8 th grade Health
Step 1: What? What is the problem? What happened? Who was involved?
Step 2: So what? Why is this a problem? How should I react?
Step 3: Now What? Think before you ACT Take Action Solve the Problem
Decision Making Project Groups of 4 By using the decision making process and Conflict Resolution, your group is going to solve a conflict Select Groups & Topics Now
Decision Making Project You will perform a skit that showcases how to poorly solve a conflict (Wrong Choice) You will perform a skit that showcases how to properly solve a conflict ( Right Choice)
Decision Making Project In the skit you will show your use of Decision Making and Problem solving terms (at least 5) All Acceptable vocabulary words are located in your Teen Health Book, Chapter 7 Examples: Conflict, Compromise, Mediation, negotiate (Other words may be acceptable but must be approved)
Decision Making Project Students must turn in: Copy of Skit/Script (highlighted Vocab Words) Rubric (filled out) VIDEO TAPE or YouTube Link (OPTIONAL)
Protective Factors (Positive) - being reared in a loving, functional family - being involved in school activities - having positive self-esteem - having clearly defined goals and plans to reach them - having close friends- regularly practicing one's faith - feeling a sense of accomplishment at school - having a role model - having a healthful attitude about competition and athletics - being committed to following community rules - having a plan to cope with life's stressors
Risk Factors (Negative) - dysfunctional family - low self-esteem - being unable to resist peer pressure or influence - lacking faith experiences - genetically predisposed to chemical dependency - experiencing family disruptions - experiencing depression - experiencing academic and/or athletic pressure