Department of Social Development South African Integrated Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development- Moving Ahead (2013-2016) PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE BASIC EDUCATION 19 AUGUST 2014 Top Management - 15 October 2010
OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION Purpose Background SA POA for ECD Moving Ahead (2013 -2016) Conclusion
PURPOSE To provide progress on the South African Integrated Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development- Moving Ahead (2013-2016).
BACKGROUND Department of Social Development and key partners launched an awareness campaign to promote ECD in local communities in 2010. There were three National activities which impacted on ECD services in South Africa from 2011/2012: Review of the National Integrated Plan for Early Childhood Development ECD Diagnostic Review and the ECD Conference Action Plan. The above processes were merged into a draft “An Integrated Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development- Moving Ahead 2013-2016 ”.
BACKGROUND The South African Integrated Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development- Moving Ahead (2013 to 2016) was approved by Cabinet on the 18 September 2013 and had the following time frames for implementation: Short Term: April 2013 – March 2014 Medium Term: April 2014 – March 2015 Long Term: April 2016 – March 2017 Costing process on the Integrated Programme of Action which also addresses issues in the Policy is in progress with National Treasury.
South African Integrated Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development- Moving Ahead (2013 to 2016). Legislation and Policy Institutional arrangements/Coordination and integration Human resources, training and capacity building Comprehensive ECD Programme ECD Infrastructure Funding and partnerships Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Communication and awareness
1. LEGISLATION AND POLICY FRAMEWORK OUTPUT TIMEFRAME CURRENT SITUATION Develop the ECD policy. Develop an integrated ECD Policy. Cost and implement an integrated ECD Policy 31 March 2014 Draft ECD Policy developed National consultations were conducted. Extended Steering Committee consultation held on 27-28 May 2014 Provincial consultations on the draft policy started in June 2014 and to be completed in August 2014. 5 Provinces already consulted ( Limpopo, EC, NC, NW, Mpumalanga). Costing process on the Integrated Programme of Action which also addresses issues in the Policy is in progress with National Treasury. Meetings were held in February and April and July to discuss funding models for ECD provisioning.
1. LEGISLATION AND POLICY FRAMEWORK OUTPUT TIMEFRAME CURRENT SITUATION Norms and standards for differentiated ECD services, provisioning and funding for ECD reviewed and new norms and standards developed. Develop Norms and Standards for differentiated services provisioning and funding for ECD. 31 March 2015 To ensure that the time frame is met the following action are taking place from March 2014. All participating departments review norms and standards on ECD reporting quarterly . Submission of collated information to DSD. Harmonisation of all identified Norms and Standards according to new policy The new policy is to harmonise the norms and standards
1. LEGISLATION AND POLICY FRAMEWORK OUTPUT TIMEFRAME CURRENT SITUATION Amendment of the Children's Act on ECD. Proposed amendments to legislation on ECD to be included in the Parliamentary legislative programme Promulgation and implementation of the agreed upon legislative amendments. 31 March 2015 DSD legislative amendments to be made once policy is approved. Meeting scheduled with state law advisors on the processing of some amendments Harmonizing of all legislation – areas identified for ECD. Service provider to be appointed supported by UNICEF An Integrated Strategy for the implementation of universal access for children birth to school going age developed. Desktop research on the concept on the universal access to ECD. The concept of universal access for public good is articulated in the new policy Rollout plan to be developed once policy is approved
2. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS, COORDINATION AND INTEGRATION OUTPUT TIMEFRAME CURRENT SITUATION Feasibility study conducted on options for inter-sectoral management and coordination. Research on the various options of integrated governance structures such as an ECD Council or, ECD Institute or, ECD Agency, and integrated ECD Directorates/units in the Department. 31 March 2014 The options for inter-sectoral management and coordination are reflected on the draft ECD policy. The draft Policy recommends the establishment of non- sectoral ECD Agency and a number of alternative coordination mechanisms in different departments. Look into the possibility of becoming a branch in DSD as government should not loose control and strengthen DBE and DOH Feasibility study to look into the proposed options
3. HUMAN RESOURCES, TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING OUTPUT PRESENT TIMEFRAME AS PER ACTION PLAN CURRENT SITUATION Human Resource Development plan for the ECD Sector. Conduct Capacity audit. Develop a Human Resource Development plan for the ECD Sector. Improve human resources for the ECD Sector 31 March 2015 Each participating department to do a comprehensive HR plan Submission of collated information received from Departments. DSD received HR Plans from the provinces. In the process of developing DSD HR Plan. DBE has developed an ECD curriculum for children birth to school going age and stimulation material. Implementation of Curriculum according to DBE Ministers speech commences in January 2015
3. HUMAN RESOURCES, TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING OUTPUT PRESENT TIMEFRAME AS PER ACTION PLAN CURRENT SITUATION Human Resource Development plan for the ECD Sector. Conduct Capacity audit. Develop a Human Resource Development plan for the ECD Sector. Improve human resources for the ECD Sector 31 March 2015 The Department of Higher Education and Training developed a draft policy on Community Colleges. The draft National Policy on Community Colleges provides a framework for the process of establishing community colleges, governance and management of these institutional types, employment of staff, funding framework, programmes and qualification offerings, quality assurance, examination and assessment, regulation of private provision as well as monitoring and evaluation.
