــى حسن الأداء والترشيد في استهلاك الطاقة. توصيات عامة: 1. ارتفاع نصيب الفرد من استهلاك الكهرباء تعتبر علامة واضحة على انخفاض الكفاءة وسوء استخدام الطاقة الكهربائية، ويمكن إرجاع تدنى الكفاءة الى سببين رئيسين هما: التعريفة المنخفضة لاستهلاك الكهرباء. انخفاض كفاءة الأجهزة والمعدات التى تستخدم فـي السوق الليبي بسبب عدم تطبيق المعايير والمواصفات في توريد هذه الأجهزة الكهربائية. وضع سياسات للتصدى لظاهرة الفاقد التجارى في الطاقة والعمل علــــــــــى تحسين الفاقد الفني في الشبكة العامة، بما ينعكس ايجابياً على المداخيل المالية للشركة. 2. الاستثمار في المشروعات الكهربائية يشكل عنصراً هاماً بالنسبة للتنمية ولكن ضمان قدرة الدولة على الاستمرار في تحمل تكاليف هذه الاستثمارات يواجه مخاطر بسبب تذبذب اسعار النفط المصدر الوحيد للدخل، حيث لاحظنا أن الدولة تنفق على كافة استثمارات قطاع الكهرباء وتمول نفقات العمرات الجسيمة لمحطات الإنتاج، وتغطي الفرو قات المالية بين اسعار بيع وحدة الطاقة والتكلفة الفعلية لها، عليه ينبغي وضع سياسات لتخفيض الأعباء المالية على المالية العامة للدولة. 3. استمرار تزويد الشركة بالوقود والغاز الطبيعي بأسعار دون الأسعار الدولية تؤدي الى تخصيص غير كفؤ للموارد في الصناعة ولا تشجع علـــــــــــــــــــــــــى حسن الأداء والترشيد في استهلاك الطاقة.
4.العمل علـــــى تطبيق آلية استبدال الدعم العيني للسلع والخدمات بالـــدعم النقدي لتحفيز المواطن على الترشيد في استهلاكه وتطبيق مقترحات الية سداد الدعم النقدي للمواطن وتحصيل مقابل الخدمات المقدمة للمستهلك. 5.حت القطاعات المختلفة المستهلكة للطاقة الصناعية والزراعية وغيرها على دراسة تكلفة منتجاتها بعد استبدال الدعم لمعرفة تأثير اسعار الطاقة في تكلفة منتجاتها. 5.ليبيا تسعى الـــى الدخول بمنظمة التجارة العالمية (WTO) والاتفاقيات الخاصة بمنظمة التجارة تتطلب النظر في دعم الكهرباء والمحروقات بشكل عــــــــــــــــــام وإعادة هيكلة القطاع، بما يسمح بفتح باب المنافسة ودخول القطاع الخاص لممارسة هــــــــذا النشاط بمختلف مستوياته. 6.فتح المجال للاستثمار في مصادر الطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة استخدام الطاقة وإدارة جانب الطلب من خلال وضـــــع معايير جديدة للأجهزة الكهربائية وإضاءة الشوارع والمواقع الصناعية. 7.العمل على الترشيد في الأنفاق وتحسين كفاءة الأداء للعاملين بالقطاع، حيث شهد عدد العاملين بالشركة زيادة مضطردة في السنوات الماضية وانعكس ذلك على إنتاجية مرفق الكهرباء حيث بلغ في المتوسط حوالي 34 مستهلك لكل موظف بالشركة وإذا ما قارنا ذلك مع إنتاجية مرفق الكهرباء بالمملكة العربية السعودية نجدها حوالي 173 مستهلكاً لكل موظف. 4.العمل علـــــى تطبيق آلية استبدال الدعم العيني للسلع والخدمات بالـــدعم النقدي لتحفيز المواطن على الترشيد في استهلاكه وتطبيق مقترحات الية سداد الدعم النقدي للمواطن وتحصيل مقابل الخدمات المقدمة للمستهلك. 5.حت القطاعات المختلفة المستهلكة للطاقة الصناعية والزراعية وغيرها على دراسة تكلفة منتجاتها بعد استبدال الدعم لمعرفة تأثير اسعار الطاقة في تكلفة منتجاتها. 5.ليبيا تسعى الـــى الدخول بمنظمة التجارة العالمية (WTO) والاتفاقيات الخاصة بمنظمة التجارة تتطلب النظر في دعم الكهرباء والمحروقات بشكل عــــــــــــــــــام وإعادة هيكلة القطاع، بما يسمح بفتح باب المنافسة ودخول القطاع الخاص لممارسة هــــــــذا النشاط بمختلف مستوياته. 6.فتح المجال للاستثمار في مصادر الطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة استخدام الطاقة وإدارة جانب الطلب من خلال وضـــــع معايير جديدة للأجهزة الكهربائية وإضاءة الشوارع والمواقع الصناعية. 7.العمل على الترشيد في الأنفاق وتحسين كفاءة الأداء للعاملين بالقطاع، حيث شهد عدد العاملين بالشركة زيادة مضطردة في السنوات الماضية وانعكس ذلك على إنتاجية مرفق الكهرباء حيث بلغ في المتوسط حوالي 34 مستهلك لكل موظف بالشركة وإذا ما قارنا ذلك مع إنتاجية مرفق الكهرباء بالمملكة العربية السعودية نجدها حوالي 173 مستهلكاً لكل موظف.
