Rowland Unified School District Student Assessment California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) Test Site Coordinator Training Rowland Unified School District September 19, 2014
2 General Updates No changes to CAHSEE content or administration for 2014–15: Seven administrations Dates and guidelines available at Content for English-language arts and mathematics based on content standards adopted by the State Board of Education in 2003 Grade ten census administration used in calculating Adequate Yearly Progress to meet federal requirements
3 What’s New Administration Training Video posted on ETS CAHSEE Web site at: Performance Roster and Demographic Summary Reports are available for download through CAHSEE Online. Student demographic data changes for CAHSEE are made through CALPADS
4 Maintaining Test Security
5 To ensure test security, LEA coordinators must: Read, agree to, sign, and return the Test Security Agreement to ETS Ensure all test site coordinators read and sign the Test Security Agreement and all who have access to the secure test materials should also read, sign and agree to the Test Security Affidavit
6 Maintaining Test Security (Continued)
8 Keep materials in secure, locked storage Establish and maintain procedures that will prevent cheating All test examiners, proctors, and other school personnel must be properly trained; they must also sign and submit a Test Security Affidavit The wide use of cell phones and text messaging requires test examiners and proctors to be extremely vigilant The return of test booklets and materials must be monitored closely
9 Maintaining Test Security (Continued) It is important to inform students before and during testing that if they are found cheating or to have compromised the security of the examination, their test results may be invalidated.
10 Maintaining Test Security (Continued) Compromising the security of this examination includes the use of cell phones, electronic pagers, music players, and all other electronic devices during the test administration. If any of these devices are used, for example, to take pictures of CAHSEE test materials to post on social media Web sites, then test results may be invalidated and not scored.
11 Maintaining Test Security (Continued) Handle potential testing irregularities. Call ETS and the CDE to report security breaches or test administration incidents Cooperate with GCS Field Research (formerly Global Compliance Services) when they conduct security audits: Before testing During testing After testing
12 Overview of CAHSEE
13 CAHSEE Purpose Improve student achievement in public high schools and ensure that students who graduate from public high schools can demonstrate competency in reading, writing, and mathematics
14 CAHSEE Content The CAHSEE has two parts: English-language arts (ELA) State content standards up to grade ten Mathematics State content standards in grades six, seven, and Algebra I
15 CAHSEE Requirement All students, except for eligible students with disabilities, must satisfy the CAHSEE requirement, as well as all other state and local requirements, to receive a California public high school diploma.
16 CAHSEE Requirement The CAHSEE requirement can be satisfied by: passing the examination, or for eligible students with disabilities, meeting the exemption requirement pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section , or receiving a local waiver pursuant to EC Section 60851(c).
17 RUSD CAHSEE Administrations October 7-8 November 4-5 December 6 & 13 February 3-4 March May Grade 10 (Census) Grade 10 (Make up) Grade 11 Grade 12 Adult
18 CAHSEE Testing Opportunities Grade ten: one time (March, make-up May) Grade eleven: *two times Grade twelve: *at least three, but up to five times Adult students: *three times * May participate in successive administrations.
19 Test Day Test Session Approximate Working Time Approximate Total Administration Time Day 1 ELA 12 hours 2 hours 30 minutes 2 1 hour 30 minutes 2 hours Day 2 Math 1 1 hour 30 minutes 2 hours 2 1 hour 30 minutes 2 hours Approximate Testing Times
20 Maintaining Test Security
21 Maintaining Test Security To ensure test security, LEA coordinators must: Read, agree to, sign, and return the Test Security Agreement to ETS Ensure all test site coordinators read and sign the Test Security Agreement and all who have access to the secure test materials should also read, sign and agree to the Test Security Affidavit
22 Maintaining Test Security (Continued)
23 Maintaining Test Security (Continued)
24 Maintaining Test Security (Continued) Keep materials in secure, locked storage Establish and maintain procedures that will prevent cheating All test examiners, proctors, and other school personnel must be properly trained; they must also sign and submit a Test Security Affidavit The wide use of cell phones and text messaging requires test examiners and proctors to be extremely vigilant The return of test booklets and materials must be monitored closely
25 Maintaining Test Security (Continued) It is important to inform students before and during testing that if they are found cheating or to have compromised the security of the examination, their test results may be invalidated.
