1 Uniform Complaint Procedures Local District 6 Los Angeles Unified School District
2 What is a UCP Complaint? An allegation about a possible violation of federal and state law or regulation A complaint that is related to the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Sections
3 UCP Related Programs Adult Education Career Technical Education Child Development Consolidated Programs Indian Education Migrant Education Nutrition Services Special Education
4 Consolidated Categorical Aid Programs (Federal) No Child Left Behind Act of Title I (Basic Programs) - Title II (Teacher Quality and Technology) - Title III (Limited English Proficient) - Title IV (Safe and Drug Free Schools) - Title V (Innovative Strategies) - Title VI (Rural and Low Income School Programs)
5 Consolidated Categorical Aid Programs (State) Economic Impact Aid / State Compensatory Education (EIA/SCE) Economic Impact Aid / State Program for Students of Limited English Proficiency (EIA/LEP) School Improvement Tenth-Grade Counseling Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) School Safety and Violence Prevention Act
6 Unlawful Discrimination Title 5, California Code of Regulation Section 4610 Civil Rights Protection AgeAncestry SexNational origin Sexual orientationReligion GenderColor Ethnic identificationMental disability Race Physical disability
7 Filing a Complaint Who can file? Any person, public agency, or organization is eligible to file.
8 Where Are The Complaints Filed? The complaints may be referred to the identified District office for internal resolution. It must be recommended to the complainants that, within reason, they should try to resolve the issues at the school or at the local district office.
9 Steps The complainant must submit a written complaint to the district representative : Deborah S. Ernst, Director Los Angeles Unified School District Specially Funded Programs, Compliance and Technical Support 701 W. Cesar Chavez Avenue, Suite 102 Los Angeles, CA The complainant may ask for help to fill out the complaint form. The form must be signed. The complaint won’t be processed if more than six months have passed since the incident.
10 Investigative Process Within sixty days the school district must: –Acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing. –Review the complaint to see if it meets the criteria. –Provide a copy of the district policy and appeal procedures advising of those instances when a complaint may be filed directly with the State Department of Education or the appropriate civil agency. –Determine whether the complainant and the district representative will participate in mediation to resolve the complaint prior to a formal investigation. –Conduct the investigation and prepare a written report on findings and recommended solutions.
11 Complaint Resolution During the investigative process: –The complainant will have an opportunity to present information related to the complaint. –Statements will be taken from witnesses or persons that can provide relevant information related to the alleged violation. –Relevant documents will be revised.
12 Complaint Resolution During the investigative process: –A written report will be prepared with the results of the investigation, corrective actions, suggested solutions and an explanation of the results. –Copies of the report will be provided to the complainant in his language of choice, as well as to the administrator of the school involved in the incident. –The complainant will be notified of his/her right to appeal the decision if is not satisfactory
13 Appeals The complainant must file an appeal within 15 days of receiving the resolution from the district. The appeal must be in writing and must be sent to: –For allegations of discrimination Educational Equity Compliance Office (LAUSD) –Include reasons for the appeal and a copy of the district’s resolution. –For allegations related to categorical programs California State Department of Education
14 Appeals Hierarchy LAUSD California State Department of Education State Superintendent of Public Education United States Department of Education
15 Questions?