INTRODUCTION The Statistical Office in collaboration with the UN Statistical Division Hosted a seminar on "Developing a programme for implementing the 2008 SNA, the 2012 SEEA (Systems of Environmental-Economic Accounting and supporting statistics in the CARICOM region - February 3 – 7, A National Seminar for implementing the SEEA was also held at the Conference Room of the Palm Haven Hotel on the 5th of February, 2014.
OBJECTIVES The primary objectives for the National Seminar were as follows: To document the scope and depth of data on environment indicators which were maintained by agencies whose policy formulation and implementation processes directly affect or is related to various aspects of the environment. To provide some guidance on the maintenance of a consistent set of environmental statistics with a view to the eventual production of Environmental Economic Accounts. To conduct an assessment of data availability and method of computation.
STAKEHOLDERS/ORGANISATIONS In attendance were: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production, Fisheries, Co-operatives & Rural Development Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs, Planning and Social Security Ministry of Health, Wellness, Human Services and Gender Relations Ministry of Infrastructure, Port Services and Transportation Ministry of Physical Development, Housing and Urban Renewal Ministry of the Public Service Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology Ministry of Tourism, Heritage and The Creative Industries Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) Pesticide Board Soufriere Marine Management Association
STAKEHOLDERS/ORGANISATIONS cont’d In attendance were: St. Lucia Air & Sea Ports Authority Saint Lucia Electricity Services Ltd. St. Lucia Hotel and Tourism Association St. Lucia National Trust St. Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority St. Lucia Tourist Board Water & Sewage Company Ltd (WASCO) CSO
OTHER REGIONAL/INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPANTS Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Caricom Secretariat United Nations Stats Division UN ECLAC Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) Environment Ministry, Jamaica Bahamas Environment Ministry
AREAS OF DISCUSSION Policies and priorities related to environmental and economic issues in St Lucia. Overview of the SEEA Central Framework and SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting. Broad assessment of data availability and current statistical initiatives. National initiatives for formulating strategy for the implementation for the SEEA Central Framework and the development of environmental economic accounts.
BRIEF OVERVIEW OF DISCUSSIONS The main focus of the discussions was the sensitization of the participants on the importance of data collection on environmental indicators for the development of a System of Environmental Economic Accounting. The meeting discussed type of data needed, availability, frequency, data gaps and method of collection. Participants were appraised on the importance of the use of Meta Data.
INDICATORS OBTAINED/EXPECTED TO BE OBTAINED INDICATORSSOURCE OF DATAYEARS OBTAINEDDATA GAPS PH1(a): Number of Households by Type of DwellingPopulation CensusCensus yearsNo gaps PH1(b): Proportion of households with own dwellingPopulation CensusCensus yearsNo gaps PH2: Number of Households by Type of TenurePopulation CensusCensus yearsNo gaps PH3: Number of Households by Type of Material of Outer WallsPopulation CensusCensus yearsNo gaps PH4: Number of Households by Type of Material Used for RoofingPopulation CensusCensus yearsNo gaps PH5: Households by Number of BedroomsPopulation CensusCensus yearsNo gaps PH6: Population by Size of HouseholdPopulation CensusCensus yearsNo gaps MDG 7.10 Slum population as percentage of urban, percentagePopulation CensusnoneNot available
INDICATORS OBTAINED/EXPECTED TO BE OBTAINED cont’d INDICATORSSOURCE OF DATAYEARS OBTAINED DATA GAPS TOR1(a): Tourist Arrivals by Type of Arrival and Number of Tourist Nights SpentSaint Lucia Tourist Board No gaps TOR1(b): Tourist Intensity/Growth Rate and Tourist Penetration RatioSaint Lucia Tourist Board No gaps TOR2: Number of Hotels Classified by Size, Beds and Rooms by YearSaint Lucia Tourist Board No gaps TOR3: Visitor ExpenditureSaint Lucia Tourist Board No gaps TOR4: Tourist Arrivals by Type of AccommodationSaint Lucia Tourist Board No gaps TOR5: Tourist Arrivals by Country of OriginSaint Lucia Tourist Board No gaps
INDICATORS OBTAINED/EXPECTED TO BE OBTAINED cont’d INDICATORSSOURCE OF DATAYEARS OBTAINED DATA GAPS EH1: Number of Reported Cases and Incidence of Environmentally Related Diseases Epidemiology Section Ministry of Health No gaps EH2: Number of Households by Type of Sanitation FacilitiesPopulation CensusCensus yearsNo gaps EH3: Number of Households by Type of Water SupplyPopulation CensusCensus yearsNo gaps MDG 7.8 Proportion of population using an improved drinking water sourceCensus yearsNo gaps MDG 7.9 Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facilityCensus yearsNo gaps ND1(a): Natural Disasters by YearNEMO1700s No Gaps ND1(b): Incidence of natural disastersNEMO1700s No Gaps ND1(c): Economic losses resulting from natural disastersNEMO1700s No Gaps ND1(d): Social dislocation resulting from natural disastersNEMO1700s No Gaps