The proposed mechanism for the payment of cash support and payment mechanism for services from consumers. We suggest that the management mechanism and the payment of cash subsides through the presence of an entity or a ( single window services ) shall open an account for each Libyan families (according to the proposed annex) linked system of exchange (2000 L.D ) card with the national number is the deposit of cash support directly to calculate the head of the family Libyan and exchange it is a way to ensure that the citizens pay Maalih of commitments for the services that give it one of the state The following ways: Referral services are billed for each family of the Lord of the public bodies directly into electricity as a single window to take deducted and paid directly to the company, to ensure the repayment of the Company's rights, so that they can improve the ratio of tax collection and improve its services.
Committed value of the subsidy in electricity annually to the sector and are issuing an invoice to the consumer the difference between the amount of support and the bill for consumption in the case of consumption is greater than his allotted to ensure the collection for the service. Or is an exchange value of cash support for families and the Libyan obligation to pay the head of the family Maalih obligations of public entities in the absence of commitment to their account is frozen until Ahzar Maevid settlement of administrative and financial affairs with the electricity company.
General recommendations : 1. High per capita consumption of electricity is a clear sign of the low efficiency and poor use of electric power, and the low efficiency can be traced to two main reasons : Low tariff for electricity consumption. Low efficiency of appliances and equipment that are used in the Libyan market because of the lack of application of the standards and specifications in the supply of these electrical appliances. Develop policies to deal with the phenomenon of trade losses in the energy and work to improve the technical losses in the public network, which will be reflected positively on the financial income of the company. 2. Investment in electricity projects is an important element for development, but to ensure the state's ability to continue to bear the costs of these investments face the risk due to the fluctuation of oil prices, the only source of income, where we noticed that the state spends on all investments in the electricity sector and funded the expenses of overhauling gross production plants, covering fur Qat Finance between selling prices and the power unit and the actual cost to them, it should develop policies to reduce the financial burden on the public finances of the state. 3. Continuing to provide the company with fuel and natural gas prices below international prices lead to inefficient allocation of resources in the industry does not encourage good performance and rationalization of energy consumption. General recommendations : 1. High per capita consumption of electricity is a clear sign of the low efficiency and poor use of electric power, and the low efficiency can be traced to two main reasons : Low tariff for electricity consumption. Low efficiency of appliances and equipment that are used in the Libyan market because of the lack of application of the standards and specifications in the supply of these electrical appliances. Develop policies to deal with the phenomenon of trade losses in the energy and work to improve the technical losses in the public network, which will be reflected positively on the financial income of the company. 2. Investment in electricity projects is an important element for development, but to ensure the state's ability to continue to bear the costs of these investments face the risk due to the fluctuation of oil prices, the only source of income, where we noticed that the state spends on all investments in the electricity sector and funded the expenses of overhauling gross production plants, covering fur Qat Finance between selling prices and the power unit and the actual cost to them, it should develop policies to reduce the financial burden on the public finances of the state. 3. Continuing to provide the company with fuel and natural gas prices below international prices lead to inefficient allocation of resources in the industry does not encourage good performance and rationalization of energy consumption.
4. Work on the application of the replacement in-kind support for goods and services support critical to stimulate citizens to rationalization in the consumption and the application of the mechanism of repayment proposals cash support to the citizen and collect for services provided to the consumer. 5. Libya is seeking to enter the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the WTO agreements require special consideration in support of electricity and fuel in general and the restructuring of the sector, including allowing open the door to competition and the entry of the private sector to practice this activity in various levels. 6. Open the way for investment in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency and demand-side management through the development of new standards for electrical and street lighting and industrial sites. 7. Work on the rationalization in the tunnels and improve the efficiency of the sector workers, which saw the number of employees of the company steadily increased in the past years and is reflected in the productivity of the electricity utility, where an average of about 34 consumer per employee company and if we compare it with the production facility of electricity in Saudi Arabia found about 173 consumers per employee. 4. Work on the application of the replacement in-kind support for goods and services support critical to stimulate citizens to rationalization in the consumption and the application of the mechanism of repayment proposals cash support to the citizen and collect for services provided to the consumer. 5. Libya is seeking to enter the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the WTO agreements require special consideration in support of electricity and fuel in general and the restructuring of the sector, including allowing open the door to competition and the entry of the private sector to practice this activity in various levels. 6. Open the way for investment in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency and demand-side management through the development of new standards for electrical and street lighting and industrial sites. 7. Work on the rationalization in the tunnels and improve the efficiency of the sector workers, which saw the number of employees of the company steadily increased in the past years and is reflected in the productivity of the electricity utility, where an average of about 34 consumer per employee company and if we compare it with the production facility of electricity in Saudi Arabia found about 173 consumers per employee.
Thank you for Your Attention