JRA6: Black Sea Products
Objectives and expected impact: Preparation and dissemination of regional statistical products like mean, seasonal and monthly climatological fields and trends from all available historical and recent data collected over the Black Sea for: Improving of the data service to a wider range of users (modellers and non-specialists); Quality checks of the observation data: residual problems in data are detected by comparing with the gridded fields values; Check of coherence between climatologies and statistics computed in the different regions; Check the technical performances of the SEADATANET system when extracting snapshots of quality checked observation data from TAs, with a foreseen 6 monthly period of updating the statistics.
9 All Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information – World Data Centre Obninsk, Russia RIHMI-WDC 13 Institute of Marine Sciences of Middle East Technical University Erdemli-Mersin, Turkey METU 14Collecte Localisation Satellite Ramonville St. Agne, FranceCLS 16 University of Liège GeoHydrodynamics and Environment Research Liège, Belgium ULG 20 Commission of the European Communities Directorate General Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italy EC-DG JRC 33 Marine Hydrophysical Institute Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences Sevastopol, Ukraine MHI-DMIST 34Institute of Oceanology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Varna, BulgariaIO-BAS 35 National Institute for Marine Research and Development « Grigore Antipa » Constanta, Romania NIMRD 36Iv Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Tbilisi, GeorgiaTSU-DNA PARTNERS
Description of work: JRA6.1: Coordination of the activity including recommendations for improving the methodology and for operating it in routine mode with emphasis on the regional priorities; JRA6.2: Preparation and dissemination of best estimates of the annual and seasonal statistics and trends on grid points of the sea surface from co-located in-situ and satellite data transferred by regular snapshots of the interconnected transnational in-situ and satellite platforms: temperature, dynamic height/altimetry, salinity (from 2007, when a satellite salinity sensor will be available), wind and sea state, sea ice; JRA6.3: Preparation and dissemination of best estimates of the annual and seasonal statistics and trends on grid points and on the whole water column from in-situ observations: temperature, salinity, current and biochemical parameters; JRA6.4: Quality checks and harmonization with the other regional data products.
Foreseen Milestones: Month 6: Specification for regional products Month 11: First test results presented to the Annual Workshop
Deliverables: First year NoDeliverable titleTaskLeadForeseen Delivery Nature 1Specifications for Black Sea productsJRA6.1P13M6protocol 2Benchmark of surface productsJRA6.2P16M11Data and maps 3Benchmark of sub-surface productsJRA6.3P16M11Data and maps 4Annual reportJRA6.1P13M11report
This study will be based on NATO Black Sea Data Base
Black Sea Regional Historical Interdisciplinary Database Black Sea inter-disciplinary multivariable historical database was created in the framework of the NATO TU-Black Sea project in It includes all main physical, chemical and biological variables for the entire Black Sea basin. Database primarily covers the time period from 1963 (and in some cases earlier data sets) with extensive data sets for
Black Sea Regional Historical Interdisciplinary Database
Continiously updated within the frameworks of different projects More than 30,000 oceanographic stations Covering last 100 years
Secchi depth Summer
Monthly variations of the basin-wide averaged variables