4. COMPREHENSIVE ECD PROGRAMME/SERVICES OUTPUT TIMEFRAME CURRENT SITUATION A comprehensive package of ECD services for children birth to four (4) years with roles and responsibilities of government departments and other stakeholders Describe a comprehensive ECD programme to ECD. Develop and cost an implementation plan for the comprehensive ECD programme 31 March 2014 Comprehensive package completed. Done in conjunction with the policy National consultations were conducted. Provincial consultations will take place from June 2014 to August 2014.
5. ECD INFRASTRUCTURE OUTPUT TIMEFRAME CURRENT SITUATION Audit of existing ECD infrastructure provisioning. Produce an audit report. Identify models of good practice for ECD infrastructure provisioning. 31 March 2014 Audit conducted in all the provinces in the 2013/14 financial . Audit finalised by the end of March 2014. The final report received end of May 2014. Presentation of the report to different provinces after provincial presentations Provinces to develop a plan on how the database will be managed after handover Audit report be used to develop their integrated ECD improvement ( including infrastructure) plans with all stakeholders
6. FUNDING AND PARTNERSHIPS OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION Identify and conduct research on all existing funding models. Compile a list of all applicable funding models relating to ECD. Identify the gaps and challenges in the various funding models for ECD services. 31 March 2015 DSD to develop a concept paper on new funding and payment models for ECD services. This will include movement from payment according to attendance to monthly payment. The ECD policy suggests that the subsidy be increased to R20. The other suggestion regarding funding is that there be a movement towards programme funding A meeting was held in April and July 2014 with National Treasury on the funding of ECD provision. It was agreed that National Treasury will look at the two funding models developed by Cornerstone and KPMG and come up with the model that is cost efficient and cost effective.
6. FUNDING AND PARTNERSHIPS OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION Funding norms and standards developed for ECD. Bench marks available norms and standards for ECD services 31 March 2015 Funding policy with differentiated modalities for ECD developed ( both centre and non centre based). Identify government and private donors to leverage resources for ECD services including children with disabilities. Increase leverage and lobby for adequate financial and human resources for ECD from Government. 31 March 2014 A workshop with government (National Interdepartmental Committee for ECD) and private donors was held on the 20 March 2014. Roles and Responsibilities were spelt out. Strengthening of the existing ECD donor forum for ECD services. Identify private donors to leverage resources for ECD. Develop Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with Donors. A workshop with government (National Interdepartmental Committee for ECD) and private donors was held on the 20 March 2014.
7. RESEARCH, MONITORING AND EVALUATION OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION For the next financial year 2015/16 onwards Develop an Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation framework for ECD March 2016 Review the existing Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks and align them to the new ECD Policy by DPME.
7. RESEARCH, MONITORING AND EVALUATION OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION For the next financial year 2015/16 onwards Develop an Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation framework for ECD by DPME 31 March 2016. Review the existing Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks and align them to the new ECD Policy.
8. COMMUNICATION AND AWARENESS OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION Develop an integrated inter-sectoral awareness raising and communication strategy. Provide public education and raise public awareness on the importance of ECD to ensure that all young children have access to quality ECD programmes/services. 31 March 2014 Process is still underway and it will be completed after the finalisation of the ECD policy. Communication materials developed Communicate key messages through Media (radio, television, print media) 31 March 2015 The department conducted interviews on various SABC radio stations communicating key messages on the importance of ECD. Roll out of the ICT strategy for children. Roll out of ICT strategy for young children in rural areas. The national steering committee agreed that the ICT strategy be presented to the donor forum for further support with IT equipment for ECD centres. The meeting with Department of Communication was held on 5 August 2014 to discuss the ICT Strategy and other issues relating to advocacy and awareness raising strategy.
8. COMMUNICATION AND AWARENESS OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION Advocacy, Communications and Social Mobilisation Campaign implemented. Plan advocacy communication and social mobilisation Campaign. 31 March 2015 Process is still to commence. Dedicated ECD Week held. Develop communication concept paper for ECD week. Raise public awareness of the significance of ECD. Ensure that the public is aware of the availability of and have access to quality ECD programmes/ services. National Steering Committee is meeting monthly and processes are underway planning for the ECD week in March 2015.
