Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 1 Bilingual Coordinators’ Network Meeting March 19, 2009 Presenters – Paula Jacobs Roxann Purdue Lisa Winstead Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 2 Today’s Topics Appropriate Assignment CTEL Programs and Exams Certificate of Completion of Staff Development (CCSD) Bilingual Programs and Exams AB1871 – Update Questions?
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 33 Identifying if English Learner Instructional Services are Required Local level is responsible for determining whether a student needs EL services based on assessment If EL instructional services are needed, CTC will advise on appropriate EL authorization Requiring an EL authorization for all teachers even those not providing EL services is an employment decision not within the authority of the CTC
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 44 Does a teacher need to hold a credential or authorization? Need to hold appropriate authorization prior to providing services including instructional services to ELs Only teachers providing EL instructional services need to hold an EL authorization EC Sections 44001, 44830(a), 44831, and
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 55 Appropriate Assignment If EL instructional services are needed then an EL authorization is required regardless of... Schools’ “decile” rank Subject area or type of setting Number of students in the class requiring EL services
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 66 Types of English Learner Assignments English Language Development (ELD) - Specialized program of English language instruction designed to promote second language acquisition of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) - Instructional approach to teach subject matter, such as math, to EL students in English Bilingual - Instruction in academic subjects presented in student’s primary language
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 77 CLAD Certificate California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL) Program Route For teaching credential holders who have not earned an English Learner authorization Programs are either 24 semester/36 quarter units or 12 upper division/graduate/18 quarter units
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 88 CTEL Approved Programs 18 CTEL programs approved Listed on the Approved Program chart on Commission website – – _apm/recordlist_SCCclad.html _apm/recordlist_SCCclad.html Application submitted as online recommendation from approved sponsor
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 9 CLAD Course Work Update Final date a candidate could complete course work under the CLAD Certificate guidelines was 01/31/2008 If not completed, contact an IHE with a new CTEL approved program IHE determines if course work applies toward an approved CTEL program Coded 07-17
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 10 If all appropriate course work is completed but the individual does not apply by 1/31/2008, the course work may still be used for CLAD Certificate Eligibility is based on date course work was completed not application receipt date at Commission CLAD Course Work Timeline
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 1111 CTEL Exam Built on same Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities as CTEL Program Standards – – Test 1: Language and Language Development – – Test 2: Assessment and Instruction – – Test 3: Culture and Inclusion Information at Exam offered December and June
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 12 Emergency CLAD Teaching Permit Appropriate prerequisite credential Bachelor’s degree Basic Skills Requirement, unless exempt Issued in one year periods 6 semester units of CTEL course work or passage of 2 CTEL exams required for renewal (For renewal based on appeal - refer to CIA 08-19) Same authorization as CLAD Certificate/ Emphasis and English Learner Authorization
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 13 Certificate of Completion of Staff Development (CCSD) Under SB 1292 only available to teachers with designated subjects teaching credentials (vocational/career technical education or special subjects) and holders of services credentials with a special class authorization Statute requires these credential holders to complete training in SDAIE of not less than 45 hours, but does not allow the holders to earn the authorization for teaching ELD.
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 14 CCSD for Elementary, Secondary and Special Education Credentials 1/1/2008: Final date to complete appropriate staff development 12/31/2008: Latest filing or issuance date and applications MUST be RECEIVED at Commission by this date Ending date individuals may be assigned on the basis of CCSD ‘program enrollment’ Coded 07-16
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 15 CCSD for Designated Subject and Services Credential with Special Class Authorization (SCA) Holders Appropriate prerequisite document Commission-approved CCSD program Authorizes SDAIE only
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 16 CCSD Program Guidelines Designated Subjects and Services with SCA Credentials New guidelines adopted by the Commission on 1/31/2008 Submission and Timeline Handbook available Current programs need to be re-written to the new guidelines in order to offer courses as of March 1, New programs may also submit proposals. Reviews are in process.
