Project Management « MEditerranean Development of Innovative Technologies for integrAted waTer managEment » Kick-off meeting [7th-8th May 2004]
Administrative news Consortium partners –10 Partners - 1 = 9 partners –Participant N°3 : Nymphéa Water refuses to accede to the contract, for financial reason –Consequences : EC no longer bound by its offer to contract to the partner. EC informed. Contract between brgm and EC signed. Project on going. Administrative and Financial points of view : OK to reallocate partner N°3 funds or partially to other partners, no substantial modifications to WP description, and minimum of subcontracting. Technical point of view : modification of WP description and budget Technical approval of the withdrawal of Nymphéa by partners, signed by legal authorised person New CPF and Work description to be signed by partners, amendment to the contract between brgm and EC –Starting date of the contract : 1st May 2004
Administrative news Form A - Accession to the contract –to be filled in by each contractor, done in 3 copies: one for co-ordinator,one for the Commission and one for the partner –delay : 30 days after 1st May 2004 three copies –Send three copies at BRGM, Alain Beauce, 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin Orléans Cedex 2 - France, Phone +33 (0) –as quick as possible, by express mail Banking information –received : Cranfield, WERSC, HUKAM, PRIDESA,AECS –not yet received: Lebanon partners (CREEN-ESIB), CNRS to be sent to Nathalie D.
Administrative news Cost statements to be completed by partner every 12 months Assessment last 12 months, budget for next 18 months….. Resources Justification every 12 months : –personnel –durable equipment –travel and subsistence –sub-contracting –consumables –receipts Identify administrative contact person by each partner Administrative brgm contacts : or
Management of project Management group: Co-ordinator (scientific and administrative) + one person by partner –scientific and technical management –dialogue between partners –validation - decision phases –chairman = co-ordinator = Nathalie link to EC Decision: 2/3 of partners representative (9) = 6 Communication : basically by and meeting if necessary Steering Committee : external experts (National institutions representatives, senior scientists) + WP leaders = 12 members
Management of project Steering Committee –National institutions or water management in civil society representatives Turkey : ? Syria : ? Lebanon: Fadi Comair (GDHER) or ? Jordan : ? –Senior scientists Prof. E. Custodio, IGME, Spain Prof. L. Tulipano, University of Sapienza, Roma, : coasatl karst aquifers LM Hermans, Delft University, Policy and Management: integrated water management DELAY 1st JUNE 2004
Management of project Consortium Agreement (draft) - proposal (to be modified under suggestions of partners, final version to be approved by , then signed): => specify the organisation of work between Contractors, organise the management of the project, define rights and obligations of the contractors –Management group: 2/3 to deliberate, take decision; 3/4 majority of the votes of members present or represented –Co-ordinator shall draft the minutes of each meeting to formalise in writing all decisions taken, dispatch them to all contractors within 15 days of the concerned meeting date –Intellectual property rights provisions –Annexes : (A) list of affiliates, (B) Work description, (C) Allocation of resources, (D) Pre existing Know How DELAY : end of JUNE 2004
Management of project WP0: Overall management of the MEDITATE project WP 1 : (A) Hydrogeological catchments characterisation and (B) aquifers - catchment modelling WP 2 : Socio-economic study WP 4 : WMSS methodology, development, implementation WP 3 : Technological innovation WP 5: Dissemination, technology transfer
Management of project YEAR 1YEAR 3YEAR 2 Wp title WP0 Project Coord WP1 Data base Catchment characterisation Catchment hydro modelling Final WP 1 report WP2 Methodo - data Water scenarios Social survey Cost eff. analysis Restitution, acceptability, assessment WP3 AUV technology Monitoring capture prototypes Desalination plan design Water reuse analysis 1st May 20041st May st May 20061st May 2007
Management of project YEAR 1YEAR 3YEAR 2 Wp title WP5 Web Site Workshops Technological transfer study Assessment 1st May 20041st May st May 20061st May 2007 WP4 Scenarios WMSS development WMSS integration Reports PM RC PM RC PM RC