8. COMMUNICATION AND AWARENESS OUTPUT TIME FRAME CURRENT SITUATION ECD Annual Awards held. Preparations for the 10th ECD Annual awards. Develop an Action Plan for future ECD Annual Awards. 31 March 2014 National Steering Committee was meeting monthly and the event was held in March 2014. An action plan was developed at the close out meeting held on 26 and 27 March 2015.
ECD Registration process The following are proposed amendments to ECD registration process and practice guidelines ECD Re-Registration has to be completed in terms of the Children’s Act i.e. 5 years after the promulgation of the Act. This process will commence from July 2014 and be completed by March 2015. Proposed gold, silver and bronze categories to ensure that all ECD’s are registered To facilitate the registration process the following amendments were introduced:
ECD Registration Process GOLD LEVEL FULL REGISTRATION Two categories: The category meets 80 to 100 percent of the norms and standards. Private (business oriented) - will not be assisted financially- only monitoring will be done- Proposing that private ECD centres can have exemption criteria for parents who cannot afford the required fee. Public (community based)- full assistance financially- monitoring also done- children do not pay fees if they receive CSG- Propose the utilization of the schools criteria of quintiles N.B. BOTH CATEGORIES MUST MEET THE NORMS AND STANDARDS AS STIPULATED IN THE CA
ECD Registration process SILVER LEVEL CONDITIONAL REGISTRATION – 3 years 50-79% compliance to norms and standards Identify norms and standards not to be compromised (e.g. nutrition, staffing ratio, level of education), safety, protection Screening against CPR, Development plan Utilization of recognized curriculum TWO CATEGORIES Private- will not be supported financially but are expected to comply with norms and standards and will be monitored and inspected as per regulations Public- will be supported financially to comply with norms and standards and will be monitored and inspected as per regulations
ECD Registration process BRONZE LEVEL CONDITIONAL REGISTRATION- 5 years 40-49% Compliance Identify norms and standards not to be compromised (nutrition, staffing (ratio, level of education), health and safety, protection (screening against CPR), development/ stimulation and education programme, utilization of recognized curriculum Full subsidization No fee ECD centre proposed- parents do not pay Criteria- CSG Means test 5 year programme with organizational developmental plan in place and infrastructure development plan Private house/ leased properties utilized as facilities- criteria to be developed (renting)
ECD Registration process REFUSAL/ CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION Below 39% : no compliance with the norms and standards Follow the process of closure in relation to the Children’s Act Safety of children to be prioritized and considered Issue notice of enforcement for closure. Appeal process as per children’s Act
ECD BLOCKAGES ON REGISTRATION PROCESSES Implications for the owners/founders Municipal by laws impact on the registration process Zoning/ rezoning (was it zoned as a house or for facility- NPO) Issuing of health certificate
CAPACITY BULIDING The Department of Social Development is conducting capacity building sessions in relation to Programme of Action, registration and re- registration process, non- Centre based programmes and partial care strategy. 5 provinces ( LP, EC, NC, NW, MP) have been capacitated and the last four (4) provinces will be capacitated during August 2014.
ROLL OUT PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION Phase 1- Policy and Legislative process Preparation for the ECD Policy gazetting process (September 2014). Running the gazetting process and processing comments obtained through the gazetting process (October 2014). Managing the comments and integrate where applicable (November 2014) There after presenting the draft policy to DSD structures, FOSAD and Cabinet (December 2014 to February 2015).
ROLl OUT PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION (cont) Policy and legislation cont… Complete Registration policy- September 2014 Complete Re-Registration of all ECD programmes and services- March 2015 as required by the Children’s Act Complete the Amended Funding policy Completion of the Audit on all legislation and by-laws in local government pertaining to ECD by 2015-16 Preparation and finalisation of legislative Amendments to the Children’s Act by 2015-2016
Roll out plan continued Phase 2- Policy and programme implementation 2015- 2016 Development of Guidelines for implementation of the draft ECD policy and Comprehensive Programme FUNDING Standardised Funding Policy implemented for ECD services and programmes New funding policy implemented in 3 provinces as a pilot and rolled out to all provinces by 2016
Roll Out Plan (Continued) Phase 2- Human Resources ( 2016-17) Continue training of ECD practitioners together with DHET and DBE. Continue with the process of Registration of ECD practitioners into professional bodies as per the POA Provinces to Develop improvement plans for ECD The ECD practitioners are part of the social service professions policy to inform legislation amendments. This excludes educators within this sector
Roll out plan cont Phase 2- Infrastructure Development of costed infrastructure plan with key stakeholders by 2015-2016 in line with the ECD Policy proposals Monitoring and Evaluation Develop an integrated Monitoring and Evaluation tool . 2015-2016 Communication Development of a Communication strategy on ECD 2015-2016 as required by the draft Policy
RECOMMENDATION Portfolio Committee on Social Development to take note of the SA Integrated ECD Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development - Moving Ahead (2013-2016).and its implementation