26 Maintaining Test Security (Continued) Compromising the security of this examination includes the use of cell phones, electronic pagers, music players, and all other electronic devices during the test administration. If any of these devices are used, for example, to take pictures of CAHSEE test materials to post on social media Web sites, then test results may be invalidated and not scored.
27 Maintaining Test Security (Continued) Handle potential testing irregularities. Call ETS and the CDE to report security breaches or test administration incidents Cooperate with GCS Field Research (formerly Global Compliance Services) when they conduct security audits: Before testing During testing After testing
28 Test Site Coordinator Responsibilities TSC
29 Before Testing Attend training Send signed Test Security Agreement and Affidavits to LEA coordinator Read the responsibilities and procedures in the “test site coordinator” section of the LEATSCM TSC
30 Inform parents, students and teachers about the testing schedule Inform teachers about their students’ attendance at the testing session Work with your LEA coordinator to resolve problems Before Testing (Continued) TSC
31 Organize and supervise all activities necessary to conduct testing at school site Collect signed Test Security Affidavits from all who have access to test materials Control inventory. Use Test Site Security Tracking Form and Inventory Form-Test Site Before Testing (Continued) TSC
32 Sample Test Site Packing List. This form shows all the materials your school site boxes contain. Before Testing (Continued) TSC
33 Before Testing (Continued) Sample Inventory Form Test Site. This form helps you to account for all test booklets. TSC
34 Receive test materials Conduct an inventory of all materials within 24 hours of receipt Look at sequence numbers written on top of the boxes and make sure all boxes are accounted for Box 1 of 10, 2 of 10, etc. Before Testing (Continued) TSC
35 Follow the checklist for Inventorying Test Materials at the Test Site (pg. 24 of the LEATSCM) Save original boxes for return shipments Contact LEA Coordinator with additional material requests Before Testing (Continued) TSC
36 Keep test materials secure (Test booklets, Audio CDs, Answer Documents, etc.) in sealed boxes in a locked storage space at all times when not in use for test administration Test booklets are shrink-wrapped in sets. Do not remove the shrink-wrap until absolutely necessary. Before Testing (Continued) TSC
37 Train test examiners and proctors Include the following: Responsibilities of test examiners and proctors Security of test materials Active monitoring of students during testing Watch for electronic devices Testing schedules and locations Preparation of test locations for test administration Arrangement for proctors, as required Before Testing (Continued) TSC
38 Train test examiners and proctors (continued) Information about students who have accommodations/modifications in IEP or 504 plan Directions for Administration-Special Test Versions manual Verification of student’s identity Distribution of test materials Assistance with directions Administration of the test Before Testing (Continued) TSC
39 Train test examiners and proctors (continued) Completion of score codes Collection of, and accounting for, all test materials Scheduling and procedures for returning test materials to test site coordinator Before Testing (Continued) TSC
40 Prepare answer documents One answer document must be submitted for each student testing If using Pre-ID service, prepare blank answer documents for recently enrolled students who have not passed one or both sections VOID documents for students who are no longer enrolled or who were incorrectly included in the Pre-ID file Before Testing (Continued) TSC
41 Prepare and distribute test materials using the Inventory Form-Test Site Materials for Each Test Examiner Number to Include Directions for Administration manual1 per examiner Test booklets1 per student + 1 for examiner Answer documents1 per student + 1 blank No. 2 pencils1 per student + a few extras Before Testing (Continued) TSC
42 Actively monitor the test administration Visit each testing room to make sure administration scripts are being read word-for-word Ensure students have sufficient time to test Ensure proper monitoring of breaks and extended breaks taken during testing, such as lunch During Testing TSC
43 Be prepared for emergency situations, restroom passes, etc. Document testing incidents and potential test security breaches If applicable, complete the Test Administration Incident Report Form and/or the Test Security Breach Report Form. Ensure compliance with all examination procedures During Testing (Continued) TSC
44 Maintaining Test Security (Continued) It is important to inform students before and during testing that, if they are found cheating or to have compromised the security of the examination, their test results may be invalidated. TSC
45 Maintaining Test Security (Continued) Compromising the security of this examination includes the use of cell phones, electronic pagers, music players, and all other electronic devices during the test administration. If any of these devices are used, for example, to take pictures of CAHSEE test materials to post on social media Web sites, then test results may be invalidated and not scored. TSC
