An influential increment over and above mechanical compliance with routine directives of the organization
Traits (1940s) Behaviors (1950s-60s) Situational/Contingency (1960s-70s) Follower-Based Approaches (1970s-80s) Charismatic Leadership (1990s) Leader Authenticity and Ethics (Today)
Are leaders intelligent? Are leaders strong? Leaders are Great Men!! But what makes them great?
Search for personality characteristics associated with leadership was not successful Despite progress on measuring traits, we could not use them to identify leaders Problems: ◦ Unrefined measurement ◦ Negates the situation ◦ Leaders have many styles
Leadership Style Self- Assessment
Democratic Style – the leader takes collaborative, reciprocal, interactive actions with followers; followers have high degree of discretionary influence Laissez-Faire Style – the leader fails to accept the responsibilities of the position; creates chaos in the work environment Autocratic Style – the leader uses strong, directive, controlling actions to enforce the rules, regulations, activities, and relationships; followers have little discretionary influence
Initiating Structure – leader behavior aimed at defining and organizing work relationships and roles; establishing clear patterns of organization, communication, and ways of getting things done Consideration – leader behavior aimed at nurturing friendly, warm working relationships, as well as encouraging mutual trust and interpersonal respect within the work unit
Concern for People Concern for Production High Low Leadership Grid – an approach to understanding a leader’s or manager’s concern for results (production) and concern for people
Organization Man (5,5) – a middle-of-the-road leader Authority Compliance Manager (9,1) – a leader who emphasizes efficient production Country Club Manager (1,9) – a leader who creates a happy, comfortable work environment Team Manager (9,9) – a leader who builds a highly productive team of committed people Impoverished Manager (1,1) – a leader who exerts just enough effort to get by
Numerous theories which all focus on the situation as critical including ◦ Contingency Theory (Fielder) ◦ Path Goal Theory (House) ◦ Normative Model (Vroom & Yetton) All theories point to the situation as a critical factor in determining who leads and does so effectively Refutes “great man” theory- leaders do not lead equally well in all situations
Measures leader style by Least Preferred Coworker Classifies the favorableness of the leader’s situation based on three elements ◦ Task Structure – degree of clarity, or ambiguity, in the group’s work activities ◦ Position Power – authority associated with the leader’s formal position in the organization ◦ Leader–Member Relations – quality of interpersonal relationships among a leader and group members
High LPC relations oriented Correlations between leader LPC & group performance Low LPC task oriented I II III IV V VI VII VIII Unfavorable for leader Favorable for leader
Focus on the follower as the critical situation that matters Each follower is unique, “good” leadership differs by follower
Leader Behavior Task Behavior (Directive Behavior) (Supportive Behavior) Relationship Behavior (low)(high) (low) (high) S3 Share ideas and facilitate In decision making S2 Explain decisions and provide opportunity for clarification S1 Provide specific instructions and closely supervise performance S4 Turn over responsibility for decisions and implementation Low-Rel Low Task High Task High-Rel High Task Low-Rel High-Rel Low Task Delegating Participating Selling Telling SOURCE: P. Hersey and K. H. Blanchard and D.E. Johnson, Management of Organizational Behavior: Leading Human Resources, 8th ed. (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Education, Inc., 2001) Copyright © Center for Leadership Studies, Escondido, CA. Used with permission. ®
HighModerateLow R4R3R2R1 Able and willing or confident Able but unwilling or insecure Unable but willing or confident Unable and unwilling or insecure Leader Directed Follower Directed Follower Readiness SOURCE: P. Hersey and K. H. Blanchard and D.E. Johnson, Management of Organizational Behavior: Leading Human Resources, 8th ed. (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Education, Inc., 2001) Copyright © Center for Leadership Studies, Escondido, CA. Used with permission.
CharismaticLeaders Strong vision and articulation Self-sacrificing, risk-taking Unconventional, novel behavior High expectations Build self-esteem in followers Self-confident, dynamic
Good leadership is strengths-based ◦ Uses your unique attributes to leverage a leadership style that works for you Good leaders are authentic ◦ “Be yourself, with more skill” Good leaders care Good leaders have integrity