Heart of Zachry Industrial Services Group. 2 The Purpose of the Heart of Zachry award is to recognize all employees at ISG Sites, which achieve outstanding.


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Presentation transcript:

Heart of Zachry Industrial Services Group

2 The Purpose of the Heart of Zachry award is to recognize all employees at ISG Sites, which achieve outstanding safety performance for the calendar year. The award recognizes those sites, which meet a high standard of performance, and encourages cooperation and partnership between the sites rather than competition. Sites that meet the criteria will be designated as Distinguished Safety Sites and individual employees will be recognize by receipt of The Heart of Zachry Medallion. Each year the criteria are changed to force us to stretch a bit more for Safety Excellence. The following is the 2009 Heart of Zachry Criteria: 1.No Lost Time Incidents 2.RIR of 0.29 or Less

3 Industrial Hygiene: Due A) April 30, 2009 / B&C) December 31, 2009 A.Qualitative exposure assessment completed and turned in by April 30, Many sites have already completed this requirement as per HOZ Qualitative includes: office, shops and areas assessment and diagrams if not already turned in; craft exposure assessment and sample plan (2009 format). B.Quantitative exposure assessment completed prior to December 31, Monitoring conducted as per the qualitative assessment. 2. Monitoring log with results turned in. C.2009 Annual Qualitative Exposure Assessment completed by December 31, 2009.

4 Site Auditing Program Due: A&B) July 31, 2009 / C) December 31,2009 ELEMENT: A.Develop a written program detailing the sites auditing program that describes: a)The assessments conducted by the site (STA Checks and quarterly Site Safety Assessments are required. b)Frequency of audits. c)Identify who is involved (employees, supervision, managers) d)How the site tracks assessments and action items to completion (HITS, ect.) e)How the site communicates the results with employees f)Training requirements. B.1 st and 2 nd quarter Site Safety Assessments and STA Check C.3 rd and 4 th Quarter Site Safety Assessment and STA Check Submit Quarterly Site Safety Assessment and STA Checks

5 Trending, Tracking, Closing the Loop Leading Indicators Due: August 31, 2009 ELEMENT: A.Develop a procedure that clearly states the purpose, process and how results are communicated to employees. B.Track and Trend 3 Leading Indicators such as, behavior observation, site audits, STA Checks, preventive maintenance, planning, scheduling, training, safety suggestions, E square, VPP Goals, Pause Goals, IH Monitoring, (Trailing Indicators such as Injuries, Body Parts, Accidents, RIR are NOT to be used. C.Provide a copy of procedure, examples of tracking, trending and closing the loop.

6 Sharing of Best Practices Due: September 30, 2009 The intent is that the Heart of Zachry designation is given to those jobsites, which help further the entire division’s safety performance and processes. In order to meet the requirements of this element, the jobsite must meet at least on of the following options. 1)Develop and implement a best practice pertaining to safety during )Successfully implement, in 2009, a best practice pertaining to safety that was developed by another ZCC site. 3)During the 2009 year; assist another site in the successful implementation of a Best Practice your site has developed. The job site must provide a write up which includes the following. ELEMENT: A.A description of the problem that led to the development of the best practice (Please be specific and provide a good enough description, which will enable someone from another job site to under stand the situation. B.Best Practice Description. (What did you do?) Please provide enough information and materials that will enable another job site to understand and implement the best practice. C.A thorough analysis of the solution. It must include analysis of the results defining the positive value to the company, such as Lower TRIR, Lower Work Comp costs ect. The ZPS Business Unit or Safety Leadership Team will determine if the submittal meets the criteria.

7 PPE Hazard Assessment Due October ZPS will continue to focus on the basics in its approach to the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). This year the sites will be required to develop a written program, conduct hazard assessment and identify the suitability of current PPE. Remember PPE is the last level of control, not the first. You may find this link useful. ELEMENT: A.Develop and submit a written PPE program / guide that will ensure the greatest possible protection for the employees in the workplace. The program must include at minimum. 1.Controlling Hazards. / 2. Assessments and Selection. / 3. PPE Hazard Assessment. / 4. Required training in the proper fitting, storage, use and care. / 5. Periodic review of the records. i.e., IH Quantitative Assessments (monitoring), incident, injury and illness records to identify trends and implement corrective actions. / 6. What PPE will and will not be provided to the employee at no cost. / 7. PPE Matrix. B.PPE Safety awareness must be a part of all Weekly Toolbox Meetings (Provide at least 3 examples) C.Safety committee must be in place and functioning. This committee can be a part of the safety steering team, must meet at least monthly and maintain meeting minutes that include discussion of PPE and whole body safety. (Provide at least 3 meeting minutes) D.Annually review and update PPE Hazard Assessment and provide a copy. If your site has met the HOZ criteria but has had the misfortune of having a recordable PPE related injury, due to lack of, faulty, worn and not inspected, misuse, ect you will have the opportunity to remain in contention for the Heart of Zachry. The site will submit to the Safety Leadership Team for approval an Action Plan detailing how to prevent the injury from happening again. Must still complete all HOZ requirements including RIR.

8 NCCER Field Safety Training Due December 31, 2009 ELEMENT: A.All salaried Personnel, All Safety Personnel, General Foreman, Foreman and step up / bump up Foreman (On site for more than 3 months) must complete NCCER Field Safety Course Prior to the end of (Does not include Admin. Management Staff) B.Send upon completion.


10 Recognitions: All sites that meet the criteria for the Heart of Zachry Recognition will receive the following: Banner for the Site Heart of Zachry Plaque Heart of Zachry Medallion or each employee Certificate for each Employee Hard Hat Sticker for each Employee Certificate for Customer representative for each site, personally signed by John Zachry framed and ready for presentation to Client Rep. Banner and Medallion will be awarded according to the following schedule: Year One Pewter Year Two Copper Year Three Bronze Year Four Silver Year Five Gold If site achieves a level of recognition and then doesn’t meet the criteria for the following year, they will slide back one position i.e. Gold to Silver, Silver to Bronze ect. The intent is to encourage all sites to pursue being designated as a Distinguished Safety Site, at the highest level possible ultimately to Client Rep. Ultimately leading to VPP designation. The criteria require a site to be involved in the following pro-active activities in order to be eligible for the award.

11 In the hands of the Craft Worker lies the Heart of Zachry. Its beat preserved by hands that build, hands that help, hands that care, hands that support. By hands that are strong, safe, and skilled, Principled hands, solid with integrity conditioned by wisdom. Hands guided by intellect, innovation; hands shaped by experience; hands reaching out; hands joined in teamwork. In the hands of the Craft Worker lies the Heart or Zachry

12 In 2009 there were 30 Zachry Sites that qualified to receive the Heart of Zachry Award and together they worked over 6 million work hours for an OSHA Recordable Incident Rate of 0.06