WEB SITE Meditate Contents: –title (acronym + explicit) –logo EC 6FWP INCO –reference number of contract / call for projects [FP INCO-MPC-1, PL ] –logo MEDITATE with drawing or pictures of coastal springs –topics: partners, sites, work description, data, news, water resources management (local-regional levels), home –webmaster (HUKHAM), co-ordinator: N.Dörfliger –visit counters, virtual guest book
WEB SITE Meditate Topics: –partners (European map, institution name of partners, partners list with website link, partner name, country, contact person) –work : flowchart with WP, WP description (objectives and tasks), problematic and general objectives of the project –Sites (European map, site names, pictures, problematic, site descritpion : Turkey, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon) –Data : which type, type of access ? –News : Results (pdf documents of publications, congress abstracts…), Events ( pdf documents to be downloaded) : public (Wp reports or part of it…)and restricted access for partners (meeting agenda, meeting minutes, annual report…) –Local and regional information about water management in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan : English, Turkish and Arabic ? One line discussion forum ? Virtual Guest book ? –Home page
Access : public and restricted to partners Responsibility of website contents : co-ordinator and not the responsibility of EC EC catalogue of undertaken projects of INCO programme : objectives, activities, expected results and outcomes (before 15th June) : ND WEB SITE Meditate
Contact with other INCO-MED projects NOSTRUM DSS governance, science and technology for sustainable water resource management in the Mediterranean area, role of DSS tools [start June 04] OPTIMA support of policy [start June 04] - follow previous project SMART ( ) (ICA3-CT ] => set up forum discussion, exchange of information, published results as SMART reports contact to be taken in order to see in which way lines of work can be mutually reinforcing and beneficial, specifically in the socio-economic aspects/ synergies between projects ; sharing methodology contact : ND and/or WP leaders organising unique final workshop for dissemination in common countries Lebanon i.e.
SMART inco-med project [ ] “Sustainable management of scarce resources in the coastal zone” Co-ordinator : Kurt Fedra, Environmental Software &Services, ESS, Austria Objectives: to develop, implement and test a new, participatory but scientifically sound and relational approach to planning and management of the coastal zone that can help to reconcile conflicting demands on scarce natural resources Research teams: ESS- Austria / SOGREAH - France / Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei - Italy, Univ. Atlantica - Portugal, DokuzEylul Univ. SUMER - Turkey, National Centre for Remote Sensing - Lebanon, Faculty of Agriculture, Univ Jordan; CEDARE- Egypt, Tunisian Centre for Remote Sensing -Tunisia
OPTIMA inco-med Project [ ] “ Optimisation for Sustainable Water resources Management” - 4 phases : (i) analysis of structure of the decision making processes in case study regions, identification of major actors, (ii) data compilation and tool development,regional data base, (iii) case studies : comparison of water management strategies - common framework of indicators, (iv) comparative evaluation and dissemination. - 7 case studies : Cyprus (Dhiarzos river 260km²), Turkey (Gediz river, km²), Lebanon (Litani, Ty 600 km²), Jordan (Zarqa River, 4300 km²), Palestine (Mountain aquifer), Tunisia (Gulf of Tunis) and Marocco Ceuto-Tetouan 250 km². - Research teams : EES (A), FEEM (I), Intergeo Hellas (G), Atlantis (Cyprus), SUMER Dokuz Elylul Univ (T), NCRS Lebanon, ELARD (Earth Link & Advanced Resources Development) Lebanon, Fac Agriculture Univ Jordan, Israël Palestine Centre for Research and Information, Centre National Télédétection Tunisia, Univ Hassan II Mohammadia, Marocco
NOSTRUM DSS inco med [ ] “Network on governance, science and technology for sustainable water resource management in the Mediterranean. The role of DSS tools” Objectives : promote the development of DSS tools in support of policy making for Integrated Water Resources Management contribute to the improvement of scientific knowledge and applied methodologies in the field of IWRM Establish durable links between scientific institutions, governments and NGOs and Stakeholders => design best practice guidelines for the development and implementation of useful DSS tools for IWRM in the Mediterranean area. Partners: FEEM (I), ICS UNIDO, UATLA(P), NCRS (L), CEDARE Egiypt, LRAE Tunisia, NTUA Greece, CNRS (F), SUMER (T), IDEAS (I), ITI CERTH Greece, ARI Cyprus, MEDIAS France, TIAMASG (Romania), UPM (Spain), ARCE (Algeria), PAP/RAC Croatia, Istituto Agronomico (I)