TSI Project Funded by Implemented by Kick-off training seminar Brussels, 4-6 November 2014 The Rebirth of Montserrat Adena Johnson
TSI Project Funded by Implemented by Introduction Country Profile Current Economic Situation Innovation Stakeholders Opportunities for Innovation Wrap-up Questions
TSI Project Funded by Implemented by COUNTRY PROFILE Size: 39.5 square miles Population: 11,500 Key Economic Sectors: Tourism, Agriculture and Construction Natural Disasters: Hurricane Hugo and Soufriere Hills Volcano Effect on island: Geographic loss Demographic loss Access issues MONTSERRAT PRE- VOLCANO
TSI Project Funded by Implemented by Montserrat- Before and After
TSI Project Funded by Implemented by Country Profile Size: square miles Key Economic Sectors: Government service, Real Estate-Renting-Business Activities, Construction Population: 5,000 GDP: 162m GDP per Capita: 32,793 Priority Sectors for Development: Tourism, ICT, Geothermal Energy, Agro-processing, Light Manufacturing MONTSERRAT POST VOLCANO A BRAND NEW CAPITAL TOWN
TSI Project Funded by Implemented by Current Economic Situation Little Bay, Carr’s Bay Master Plan Critical Areas for Development Address the access issue Job creation and private sector redevelopment Stimulating the tourism and agriculture sectors Reusable energy and mining Regrowth of population
TSI Project Funded by Implemented by Main Stakeholders in Innovation 1/ The Government of Montserrat Montserrat National ICT Policy, Strategy and Implementation Plan 2/ Micro and Small Enterprises o Minimal use of technology within businesses o Access to innovative practices o National Business Council, Chamber of Commerce and Small Business Association
TSI Project Funded by Implemented by Opportunities for Innovation Micro and Small Business Challenge National competition for local businesses where they receive regular training, guidance and businesses are then assessed. EDUCATION Micro loans- Secondary School, College and UWI Open Campus Financial Incentives Vocational trainings CREATIVE INDUSTRIES National Challenge: Most creative business within sector Access to finance, training, mentoring, other resources to grow their businesses
TSI Project Funded by Implemented by Questions