INDICATORS OBTAINED/EXPECTED TO BE OBTAINED cont’d INDICATORSSOURCE OF DATAYEARS OBTAINED DATA GAPS EM1(a): Energy Consumption by Type and Year St. Lucia Electricity Services Central Statistics OfficeAvailableNo gaps EM1(b): Energy use (kg oil equivalent) per $1 GDP (PPP) St. Lucia Electricity Services Central Statistics OfficeAvailableNo gaps EM2(a): Number of Households by Type of Fuel Used for CookingPopulation Census Census yearsNo gaps EM2(b): Proportion of population using solid fuels by type of tenure.Population CensusCensus years No gaps EM3: Number of Households by Type of Fuel Used for Lighting Population CensusCensus years No gaps EM4: Mineral Production by TypeNo data EM5: Mineral Reserves by TypeNo data
INDICATORS OBTAINED/EXPECTED TO BE OBTAINED cont’d INDICATORSSOURCE OF DATAYEARS OBTAINED DATA GAPS MR1(a): Total and Protected Marine AreaFisheries Department SMMANo data MR2a: Fish Landings by TypeFisheries Department No gaps MR2b: Fish Landings by Boat Days Fisheries DepartmentNo data MR3: Population of Coastal Area Fisheries DepartmentNo data MR4: Percentage of coral reefs destroyed by human activity and by natural disasters; (CSMDG) Fisheries DepartmentNo data LA1: Land Use Agricultural CensusSome data LA2: Use of Fertilizers by Type and Year CSOUp to 2013No gaps LA3: Use of Pesticides by Type and Year CSOUp to 2013No gaps BIO1: Protected Area as a Percentage of Total Area Forestry DivisionData available
INDICATORS OBTAINED/EXPECTED TO BE OBTAINED cont’d INDICATORSSOURCE OF DATAYEARS OBTAINED DATA GAPS MDG 7.4: Proportion of fish stocks within safe biological limits Fisheries DepartmentNo data MDG 7.6 Proportion of terrestrial and marine areas protected Fisheries Department MDG 7.7 Proportion of species threatened with extinction Fisheries DepartmentNo data FOR1: Forest Area Forestry Division MDG 7.1 Proportion of land area covered by forest Forestry Division AIR1: Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 ) Sustainable Development AIR 2: Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Sustainable Development AIR 3: Emissions of Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NM-VOCs) Sustainable Development AIR 4: Emissions of Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Sustainable Development AIR 5: Emissions of Methane (CH4) Sustainable Development AIR 6: Emissions of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Sustainable Development
INDICATORS OBTAINED/EXPECTED TO BE OBTAINED cont’d INDICATORSSOURCE OF DATAYEARS OBTAINED DATA GAPS AIR 7: Emissions of Lead (Pb) and Consumption of Leaded Petrol Sustainable Development MDG 7.2, CSMDG: Carbon dioxide emissions (CO 2 ), thousand metric tons of CO 2 Sustainable Development MDG 7.2: Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), metric tons of CO2 per capita Sustainable Development MDG 7.2: Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), kg CO2 per $1 GDP (PPP) Sustainable Development MDG 7.3: Consumption of ozone-depleting substances Sustainable Development WA1: Generation of Waste by Source Solid Waste Management WA2:Generation and Recycling of Selected Waste Materials Solid Waste Management WA3:Management of Municipal Waste Solid Waste Management WA4:Composition of Municipal Waste Solid Waste Management WA5:Management of Municipal Waste ― City Data Solid Waste Management
INDICATORS OBTAINED/EXPECTED TO BE OBTAINED cont’d INDICATORSSOURCE OF DATAYEARS OBTAINED DATA GAPS WA6:Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities Solid Waste Management WT1: Renewable Fresh Water Resources Water Resource Management WT2: Freshwater Abstraction Water Resource Management WT3: Freshwater Available for Use Water Resource Management WT4:Total Water Use WASCO2013 WT5:Water Supply Industry (ISIC 36) WASCO WT6:Wastewater Treatment Facilities WASCO WT7:Population Connected to Wastewater Treatment WASCO MDG 7.5 Proportion of total water resources used Water Resource Management
PROGRESS OF WORK PLAN Phase 1: Subsequent to the SEEA, the priority areas for the CSO are the development of the indicators on Water and Energy. The data currently being collected is solely for the computation of the GDP however, the CSO will broaden its scope to ensure that all the indicators on water and energy that are necessary for the implementation of the SEEA are collected.
PROGRESS OF WORK PLAN (cont’d.) Phase 2: St. Lucia is signatory to a number of International Agreements. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer CSO will expand the SEEA under phase 1 in the development of the indicators that will assist in reporting on our International Agreements. The CSO is currently engaged with various stakeholders on collecting data on all other environmental indicators.
POSITIVE OUTCOMES FROM STAKEHOLDERS MEETING Since the conclusion of the National Meeting on the SEEA, there have been some positive outcomes: 1.CSO has received data from a number of the stakeholders including some of those that were proving quite difficult. 2.A greater sense of commitment and ownership on the part of stakeholders. 3.Improved inter-agency collaboration
CHALLENGES AND LIMITATIONS In the absence of formal agreements such as MOUs most stakeholders transmit data to the CSO on a voluntary basis. Lack of official Environmental policy documents. Lack of Human, Technical and institutional capacity. Financial Constraints Data provided not consistent with Meta Data for Caricom – definitions, time period, method of calculations Data sharing facility is lacking
RECOMMENDATIONS There is need for a national policy to govern data sharing among agencies. State of the Environment Report for St. Lucia to be published sometime this year. Environmental data to be published on our website so stakeholders could appreciate their input and see the usefulness of the data they provide to the CSO. Provide a standard template for data collection.
Thank you