Workshop on Gender in value chains and Coaching Track : an overview on gender related activities in around Agri-Hub network Lenesil Asfaw & Angelina Senders.


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Presentation transcript:

Workshop on Gender in value chains and Coaching Track : an overview on gender related activities in around Agri-Hub network Lenesil Asfaw & Angelina Senders Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Feb. 07,2012

Presentation Objectives To Introduce APF Engagement in GVCD; Give an overview of a Gender practice in Agri.VCD in selected NGOs in Ethiopia; To appreciate the relevance of the coaching trajectory in GVCD activities

I.Introduction 1. General 1.1 About Agri-Profocus: A membership based forum of companies and NGOs engaged in AVC activities (worldwide- Gender-ning); Its members, their partners & the stakeholders are working to improve farmer entrepreneurship in Ethiopia; Mobilizes its members and  Pool funds, knowledge, skills, expertise, rural finance, and organisational and institutional capacity development in VCD

Cont. 1.2 APF & Gender in VCD understands the gender differential that are critical to effectively address the weak linkages that negatively affect productivity, product quality (economics) and empowerment of the minorities (right- based Accepts the link b/n farmer’s entrepreneurship to women’s & men’s roles; and Considers women’s role in production and marketing process in agricultural value chains as significant and critical; Recognizes the impact of the differences and inequalities b/n women and men to access and control resources and benefits at all levels of value chains (production, processing marketing) development.

Cont. APF Country Knowledge Agenda on Gender: 2008: enriching value chain thinking and practices by developing a gender sensitive approach; developing strategies to empower women in VCD activities Chain interventions (producers, processing, marketing) for women’s empowerment. Knowledge development and joint action Overall gender equity/equality and value chain work through the APF learning trajectory; Supporting initiatives undertaken at individual or collaborating APF members

Cont. APF’s Gender Engagement in Ethiopia: 2009: The gender in value chains platform: took off (500 professionals worldwide):debate Q&A, share resources, lessons and results : Gender in the ValueChain Writeshop in Kenya; 2011:Evaluation of the Writeshop within Ethiopia –Gender Value Chain Expert Group Meeting

Cont (Planned Activities & on going): Workshop on GVC and coaching trajectory; Book launch on GVCD resulting from the write shop in Nairobi Supporting participants in implementing and documenting the gender action plans; Experience sharing workshop; Development of cross country analysis based on lessons and experiences gained

II. Stocktaking in GAVC Practice 0. General: Goal Understand the status of the gender practices of NGOs/projects engaged in VCD and to forge working relations with APF Ethiopia Methods: E-Survey (20: NNGOs, INGOs, UN agencies, research Institution, Embassy, Donors); Face to face interview (7/9)

Outcome of the Stocktaking 1 1.Institutional Mechanisms: Leadership commitment (present but not strong); Assigning a gender focal person(5/7); Gender mainstreaming and/or stand alone approaches (5/7); Gender policy, strategy developed and gender analysis conducted (2/7);

Continued 2. Target Groups: FHHs (majority); and Women in MHHs

3. Intervention Strategies Capacity (knowledge and skills)improvement; Input supply (seed, technology-bee hive & accessories); Group formation (SHG, VSLA, FMOs –mixed & women only; technical and financial support (BDS, injecting working capital); Promoting role models –positive examples (not well developed yet); Social dialogue on gender relations and development Outcome of the stocktaking 2

Continued Creating alternative financial services and (VSLA, SHGs, FFMOs) and linkage to formal financial inst.(SACCO, Unions, FMI); facilitating women’ engagement at all chain levels (producers, processers, traders); Fitting into women’s roles and family responsibilities whilst selecting VC product, women crops: Vegetables, poultry, Dairy);

Continued Integrating women in chain governance Developing chain partnership

Outcome of the stocktaking 3 4. success stories Remarkable women’s active participation in VCD- (FHHs/WMHHs)- mainly at producers and primary Coops levels; Women’s engagement in traditional men’s activities (Honey production and marketing) new skills of money management??? and saving culture introduced; alternative income source emerged; Women’s access to and control over income, information improved;(FHHs major); Women’s decision-making roles at HH level improved;

Continued Women’s leadership capacity developed and acknowledged at household level; Static gender roles and responsibilities changing (men/boys-domestic roles); Women’s mobility improved (low pace); Women engagement at higher (processing, marketing) chain levels developed (recent and challenging); ability and legitimacy to access credit extension and business development services (SHG-SACCO) Enhanced;

Assessment Results 4 5. Challenges/ Constraints 5.1 Cultural/ resistance Community level subtle resistance to women’s mobility and visibility; Men’s withdrawal from family responsibilities (wait-and-see attitude); Women’s reluctance and low self-esteem to take up DM roles; Women refrain from innovative ventures (risk aversion). 5.2 Project design An increase in women’s work burden ; Lack of strategy to effectively address women’s needs in MMHs

Continued Overburdening the ‘girl child’ with domestic responsibilities (replacing the role of mothers engaged in activities outside of their homes). 5.3 Input Unable to ease domestic chores (technology); Lack of gender inclusive research and extension systems. 5.4 lack of Supportive policy Unfriendly technical requirements of MFI’s: long bureaucracy (low credit worthy profile)-lacks gender sensitivity; unethical trade(Chain governors monopoly- poor market networks); lack of standard and quality control (except Coffee);

Contact Agri-ProFocusNetherlands: Tel: +31 (0) Agri-ProFocus in Ethiopia: Fair &SustainableEthiopia Phone: +251 (0) LenesilAsfaw: