Magnet Day 2 Wednesday 10 th December
What is this song about? Why do you think it has been so popular? Do you agree with the message?
To understand the meaning of self- esteem To identify factors that can affect our self-concept To look at the way the media can affect our self-esteem To be aware of ways in which we can boost our self-esteem Article 17 – The right to be protected from harmful materials in the media Article 3 – The best interests of the child must be the top priority Article 12 – The right to be heard
Knowing and liking yourself Being happy to be you Holding your head up high about the way you are Not being self conscious Not comparing yourself to others
Self image is the way someone sees themselves You can have an positive self-image or a negative self image. People who suffer from a negative self-image usually see themselves as worse than they are (conditions like anorexia and bulimia can result from a negative/distorted self-image resulting in them hating the way they look). If you have a positive self-image you are more likely to see yourself how you actually look not just how you think you look.
Are people obsessed with self- esteem / self image? Is this a new obsession?
Age Appearance Culture Emotional development Education Relationships with others Sexual orientations Life experiences Task: Create a spider diagram that illustrates the factors that can affect self-concept ie. how we see ourselves Factors affecting our self concept:
Real life The most well balanced and ’ordinary’ people can be affected by what we see around us each day. Life is full of images in the form of advertising telling us what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Today we will explore some ideas associated with advertising, role models, peer pressure and self-esteem.
Group Activity In groups, look through the articles and find examples of pictures/pieces of text that you feel put pressure on males & females to look a particular way. Do you think anyone could benefit from the low self-esteem brought on by these images?
Don’t always believe what you see.....
Discuss these statements. What are your feelings about them? Do you disagree or agree? Have you got an experience you want to share linked to one of these?
Individual Activity Complete the questionnaire to see how much you understand about your own self esteem. Fill this in this honestly – you will not be asked to share your responses with anyone.
15-50: Great! Your body image is healthy and relatively positive : You fall in the middle, or average range. While your body image is better than some, you could appreciate your body more for what it does for you : Body image is a real struggle for you. Take some time to pamper your body, and work on the mental aspects of the problem, by picking up a body-positive book, or joining a support group.
These vary but can include the following … Feeling that you're not good enough - even if you are Decreased confidence Putting yourself down all the time Being too scared to try new things Unsure of your good qualities Making no effort because you expect to mess things up Being timid, not asserting yourself Losing your temper Picking fights Worrying about getting even Blaming others for your problems Constantly bickering about petty issues
10 tips to increase your self-esteem 1.Do activities that you enjoy. 2.Spend time with positive, supportive people. 3.Be helpful and considerate to others. 4.Try not to compare yourself to other people. 5.Try to do regular exercise, eat healthily and get enough sleep. 6.Be assertive – don’t let people treat you with a lack of respect. 7.Write down 5 positive things about your day before you go to bed. 8.Learn to challenge your negative beliefs – don’t let the negative voice take over. 9.Acknowledge your positive qualities and things you are good at. 10.Get into the habit of thinking and saying positive things about yourself.
Your best friend Friendship groups Older students People you don’t get on with YourselfTeachers People you don’t know Brothers or sisters Parents How would you arrange these in order of importance to how you think they affect your self esteem [the most important 1 st ] Can you say how they might affect in a positive or a negative way? How do other people in your life affect your self-esteem?
THINK ABOUT/DISCUSS… 1. Are young people in particular more interested in what a person looks like, rather than their personality? 2. Do you think people can ever be judged purely on ability? 3. Should the media be allowed to alter images of celebrities? 4. Should the media use a greater variety of shapes and sizes as models? IS THERE ANYTHING YOU COULD DO TO ENSURE THAT YOUNG PEOPLE DO NOT FEEL PRESSURE TO LOOK / ACT A CERTAIN WAY?
I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful. ~Author Unknown Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. ~Kahlil Gibran That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful. ~Ninon de L'Enclos Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~Confucius You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because you love her. ~Author Unknown