Dan Gormley
Brand names: Adderall, Adderall XR Chemical Structures: Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine mixed salts Street Name: Beans, Black Beauties, Dexies, Pep Pills, Speed, Uppers, Christmas Trees, Beanies, Double Trouble
Once entered into the bloodstream, Adderall’s amphetamine salts stimulate the brain’s norepinephrine and dopamine. (Which are hormones associated with attention and behavior) Adderall slows down the Sympathetic Nervous System, which tends to run faster for those who are diagnosed with ADD. Those are who are diagnosed with ADD, it’ll also slow their heart rate and reduce their blood pressure.
Adderall was created in 1996 by Shire Pharmaceutical Group It was designed for people diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Narcolepsy, and also used in treatments for severe depression First FDA Approved in 1996 It comes in doses from 5-30mg (5mg increments) Adderall is a schedule II substance
Increased heart rate Elevated blood pressure Dilated pupils Decreased appetite
Increased energy Maintaining focus and concentration Increased motivation Increased alertness
Due to the excessive stimulation of the nervous system, side effects could include: Nervousness Excitability Restlessness Dizziness Headache Fear Anxiety Tremor Hallucinations Seizures
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