46 Administration Reminders: Scratch paper is not allowed. Do not allow students to use extra paper to answer their ELA writing tasks. All responses to math and ELA items, including writing task, must be recorded with No. 2 pencil on a single answer document. Do not use a pre-ID answer document from one administration for another. During Testing (Continued) TSC
47 Administration Reminders (Continued) Do not use correction fluid on any answer documents. Do not use paper clips, tape, staples, or glue on the answer documents. Do not attach removable “self-stick” notes to the answer documents. During Testing (Continued) TSC
48 Administration Reminders (Continued) Do not disassemble or pull pages out of the multi-page answer document or insert additional pages. If an answer document is damaged, the answers must be transcribed onto a new one and all student fields must be hand-marked. During Testing (Continued) TSC
49 Testing variations: Provide accommodations and/or modifications to eligible students if specified in their IEP or 504 plan Provide identified English learners authorized test variations if regularly used in the classroom During Testing (Continued) TSC
50 Collect all examination materials after each test session Verify that all test materials from test examiners are accounted for Put the scorable answer documents in a secure place between test sessions After Testing TSC
51 Prepare answer documents for return Inspect for stray marks If a student has a Pre-ID answer document, check to make sure the fields that were not Pre-ID are filled in. If a student is new or does not have a Pre-ID answer document, all data must be hand-marked. After Testing (Continued) TSC
52 Check answer documents Check that Box 3 Score Code is completed on all scorable answer documents After Testing (Continued) TSC
53 Check Box 24 Accommodations and Modifications Test examiner must grid Box 24 Accommodations and Modifications codes if any were actually used. Test site coordinator’s or designee’s signature is required to confirm that accommodations and/or modifications were offered whether used or not. After Testing (Continued) TSC
54 If used, the correct code must be hand-marked on the answer document. After Testing (Continued) TSC
55 Transcribe student answers as required: If any student marks answers anywhere other than in the answer document as a condition of his or her IEP or 504 plan, an authorized person must transfer the answers to the answer document exactly as produced by the student. If a student uses more than one answer document, answers must be transcribed into a single document. Pages from two documents may not be physically combined. After Testing (Continued) TSC
56 VOID an answer document if: The document has been damaged. It is a Pre-ID document for a student who is no longer enrolled in the LEA. A student has used more than one answer document and the answers have been transcribed onto another that has already been included in the scorable materials. After Testing (Continued) TSC
57 Prepare scorable answer documents for return Locate the large plastic bag labeled “Test Site Coordinator Packet” that contains all your return instructions and labels. Separate and count answer documents by grade. Do not mix scorable and non-scorable materials. After Testing (Continued) TSC
58 Prepare scorable answer documents for return (Continued) Use appropriate SGID for each grade Hand-mark section B: Grade, Number of Answer Documents, Date of Exam Place SGID on top of appropriate grade level documents Wrap each bundle with paper bands provided in groups of 100 Place BLUE Shipping Labels on boxes with scorable answer documents After Testing (Continued) TSC
BROWN Grade 10 only TEAL Grade 11 only GREEN Grade 12 only GRAY Adult education only 59 School and Grade Identification (SGID) Sheet SAMPLE After Testing (Continued) TSC
60 Prepare nonscorable materials for return Test Site Packing List and Security Tracking Forms Unused SGIDs Test Booklets, including large print and Braille Audio CDs All original copies of transcribed essays Place PINK shipping labels on boxes with non-scorable materials After Testing (Continued) TSC
61 Enter school scorable totals Enter school non-scorable totals After Testing (Continued) TSC
62 Return materials to your LEA coordinator Follow specific information from LEA coordinator and return materials accordingly and appropriately to the LEA office for consolidation of all test sites’ materials After Testing (Continued) TSC
63 Resources
64 Training Presentation Available Presentation materials posted at: Look in the “About CAHSEE” tab
65 CAHSEE Regulations California Code of Regulations, Title 5, sections 1200 to 1225 govern the administration of the CAHSEE in concert with state law (California Education Code sections to 60859) The CAHSEE regulations can be found at ents/cahseedec09regs.doc ents/cahseedec09regs.doc
66 Special Education and English Learner Resources Available at: Q & A about Test Variations Request for Test Variations Scribe Guidelines Matrix 2: Testing Variations, Accommodations, and Modifications for Administration of the California High School Exit Examination, California English Language Development Test, and Physical Fitness Test Matrix 3: English Learner Test Variations for Administration of the California High School Exit Examination and the Physical Fitness Test