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 17 CCSD Option Holders of designated subjects teaching credentials or service credentials with a special class authorization ONLY Complete 3 semester or 4 quarter unit Commission-approved SDAIE course CIA 08-06
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 18 BCLAD Certificate For teaching credential holders who have not earned a bilingual authorization concurrently with completion of a multiple or single subject teaching credential program For teachers coming from outside of California that need a bilingual authorization
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 1919 BCLAD Examination Route CSET: LOTE Subtests IV & V built on same KSAs as program standards Examinees take CSET: LOTE II/III—Language of Emphasis IV—Methodology V—Culture
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 2020 New CSET Alternative Language Exams Process For languages other than English for which there are no subject matter programs or examination available Two step process: standardized exam plus locally administered language skills examination (listening, speaking, reading, writing)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 2121 Alternative LOTE: Standardized Examination Standardized exam available July 1, 2009 Culture of the target language group General Linguistics Literary and Cultural Texts, Traditions and Analysis (includes oral traditions in place of texts for nontext-based languages)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 2222 Alternative LOTE: Local Language Assessment For Native American languages, local agencies will do the entire assessment Local assessor agencies must apply to the Commission for approval Coded Correspondence includes details, eligibility requirements for assessor agencies and assessors, and application processes
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 23 Corresponding CSET BCLAD Subtest LOTE Subtest Test 4: Methodology Test IV: Bilingual Methodology Test 5: Culture Test V: Culture Test 6: Language Test II/III: Language (listening, speaking, (listening, speaking, reading, writing) reading, writing) Transition from BCLAD to CSET Current CTEL exam by which a candidate may earn a CLAD Certificate is not affected by consolidated exams structure
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 2424 Candidates with an Existing Credential- Streamlined Structure (Exams Route Only) Additional Credential Required CSET: Desired LOTE Subtests Hold a bilingual authorization, want toI and II earn a Foreign Language (LOTE) authorization * Hold a Foreign Language (LOTE) authorization, IV and V want to earn a bilingual authorization **
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 25 Candidates with an Existing Credential- Streamlined Structure (Exams Route Only) *Teachers with a bilingual authorization and a multiple subject credential will also need to take a single subject pedagogy course **LOTE credentialed teachers must also have an authorization to teach ELs in order to qualify for a bilingual authorization In all cases, the bilingual authorization would still be dependent on the candidate’s basic credential authorization
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 26 Initial Language-Related Credential- Streamlined Structure (Exam Route Only) Initial Credential DesiredRequired CSET:LOTE Subtests Bilingual authorization (BCLAD)* III,IV, and V Foreign Language authorization (LOTE) I, II, and III Both Bilingual and Foreign Language* I, II, III, IV, and V *LOTE credentialed teachers must also have an authorization to teach ELs to qualify for a bilingual authorization Holders of a bilingual authorization and a multiple subject credential also need to take a single subject pedagogy course
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 27 AB 1871 (Coto) English Learner and Bilingual Authorizations Signed by Governor September 30, 2008 Effective January 1, 2009 Staggered implementation dates Official Coded Correspondence Coming Soon!
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 28 AB 1871 (Coto) Highlights Provides additional options for earning English learner and bilingual authorizations Stipulates individuals will earn an “authorization” on the prerequisite document rather than separate CLAD and BCLAD certificates Requires assessment of language proficiency for all routes to earn a bilingual authorization
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 29 AB 1871 (Coto) Options for Earning Bilingual Authorization Approved program route Examination route Combination of coursework from approved program and BCLAD/CSET examinations (Approved program determines equivalency) NOTE: Recommendation by approved program required for both program and combination of program and examination
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 30 Bilingual Program Route Authorization may be earned concurrently with completion of a multiple and single subject credential Program may be written to add bilingual authorization for those already credentialed (AB 1871) Program may include coursework and examination (AB 1871)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 31 AB 1871 (Coto) New Option for Earning English Learner Authorization Combination of coursework from an approved CTEL program and CTEL Examination (Approved program determines equivalency) NOTE: Recommendation by approved program required for combination of program and examination
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 32 Reminder Online Documents Effective September 1, 2008, the Commission no longer prints, distributes, or mails paper documents – – regardless of when the application was received or whether it was a direct or online application Documents are available through an online view and print process approximately 48 hours after the document has been processed
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Ensuring Educator Excellence 33 Questions? Comments? Thanks!